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[✓] [World Lore] Monster Mystery Box

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Monster Mystery Box (DIY Event Lore)




All that’s written below is lore of various creatures and things that may be used in DIY events, and by no means can be used casually - meaning no pets, no characters and no use of the things themselves outside of events. Items may be made from the beast parts if gained in an event, however must be signed by the player running the DIY event.



  • These creatures do not require a CA of any sort and are used explicitly for player events. These must be OOCly coordinated and must be trusted for responsible use.


  • May not be tamed or kept as a pet.


  • May not be used to attack other nations.


  • May not be used as defense for yourself or other nations.


  • Player-signed Items and trophies cannot have any extra-special abilities or be exceptional in nature and must follow any rules listed in the lore. Crafted tools or weapons may not surpass their steel counterpart. Items will not warrant an ST signature.


  • This resource is ONLY allowed for DIY events - meaning that which is run by a player group(s) of people which has OOCly consented, abuse of this will not be tolerated and any queries regarding anything one may be unsure of should be directed to an ST.



Giant Mountain Lizard

Predators of the high rocky mountains, ferocious and hostile towards anyone who threatens their precious food source, they burrow deep into the earth, excavating and creating endless tunnels to feed. 




(Image not totally accurate)


These lizard-shaped, 4 legged predators range from the size of a wolf when young to that of a bear during adulthood, they prey in the dark, bearing little use of their eyes and making them almost blind, so the mountain lizard relies a lot more on its incredible scent and feeling of vibrations to protect itself from potential threats. With a diet primarily composed of minerals and rocks they bear sharp and extremely hard fangs, able to slowly chew through mundane rock like butter, this heavily influences both the color and texture of their thick hide, which can come in all shades of gray with a tinge from whichever element they consumed the most, they grow thick plates of callus material akin to stone along their backs, outer side of the legs and mace-like tail, often adorned with clusters of various minerals and gems. Due to their stubby limbs these creatures aren’t capable of extreme feats of agility, being very slow in open spaces and easily countered, however the shortness of their legs shines within narrow spaces and tunnels, able to move extremely fast by spinning and crawling much like a drill, clearing long distances within minutes. While having a hard exterior these creatures hold softer insides, their bones and flesh are not much different from common living beings and hold nothing special. Their meat isn’t particularly great, having a chalky taste and hardness even once cooked.




These lizards traditionally inhabit dim places of stone, such as old mines, mountains, caves and the like, avoiding colder climates, so long as they are left with an adequate amount of room they are capable of creating tunnels that span for miles underground.




Mountain Lizards are incredibly protective of the place they’ve taken up residency, defending it at all costs from potential intruders and driving them away, especially if cubs are present. They almost act like moles, using their sense of smell and feeling of vibrations, digging and excavating endless tunnels by spinning and crawling like a drill, in search of new minerals to feed on, preferring more metallic alloys which satiate their hunger for longer, each mountain lizard usually develops a particular liking for a specific mineral, usually the most available in their area. They do not hunger for flesh and only attack to defend themselves or their nest, spitting out anything organic.




Their sharp and incredibly hard fangs are able to chew, break and slowly pulverize down mundane rock or any weaker material. A natural thick hide forms their skin, resembling the texture and coarseness of stone, more resistant to scrapes and slashes caused by their tunnel digging. As the mountain lizard feeds and grows, its skin grows natural plaques of callus material along their backs, outer side of legs and mace-like tail, thick and resistant like stone, however leaving exposed gaps of hide between each plate, while their underside and inside parts of their limbs remains completely exposed, softer and easily pierced by steel. Their diets strongly influence the plaques that grow on their bodies, often forming clusters of mundane minerals and gems, such as ferrum, aurum or emeralds.



  • The size of an adult mountain lizard may not surpass that of a large bear.


  • The raw strength of a mountain lizard in adulthood is akin to a large bear.


