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The Story of Ugrad [PK]


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In the midst of the night, screams could be heard from within the thatch hut that rests on the side of the orcish savannah. Those who casted their gaze to it would see a flurry of lights rushing in and out of the hut, accompanied by cheering and praise. It was this night that a new orc entered the world of Arcas, Ugrad’Lur.


His childhood consisted of multiple brawls with the boys and girls from the other clans slas he tried to prove his might and his strength. More times than not, he would be beaten to a pulp by the bigger orcs and he’d have to continue his training to not only get ahead of them, but to prepare for his clan trials. As he continued his training time passed at a whim, and he was grown before you know it.



The sun shined through his ragged roof and onto his face. It didn't help that the spirits chose to abuse his hole-filled roof as a means of waking him up, but nevertheless it worked alright. As he left his house he was swiftly picked up by a large olog that went by the name Droktar. Screams and shouts escaped his mouth “Wub zkah latz glob put me down!!”, however it was to no use as the olog continued to carry him to the abandoned canyon next to the city, where the late Fort Gurmazg existed. Once there he was tossed into the rapids that had carved out the terrain over the millennia that it had been there. “Latz trial beginz!” screamed Noka’Lur. Ugrad had panicked frantically and he looked around to retrieve his knife from within his belt. How could he have forgotten that today was the day of his clan trial! However it was today that he would make his first hunt as a member of the lur clan, it was today that Ugrad would slay the crocodile that had been creeping below him. The crocodile spew out of the year latching onto his leg like tha davage beast that it was. Those around him began screaming for him to stab it before it started turning, and that he did. Like many others he had received scars from his fight, but this is one that will follow his journey through life until the end.


This first hunt was a new beginning for Ugrad and it sparked a passion in his heart like no other. He made it his goal to be the beat huntsman in his clan, and he would let nothing stop him. Along with his passion for hunting he continued to brawl others like he did in his childhood. The only difference is that instead of other orcs, it was his nation's enemies, and instead of fists it was weapons of war. Shortly after his initiation to the clan he would be marching into war with the grand Burbur’Lur, and he would stop at nothing to try and prove his devotion and loyalty to him.


In his time in krugmar and in wars that the nation was fighting, he pursued his goal as a huntsman and claimed the heads of many beasts. He eventually became wargoth and served as the Lur Clan leader for quite some time. As for his hunts, he stopped at nothing short of basilisks, savage red-wolves, minotaurs, and so forth. He gained trophies for the nation to brandish, and even took upon the title of Huntsgoth to lead hunts for the orcish war parties. However, like all good things, this would soon come to an end. 

Minotaur Fight


The nation had found itself in a war with the humans who had begun to plague the savannah with their existence. For years he had trained his clan to serve as a strong cavalry unit atop their lur wolves, however with as many victories they achieved, their city would soon be desolated by the red and white wave of human soldiers. Many of his friends and companions had been slain upon the initial impact of the catapults and his city had been destroyed leaving nothing but rubble, gore, and a few survivors equally scattered about. 


His home was destroyed, and nothing but a few close friends was all that remained. But if there was one thing that he learned from his childhood, it was that he should never give up. He gathered those left and fled for the dense swamps that had laid untouched by mankind, and began his work.


This was truly his first large leadership position, as he led the group of remnant orcs from the Bootless War. Together with other wargoths he created what became known as Mau’Madur, which stands for “Warrior Freedom” in old blah. This settlement was a traditional orcish settlement that had many stone buildings that were covered in vegetation. The lush, thick swamp served it’s goal for the most part and kept out those looking to find the last civilization of orcs, as the orcs of Mau’Madur really only had trouble with those of the Ruswick Bandits, and they battled often in the swamps. The orcs won a majority of their battles with this brigade of bandits, as they trained every single day for combat in their biome in fear of future invaders. However this time of peace and prosperity between the orcs of Mau’Madur and their dark elven friends, will soon be challenged by a rival force.

