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Thesis on Authority


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Thesis on Authority 

Jose Mendez, Acolyte 


My brothers and sisters in faith, have asked this question, many times throughout all time, what is the greatest threat to our faith, our lifestyle. GOD himself. Is it the apostate in Norland, wishing to destroy our faith, the heretic taking part in unvirtuous deeds behind closed doors? Nay I say to these, the greatest threat that faces our religion, are those who seek themselves above GOD. The leader, the monarch, the mortal, that seeks to control those who claim that they speak for GOD, rather than focus on the people of which they find themselves above. That, THAT is the true evil that is the greatest threat to the holy mother church, THAT is our biggest threat. Not the powers of the outside wanting to destroy the inside, but the powers of the inside, poisoning us, and killing us. A house of which falls from the outside, can always be rebuilt, but a house of which was destroyed from the inside. Will be irreversibly broken, and unable to be rebuilt. 

Throughout history we have seen many leaders seek to place themselves above GOD, and all have ended in ways of which were not dignified. As the scroll of virtue states, “ Lo and attend, for I am the Lord GOD, and I am in the foremost part of heaven. Though the spring flower withers and the fruit of the tree falls to the ground, My Word lasts into the eve of the world, and the fruit of virtue cannot rot.” The scroll states that there is no one above GOD, it calls to the very foundations of our belief, and our duty as members of the flock of GOD to ensure that our leaders, and all mortals obey such foundational beliefs. The greatest damage one could do is the claiming to be above GOD, by in leadership performing non virtuous deeds deliberately, one will destroy not just their nation, but the faith in GOD with the nation itself. By using the word of GOD to benefit themselves for their own personal gain, squeeze the common man out of their money or living, that is the biggest threat to the holy mother church. For it is our leaders, if they take advantage of others, that violate the trust of the common people, 

Like with all words, they can be twisted, turned to benefit one's own cause, and these words are like all other words. Many may wonder, how must we determine if a leader is trying to paint themselves above GOD? Firstly, GOD has made all of us in his image, he has made it imperfect, with flaws like everything else. Since we are all flawed people, our leaders shall be flawed, their flaws is what makes them the mortals of which GOD has created us. There is a main difference in mistakes of which hold no mal intent, and mal intent which hold no mistakes. If a leader has a lapse in judgement and virtue, it is our duty to call out. If a leader is unvirtuous it is our duty to critique them, if a leader is intentionally squeezing the populous, it is our duty to overthrow them by any means necessary, to preserve the virtue of our sacred institutions. 

So in conclusion my brothers and sisters, it is not the heathen that poses our most lethal threat, but our leaders from within, their corruption. If we do not hold our leaders accountable then our civilization is doomed to fall, and if we do not overthrow the leaders trying to be above GOD, then we will be doomed to damnation.

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