  • The speed of a mountain lizard in open areas may halt to that of a walking pace of a common descendant. They may reach the speed of a bear If both their back and legs are able to grip the walls of a tunnel. While digging, their speed is halted at a crawling pace as they need time to eat.


  • The fangs of a mountain lizard are hard like steel, but very brittle, a bite from a mountain lizard would easily chew off a limb, denting and ripping plate armor, though it is rather easy to avoid should one not be cornered.


  • The clusters of minerals or gems growing on the lizard’s body may only be of mundane materials (Such as iron, gold, emeralds etc)


  • The plaques of hard stone can be easily shattered with blunt weapons to expose the flesh beneath (such as pickaxes and maces) in just a few hits (Generally 1-2), while their thick hide takes just a bit more pressure to pierce and slash, comparable to hard leather. 


  • The plaques never cover their body fully and leave large gaps of thick hide between them, only growing on their exposed layer (their backs, the outer parts of the legs, their tail and forehead). All their underside, and inside parts of their legs appear of softer skin and are easily pierced.


  • Druidic Control is incapable of manipulating these creatures and cannot be pacified; though they may be communed with, relaying deep voices shouting towards the intruders to leave.




The Caracas

The flying horror of the skies and a farmer’s worst nightmare, these large birds of prey can sweep up livestock over matters of seconds, leaving a village to starve.




The Caracas is a large bird of prey, presenting eagle-like features, reaching at most 7ft in length, with a 13ft wingspan in adulthood, their plumage comes in various shades, mostly brown to black, with beautiful, multicolored feathers that adorn their tail, wings and crest. Their long hooked beak possesses an iconic color pattern, being completely red, with a silver colored tip. They bear large talons to grapple any prey, a fierce looking hooked beak, made to rip flesh, and a single hooked digit on their wings, akin to a claw, that they mostly also use to hold their meals. Their bone structure is very light to allow flight and not very resistant to blunt damage, easily cracking if hit; a firm punch from an Uruk, for example, would likely damage the area in which it was hit. When on the ground, the Caracas take a quadruped stance, supporting themselves with their hooked extremities on their wings, akin to a chimp. The eggs that the Caracas lays are large, being as big as a descendant head.




The Caracas nests over cliff faces and tall trees of dark forests, they keep rather close to open fields where it's easy to spot and swoop away their prey, often moving when food in the area is scarce, avoiding arid and arctic environments.




The Caracas bear little interest for descendants, preferring weaker and easy to catch prey, such as wild sheeps and small cows, however it is not uncommon for them to sweep away livestock of unaware farmers when food in the area is scarce. Even if ferocious, these birds are quite cowardly, and easily scared by sudden loud noises, such as thunder or shouting, especially when in close quarters. They do all they can to avoid descendants and flee to protect their nest, hiding and scaring away intruders from their fledglings rather than fighting, but should they feel threatened they will not hesitate to attack nearby settlements. Their intelligence is comparable to that of a Raven, however, they will not befriend descendants.




The Caracas, being a large bird of prey, is capable of flight, easily reaching the highest peaks and descending with a quick swooping motion onto its unaware target, grappling them with their talons and carrying them to the nest. These birds will not take away descendants to their dwelling for fear of it being discovered and will, at most, grapple their enemy for a short amount of time, generally 15-20ft off the ground to knock them back a considerable distance. Being on the ground means certain death for the Caracas, being very slow while walking, but still able to defend themselves with their fierce beak and claws.


  • The size of a Caracas can range from 3-7ft in length, while their wingspan goes from 7-13ft.


  • A Caracas is strong enough to lift averagely sized descendants (Not past Uruk size and 15-20ft off the ground at most) and throw them back a considerable distance, their beaks and claws would easily pierce flesh, leather and mail, however unable to effectively damage plate armor, denting it at most.


  • The speed is comparable to that of an eagle during flight, and that of a walking descendant while grounded.