The Mau’Madur Stronghold

When the orcs of Mau’Madur inhabited the swamp they believed that they were the only orcs left in existence, however a small band or orcs chose to remain in the destroyed city of krugmar. With the help of Skalp’Raguk, they built their forces and launched an attack on the nation of Mau’Madur, and they eventually one in the end, as it came down to a final battle between Ugrad and Skalp. The nation of Mau’Madur finally came to an end, as the orcs returned to their homelands. With this, Ugrad would meet his lifemate Skalp’Raguk. He had proposed to skalp on the balcony of the Rex’s quarters, and would go to live quite a happy life with him. They battled together, worked together to raise a powerful nation, and even had a kid. It was as if the world was against them, but they were there together and that is all that mattered. But like everything else in Ugrad’s life, it came to an end. Skalp had ascended into the Stargush’Stroh via means of bombing the Urguanite Capital, departing from the mortal world.

However, the nation of Mau’Madur would continue to exist. Those from the swamps worked together to ascend in leadership, and they eventually gained a hold of a majority of the positions within the nation, and even fostered the next Rex, Noka’Lur. In Ugrad’s time here he was gifted with many arts of shamanism as he got closer to the spirits. In his time during Noka’s rexdom he served as the nations warchief in war against the dwarves, and he did his best to advise her. As the war ended another rex would take power, and another and so on. Ugrad withdrew from leadership and fled to the countryside as the conflict with the dwarves ensued. He’d defend his hunting grounds with everything he had and he did quite a good job. These hunting grounds hosted a fort in which he had parties and celebrations with friends of his from time to time.



In the beginning as I mentioned before, Ugrad had quite the taste for honor and power. At this time in his life he was raising younger lurs, training lur wolves to be good pups, and hunting nearly everyday. However news had reached his ears that the current rex had fallen ill, and had gone missing. It was Ugrad’s time to shine, and so he did.

Ugrad became the rex of Krugmar, after beating two individuals for it. He had grand plans, and he wanted to start a new age of orcs. To begin this, he created the Eternal Uzg. A structured government to ensure long reigns of Rexes, and cooperation between the clans. He plated his orcs up with black stained steel, and they adorned the emblem of a crocodile. This new age of orcs served as a powerful ally against the coming days of the Inferi.

As soon as the word of infernal demons plaguing the lands reached Ugrad’s ear, he knew it was a perfect opportunity to cleanse the name of the Orcish Race in the mouths and minds of others. He brought all of the nations in the world together under the Eternal Uzg, and created the Firewatch Alliance with the help of his friend Nivndil the Motherdruid. He had slain generals, hellhounds, and many other inferi beasts with the Firewatch Alliance, taking many victories. He also took an opportunity to reach out to nations to make alliances and friendships with their leaders to help clean the orcish name up, and he succeeded with practically all of them that he had tried to. However, Ugrad knew that life was catching up with him, so he ran.

Rex Ugrad’Lur

He departed from his position as the Rex of the Eternal Uzg, and fled to his childhood home. He’d remain here practicing his shamanism, teaching people in secret, and working hard to find a legacy that he could pursue, the issue is that he had already done all that his soul would allow. In desperate means he joined up with other nations, working as a Court Mage, a physician, and so forth. Anything he could do he did it. But nothing could erase the fact that life was catching up with Ugrad so he kept running and running, even fleeing to another continent where he made many new friends. One in particular was Monkey Peregrin. Monkey was a small being, probably because he was indeed a halfling. Monkey had an aspiration for the spirits which reminded him much of himself. It was he who Ugrad would take under his wing and pass all of his knowledge of the spirits too. He’d teach him how to heal people, to visit and talk to the spirits, and many other things. Monkey was the son that Ugrad had never had, however life was still catching up to him.


As Ugrad laid against the willow tree in the forests of Almaris, he would put down his tattooing tools after he had finished his final lesson with Monkey. “You know Monkey, I have done everything that I could have in my life. I have slain inferi, demons, monsters and beasts, I have sailed the seas visiting three different continents, I found and lost the love of my life, I’ve lead a nation, I’ve fought over 6 wars, I’ve taught students the ways of the spirits, and I’ve kept running and running..” he says tilting his head back as he watches the leaves of the tree swaying in the wind. The sky was bright and beautiful that day, and there was a beautiful summer breeze that blew across him. It was at this moment that Ugrad had seen his life begin to play before his eyes, as if he was watching one of the many plays he had throughout his life. His childhood, his friends Nivindil, Noka and Droktar, his lifemate Skalp, his daughter Nakita, and his student Monkey. It was these who had made his life so enjoyable, but it was time for Ugrad to stop running, and so he did.




