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On the Petition for Ecclesiastical Trial


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On the Petition for Ecclesiastical Trial


The missive would be sent to Joaquin Nuñez of Osanora. and would also be published around the churches of Almari. Stamped with the coat of arms of Johan Vuiller.



“Joaquin Nuñez of Osanora. do know that your petition has not been ignored. It has been heard within our halls. The crimes against our Holy Laws, His laws that you describe has been broken is not something we the Tribunal take lightly. So I invite you to bring any eyewitnesses to meet with me, the Auditor of the Tribunal in neutral territory of the Dual Kingdoms of Haenseti-Ruska. A case of this matter involving such names of high profile in both Haense and Oren must be discussed on multiple levels and times. Thus I wish to start with any eye witnesses you might have for your cause to meet with me so that their testimonies can be written down directly from the source. A matter of hearsay will not be valid in such an offense. If their testimonies and the stories told are as you state found to be in breach of our most Holy Laws as ecclesiastical trial shall find place in our most holy of houses.


The crimes you have accused these members of are 

I. Committed a crime against GOD by murdering innocents;

II. Committed a crime against GOD by attempting to murder one who has not obtained the age of majority;

III. Committed a crime against GOD by encouraging and commanding members of the Imperial State Army to breach canon law;

IV. Broke Canon Law by not attempting to resolve violent conflicts with as few casualties as possible, and assaulting targets that were unnecessary for a speedy and virtuous pace;

V. Broke Canon Law by not treating prisoners of war humanly.


These testimonies will be taken into regards to see if these laws have been broken, and if found to be correct will be used as evidence in an ecclesiastical trial. here the people of interest giving their testimonies will be asked to speak before the Tribunal and those present.


The testimonies of those accused of these crimes will also be taken into consideration before a verdict is made on if the matter will move to ecclesiastical trial. This to ensure that both sides will be heard. The list of accused goes as followed;


The Count of Susa, Iskander Alexios Basrid. @KBR

The Count of Valles, Erik Othaman. @grnappa

The Countess of Halstaig, Azariah O`Rourke.

The Count of Kositz, Erik Ruthern. @Imperium


All of those listed above have been accused of crimes against the noble flock, the Sons and Daughters of Horen. Even if these men and women have denied His eternal Light we must remember that they can still find salvation, but it will not be found at the end of a blade. Thus, I call upon all of you to testify and give your side of the story before a decision shall be made. These testimonies shall be held within the walls of Providence. 

Also we must not forget that the actions of a few does not shine over the Empire as a whole if these men are to be found guilty of these accusations. as St. Harald though us. we do not punish the many, for the actions of the few. Godspeed.” 



Johan Vuiller “Horens Giant”

Head of House Vuiller, Auditor of the Tribunal.

Knight-Regent Emeritus. Knight of the Black Sepulchre.

Protector of the Church of the Canon and her faithful



I will be without internet from the 13th of may until the 18th. my time is quite limited so do send me a msg on discord so we can try to agree on a time for the testimonies. 


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Patriarch Alfred smiles the sun's smile, nodding in approval of his brother's letter, "Good work, Johan."

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A particular Hound would poke its head out of its crypt, craning its neck downwards to properly regard the missive that had been affixed to such by phantasmal crow. It blinked a few times, murmuring lowly thereafter in most impressed manner.


"... Perhaps I was wrong about my dearest Voice." 

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