  • The Caracas will not carry descendants away, it can’t be used as transportation, nor to reach places not accessible mechanically.


  • The Caracas’ bones are bird-like to allow flight and easily shattered, while their flesh is similar to that of a bird.


  • The Caracas is afraid of sudden loud noises, and will take flight (if possible) should a large group of people shout in its direction.


  • The Caracas will not trust anyone other than its own species.


  • Druidic Control is incapable of manipulating these creatures and cannot be pacified; though they may be communed with, relaying high pitched voices which seem all concerned towards their nest.





Ferocious creatures, and devourer of descendant flesh, these mountain panthers are the bane of merchants and travelers who dare to venture the high mountains.




The Khitaurus is a panther-like creature, with an elongated snout and brown to gray shaded pelt that helps them confuse themselves with the high rocky cliffs, they grow fairly large, but never surpass the size of a coyote. They are quadrupeds, bearing two back legs akin to those of a panther and two giant hooks that make up most of their frontal limbs, similar to a large claw, able to grapple onto the vertical surfaces they inhabit. These hooks are also used to inflict injuries onto their prey, ripping and piercing flesh while they bite with their sharp fangs, infecting their victim with their saliva.




The Khitaurus prefers to hang above cliff faces, mountain passes and ravines, usually preferring warmer and tropical climates such as those of deserts and the tall cliffs of rainforests, primarily setting up ambushes near roads or trading ways.




The Khitaurus works in packs like wolves, from 3-4 members at a time, actively hunting descendants such as travelers and merchants, preferring them over any other creatures, setting up ambushes alongside mountain passes and roads in narrow ravines. Thanks to their ability to climb and hang onto cliff faces they are keen towards a sneaky approach, patiently waiting for their prey. The Khitaurus tends to target who they deem as the weakest member of the group, working together to separate and eliminate their targets one by one, baiting creatures away by mimicking simple sounds that they heard recently. Kithauruses like most animals are afraid of fire or anything that they deem dangerous, easily scared if one were to make themselves appear larger and menacing.




The Khitaurus is able to hook onto vertical surfaces of stone should it have half of an inch of a ledge or more, effectively climbing and swinging like a chimp, their hooks and fangs are also used to hunt down their prey, easily ripping flesh. Khitauruses have developed a similar trait to those of a raven, effectively being able to mimic 2-3 simple sounds, such as shouts, voices and the like, to lure their prey, leaning towards the most high pitched, such as screams. The saliva of a Khitaurus is extremely infectious, containing many bacteria and germs, often leading the victims to develop a gangrene on their limb should it not be treated, and slowly weakening them until they die.


  • The Khitaurus may only reach the size of a coyote in adulthood.


  • The raw strength of a Khitaurus may not surpass that of a coyote in adulthood.


  • The speed of a Khitaurus while running may reach that of a coyote in full sprint, they are extremely agile while climbing, easily scaling vertical surfaces in minutes.


  • The Khitaurus’ hooks are not able to pierce armor, stone or anything harder than leather and flesh.


  • They may not climb onto smooth surfaces, they require some form of ledge to hook onto.


  • The Khitaurus is not capable of speech, they only mimic sound and do not understand what they mean.


  • Their saliva may not be used to create toxins or venoms as it loses its effects after minutes.


  • The saliva will not instantly kill anyone, it only has a higher concentration of germs and bacteria which is harder to clean. (Any effect is still up to the player)


  • Druidic Control is incapable of manipulating these creatures and cannot be pacified; though they may be communed with, relaying raspy voices that refer to their targets as food.




Arctic Giant

The ground shakes around them, these yeti-like gigantic behemoths travel the forgotten ice wastelands of the world, living in isolation, hoarding livestock and trinkets.