I'd like to thank everyone who helped me along my journey with this character. He was the character that I applied with, and I had made so many cherishable memories with him. I've played him for three years now and it was the most exciting thing I've done with my spare time. I loved playing this guy, and he got me through so many things, and has opened so many doors even in my real life. I will forever miss playing him. 


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The Darkness was overwhelming. Nearly fifty two years of pitch, black nothingness in Stargush’Stroh. Although the occasional visitor came to Skalp via shamanism, including Ugrad; nothing felt real. They were not there. Then, on a day like any other, the Ancestral Spirit sat and waited, pondering his life he had so quickly thrown away. Ugrad and he had many talks about how he should not go, how he should not bomb the Urguanite thrown room. Despite their love, despite their union; Skalp threw it all away for glory.


A mistake. Skalp thought bitterly. But that would not change his existence. The late Rex would breathe a deep sigh, he has been here before. After all, fifty two years of mulling the same thoughts over and over in your head, fifty two years of yearning for one more second of life just to be with the one you love; it all becomes so tiresome and boring after a while. 


Then, he felt it. The touch in his fingertips, the drumbeat of his heart. Skalp opened his eyes to see light as if he was a pup opening it’s eyes for the first time to reveal a wondrous savannah around him. Has this been what was hidden from him all this time? Shrouded in pitch blackness was this natural splendour?


“Is that you?” He heard from across the plains, and immediately it was all worth it. All those years, all that loneliness. He and his love were together again, this time for eternity.

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Monkey Peregrin looked upon the body of Ugrad'Lur, rubbing his eyes as he sighed. "In all moi loife, oi never really had a Dad. Was always just me on t'e roa', singin' moi songs, livin' moi life." He paused with a sniffle, "But by t'e Izgul, yew were t'e best Teacher oi coul've aske' fer. Oi'll see yew on t'e ot'er soide, moi frien'." Monkey then turned his gaze to the skies, wiping the tears from his face as he stood up, "An' oi sure won't let yer dream die." He said before parting for the last time with his friend. Long may he rest.

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[!] Blanketing the sky was a vast range of mountains within one of the many plains of the Stargush'Stroh. Sitting atop the highest peak was that of Droktar'Lur, his long lost family beside him. As the olog looked across the never ending view, Droktar would begin to notice something new, he would begin to notice the figure of a friend. Quickly the olog sprung to his feet, running for days until finally colliding with Ugrad with a wide grin. Whilst hoisting the uruk into the air, a rather loud set of words filled the air, "UGRAD BLARG." 


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28 minutes ago, MonkeNotic said:


Monkey Peregrin looked upon the body of Ugrad'Lur, rubbing his eyes as he sighed. "In all moi loife, oi never really had a Dad. Was always just me on t'e roa', singin' moi songs, livin' moi life." He paused with a sniffle, "But by t'e Izgul, yew were t'e best Teacher oi coul've aske' fer. Oi'll see yew on t'e ot'er soide, moi frien'." Monkey then turned his gaze to the skies, wiping the tears from his face as he stood up, "An' oi sure won't let yer dream die." He said before parting for the last time with his friend. Long may he rest.

Ugrad vividly remembers killing Monkey’s dad if only he’d known monkey was that damned ghost’s son, if only..

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Just now, Qizu said:

Ugrad vividly remembers killing Monkeys, dad if only he’d known monkey was that damned ghost’s son, if only..


Sean Puddlefoot didn't like that

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Within a tropical paradise, with many chirping birds of bright colours, waves lapping against the rocks below in a rush of surf, there was a garden. Dotted with trees and headstones to past Drui, there sat one of the living among the remembered dead. In a ring of mushrooms, cross-legged and straight-backed Nivndil's head was inclined and her eyes glowing brightly. Her body was eerily still, mind lost in meditation.


