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Anders Kortrevich 

for Alderman


Faith in Action


Who is Anders Kortrevich?

Anders Kortrevich was born in 355 E.S. in the Viscounty of Krusev prior to its destruction and occupation by trolls. In his youth, he lived piously with Godan in his heart and mind. Now, Anders seeks to stand up for Godan’s Word as he follows his virtuous path with His guidance and favour. Although inexperienced with Haeseni politics, Anders is exceedingly literate- being able to speak, read, and write in both Naumariav and Common. He also has extensive knowledge in the Holy Scrolls, having studied it in his spare time with the assistance of the former Archbishop Yaromir, now Cardinal Jorenus.


Straying from Godan

While the newly appointed High Pontiff is Haeseni-born, it is unfortunate to see that the Kingdom has not taken to integrating Godan's Word in its institutions to a higher degree- something that could benefit the Kingdom's future generations. With Godan overlooked in some areas of its institutions, this has allowed undesirable outcomes that disbenefit the Canonists of the world. deeply felt that the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska is straying further from Godan. This can be seen in the Royal Duma, where a bill was put forth offering legal leniency to those who engage in interracial relationships- a violation of the Canticle of Temperance in the Scroll of Virtue. Unfortunately, this bill gained major support in the Duma; opposed only by those in House Kortrevich. An example of this, the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska has chosen not to assist the Empire with its defence against the barbaric pagans in the Kingdom of Norland. These instances are unacceptable by themselves and represent the larger issue that Godan is losing His presence in Haeseni society. It is unacceptable and the nation should take better actions to defend Godan's faithful.


A Solution for Hanseti-Ruska

With Godan’s virtue and guidance, Anders Kortrevich will propose and support policies that promote the role of Godan and the Holy Scrolls in Haeseni society and law. He will uphold his office in accordance to His virtues, working diligently yet humbly as a servant of Godan, whilst also upholding it in accordance to Haeseni law and standards. Should Anders Kortrevich be voted into the Royal Duma as a Royal Alderman, he will act loyally, humbly, and painstakingly with faith in action as a servant of Godan and a representative of the Edlervik. 


20th of Tov ag Yermey, 374 E.S.

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Tylos I takes the missive which one courier offered to him, adjusting his glasses with his brow arched, "So that's what happened yesterday on Duma.. We had more important matters to attend, of course, but this.. this is unacceptable.", the Pontiff exclaims as he exhales deeply, running his hand through his beard as he thinks..


"As good as you are to someone, they are twice as bad to you. Let me address this, perhaps.", the man says, taking an ink and quill, starting to write something on a piece of paper..

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Archbishop Ivarus would read the missive, as he would see sign the Hussariyan cross upon himself , beginning to take out a paper and a quill to write the following down:


 "May you uphold the  laws according The Scrolls with Godan his help, for this proposal made within the Royal Duma is unacceptable and an absolute violation of the Scrolls. The Kingdom of Haenseti-Ruska must remain as loyal Canonists and live accordingly to the teachings of the Scrolls. Godan be praised, for you are running as an Alderman; as you pay attention to the violations of the Scrolls within the politics of the Kingdom.


From yours sincerely, Archbishop Henrikev, Ivarus


He finished writing the letter, as he would then fly the bird up to arrive at the shoulder of Anders.

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A letter bearing the seal of the Patriarchate of Jorenus would find its way to Anders.




To Anders Kortrevich,


It is always pleasing when I hear that subjects of Haense desire to be more pious in their ways, from the most common peasant to the King himself. Godani has a place in everyone's heart; it is simply our responsibility to find Him there. I write however, not only to commend you for your dedication to our faith, but rather to correct an inaccuracy in your poster for your campaign.


The bill you refer to, which Prince Franz showed me part of before he introduced it, increased the severity of the crime of interracial marriage, not decrease as you claim. I find that this, instead of a lack of faith as you claim, instead shows that the people of Hanseti-Ruska are strong in their faith. To call my flock anything but would be a lie.


I wish you luck in your political campaign, for I know that your intentions are pure. May Godani grant you the strength to continue your journey of piety, my former student.


Godani jest wielki,

His Eminence, Yaromir, Patriarch of Jorenus


Edited by Pureimp10
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2 hours ago, Pureimp10 said:



[!] Anders' response would likewise find its way to Yaromir (@Pureimp10),


Your Eminence,

I deeply apologise for my inaccuracy. I did not wish to discredit the Edlervik nor the current members of the Royal Duma. I was under the impression that what I said was true but it seems that a misunderstanding took place somewhere. The people are strong in faith but as it seemingly wanes there can be improvements nevertheless and I will hopefully be a suitable man for representing His people in the Royal Duma. I will bear my mistake and be more vigilant in the future so that no other is made like the one I've made today. I will be editing my posters so that I can stay honest and stick to the virtuous path that Godan guides me down. I offer you my sincerest thanks, your Eminence.


With Godan in my Prayers,

Anders Kortrevich

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