Creatures of old and mythology, humanoid yet very beast-like, pale skinned and naturally covered with a layer of fur, though, alone not enough to protect effectively from the cold. These behemoths range from 12-14 ft in height, having a stubby and cylindrical appearance to their bodies, with thick and potent muscles, supported by large and reinforced bones that permit them to live. Their heads are large and bulbous, with thick forehead and primitive shape, their brain is much more underdeveloped compared to that of a descendant, enough to craft basic tools and clothes. Their legs are pillar-like, long and thick, presenting an elephant shape rather than a common descendant’s foot, while their arms are shorter, with their hands remaining above hip level. Flesh and organs remain relatively close to those of a descendant, with scaled up blood vessels and heart to successfully function, meaning it is easy for a Giant to bleed out should they be injured enough. Giants aren’t capable of incredible feats of agility, and move slowly when walking, but may briefly break into fast sprints with enough acceleration, albeit not for too long, as they get tired easily. With their incredible strength they may easily knock back people a considerable distance.




Giants live in no-man's-land, mostly arctic regions and isolated places, usually avoiding descendant settlements. They are nomadic, often moving with their herds of livestock.




Giants follow a nomadic lifestyle, remaining primitive and with low intelligence, but able to fashion tools and clothes from what they hunt, such as coats from animal furs, elaborate clubs from branches and leather slings to launch large projectiles with. They do not care to communicate with descendants, nor are they capable of intense dialogues and understanding, the most they can muster are growls and grunts, bearing deep and powerful voices, they rarely come down to pacts with anyone. Giants are lone creatures, it’s unusual for them to form groups with one another, being greedy of their own possessions and always thinking on how to benefit themselves first, they also show hoarder behaviours, taking a particular interest in various trinkets, such as anything shiny or articulated with moving parts, often collecting large piles of objects they deem interesting. It is not uncommon for Giants to resort to stealing from descendants that wander too far into their territory or assault villages and camps near their arctic regions, because of this it has become common practice between people to offer livestock and items to have a chance at escaping their wrath. Along with them they usually bring their own livestock, such as mammoths, bison and sheep, either stolen or self grown, from which they produce food and pelts.




Giants possess incredible strength, akin to that of an olog, easily able to swing large clubs and knock common descendants back a few good meters, while one of their kicks may reach up to longer distances. Giants have incredibly thick bones, and are much harder to break with blunt hits, they are resistant to cold, as they are accustomed to it, however, will still suffer frostbite should their fur and skin be exposed. Giants often ride their biggest mammoths much like horses, making it an incredibly terrifying sight.


  • Arctic Giants may range from 12 to 14ft of height, weighing around 1500-4000lbs.


  • The raw strength of an Arctic Giant will be just a little over one of an olog.


  • Arctic Giants still feel pain like any other creature, they aren’t more resistant to it. 


  • They may not wear any sort of armor, nor can they craft it. The most they may wear is cloth, pelt and fur.


  • Their Intelligence is compared to that of primitive humans, crafting basic clubs and slings at most, only comprehending basic hand gestures and intentions. They accept offerings, but will by no means aid descendants.


  • Their skeletal structure is similar to that of a normal descendant, with thicker bones and elephant like feet, these bones do not cover up more than what they would normally, but are harder to shatter, usually taking between 2-3 hits.


  • They may still be killed like any other descendants, any common lethal spot will also prove lethal to the giant, however, the hit will need to travel further into the flesh.


  • Inflicting large slashes and pierces will make the Giant bleed out faster, taking minutes to bring it down.


  • Will not form romantic relationships with any descendant, and are not interested in it.


  • Druidic Control is incapable of manipulating these creatures and cannot be pacified through it. They may not be druidically communed with.






Vitalian: Writer

Crevann: Co-Writer

GodEatingCommie: General help


Art Credits:

Cover: Here

Giant: A sketch from Game of Thrones.

Mountain Lizard: Art from the archives of Nethys (Pathfinder 2e)

Edited by NikoNiko
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yes pls, need more things for DIY events.

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this would be pretty neat, but probably gonna need to submit these one by one due to how the forums work with creature lore

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