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-An Alchemical Lottery!-


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-A Mitzuul Alchemical Lottery!-

[!] Exotic birds carry the flyer to various receivers, who are meant to publicly spread the news as well. Aside of that, they are also publicly delivered in public areas, mostly within Iron Accord territories. [!]


Alchemy - Ashes of Creation Wiki


Recently, the alchemist Rha'kir can be seen preparing instruments and herbal plants around his home. It is evident, he is preparing to soon teach a class of new alchemists. However, this privilege was supposed to be only allowed for inhabitants of the Mitzuul Grove.


Though, due to discussions with a  friend, one spot in this upcoming class shall be handed out to an individual by the help of lady luck!



By buying a ticket to enter this lottery, you will have a chance to be placed into the upcoming class and be taught Alchemy! May luck be on your side, as the rest of the class is already filled up!



One ticket is 15 mina!



If you buy a ticket, your name shall be entered in the lottery. You are able to buy more tickets and your name shall be entered several times, equivalent to the amount of tickets you bought.


! You are only allowed to buy 3 tickets max !


If you do not win, then this lottery won’t be for nothing! Every ticket will be worth a 20% discount on 1 alchemy potion/powder commissioned by Rha'kir. Every ticket is worth 20% separately and discounts cannot be stacked, and neither can the discounts be used on entire batches of potions, it's a 20% discount per 1 unit. 












You will be given a RP ticket item by me in roleplay which can be used for the 20% discount after the lottery has ended. The lottery will end 14/5 (14 May, 4 PM ESt, Friday). This is due to me using the remainder of this week to study for exams. I shall contact whoever wins and publicly announce the winner on the end of this thread that day. Classes might start a little slow because of exams but it will gain track quickly when they are over because I have vacation afterward :D


Thought this could be fun


You can either enter by commenting on the thread with the following format, or if you for some reason cannot comment on here, send it through DM's to chaos#7283




Roleplay name: 

Discord tag:

Amount of tickets:




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IGN: Brathmordakin

Roleplay name: Bryldryn Grandaxe

Discord tag: angella302🦄#8603

Amount of tickets: 3

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IGN: __Clocky

Roleplay name:  Bugharz'Grat

Discord tag: __Clocky#6667

Amount of tickets: 3

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Some old man scowled at the missive, but then was shortly reduced to weeping at the thought.

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IGN: UgBrainHurty

Roleplay name: Raymond

Discord tag: Tyrone#0128

Amount of tickets: 3

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A particular elf looked upon the bird, taking up the missive and deftly reading over its contents.
Sighing softly, he shook his head and tossed it into the nearest flame, before setting back to his own studies.

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Some wiseman clad in heavy robes gazed upon the missive, and with squinted eyes, he murmured something beneath his breath. "How could one sell such wisdom for meaningless currency?"


IGN: Wizard0fNOZ

Roleplay name: Saevel

Discord tag: Nozoa#5616

Amount of tickets: 3

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IGN: Juhti

Roleplay name: Urist Ireheart

Discord tag: Judy#7068

Amount of tickets: 3

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OOC: I shall be sorting through the admissions when I wake up. So you all don't worry


[!] A little parchment is attached later on: "Mina made by the lottery is to be donated to various causes such as war efforts, struggling individuals, and a portion will be given to the Treasury of the Mitzuul Grove so they may buy a bank.


OOC: Forgot to add this in the original post

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IGN: Moonish_Imp

Roleplay name: Atsuki Waythe 

Discord tag: Moonish_Imp#1468

Amount of tickets: 1

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IGN: tadabug2000

Roleplay name: Chen Yunya

Discord tag: beautifulwatty#6584

Amount of tickets: 4, please

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IGN: AudryTheOddity

Roleplay name: Andria

Discord tag: AudTheOdd#1560

Amount of tickets: 3

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IGN: Prifter

Roleplay name: Drazharr Doomforged 

Discord tag: Prifter#9804

Amount of tickets: 3

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IGN: BemoBlue

Roleplay name: Feliks Jusmia

Discord tag:

Amount of tickets: 3


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