She remembered meeting Ugrad for the first time, and her apprehension given the long history of violence between Wood Elves and Orcs. Yet she also remembered those moments when the Rex had spoken of his life-mate, and the gentleness he'd displayed. Although the Drui rarely smiled, she had come close then. Nivndil would remember Ugrad as the best of Orc-kin, brave and ferocious in the face of his enemies, but loyal and committed to his allies and friends.

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An aging Raguk sits perked upon a stump of a tree, a cooling wide blows as the setting is close to a gushing river which gentle splashes the stones on the shore, a sense of peace lingers within the air as only a sweet smell of the natural life is around. They shiver somewhat as a breeze overcomes them. A frown drives deep into their brows, creasing her gaze as they part their mouth a shudder quivering "Ah new brudda haz entered da Ztarguzh" they mutter licking their lips, maintaining their frown until it hits her a sense of realisation "Oh . . . mi peep" a whisper almost, their features softening as they keep to their seat slouching down "Maybe in da guzh mi cud peep with lat more den when lat waz with uz" This Raguk shaman rises as a smile rose upon features. Slowly nodding their head at the idea of a great orc, one which wanted change and enjoyment is walking the fields of the Stargush'strol to forever be remembered as a honoured shaman and friend to those which cherished the time they held

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2 hours ago, OrcSimp said:

[!] Blanketing the sky was a vast range of mountains within one of the many plains of the Stargush'Stroh. Sitting atop the highest peak was that of Droktar'Lur, his long lost family beside him. As the olog looked across the never ending view, Droktar would begin to notice something new, he would begin to notice the figure of a friend. Quickly the olog sprung to his feet, running for days until finally colliding with Ugrad with a wide grin. Whilst hoisting the uruk into the air, a rather loud set of words filled the air, "UGRAD BLARG." 



I've missed roleplaying with drokar, thanks for making me play an orc by sniping me in WS chat.


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Fiil'Yar creates a small, temporary shrine before which she tells tales of Ugrad's dedication to his lifemate and his desire to improve his people, deliberately leaving out tales that brought her woe in an effort to bring his spirit a peaceful existence in the Stargûsh.

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Korgahk'Gorkil sat around the campfire with his life-mate Gorgosha'Gorkil remembering many moments in history they shared together sometimes fighting on opposite sides of the battlefield, from the first slave raid Ugrad hosted to the Clan war he lost against Clan Gorkil to the creation of Mau'Madur. Korgahk took a deep breath speaking to the crackling fires "A foe rests, perhaps sometime I shall fight him once more, not on this plane." 

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Once upon a time, the concept of a whitewash was that of a scary, dishonorable criminal. Time passed, Nin learned of the complexities that came with her people and a curiosity was born. Could Ugrad have been redeemed in the eyes of Krugmar? She wasn't sure. Now, Nin would never be. "Mi wizh mi could have heard lat'z ztoriez by de fyre," the gobbo sighs as she sits up on her favorite tree and watches the stars. "Maybi, zuhmday, mi wihll. Kor guyde lat, bruddah."

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The Goblin Shaman known as Al-Uk'Lur sits around the Krugmar fire knawing on his oaken pipe while muttering general things in Old Blah likely praise to the spirits.... Before long his focus gets interrupted by a missive informing him of Ugrads death though he knew very well Ugrad was a whitewash he never personally hated the Green Uruk "Frohm Rex... Tu whytewazh... Hohw duz azh drohp zo lohw? Mey peeze fihnd lat ihn dah ztarguzh"


Edited by ThatDutchFellow
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After the word reached his tattered ears, Ramohk sat in his teepee and lit up some good ol' cactus green. The color reminded him of the person whom he was friends with for a  short while...until they began to fight. Being good with Skalp but not so much with Ugrad, it was challenging for Ramohk until Skalp's passing through Kor's gate... The last time he met Ugrad, they exchanged blows, but the conflicts never ended honorably. Deep inside, believing that all orcs are redeemable, if only they turn to the right path - in Ramohk's eye, this went for Ugrad as well. Remembering both the good and the bad...and even if unequal in quantity, he was glad Ugrad was in his life - be it as a friend, or as a foe.


"Ol' eyelezz. Like mi. But nub in hozh relationz..." He said as he puffed out a huge ring of smoke, still a bit crooked but he was working on it. "Azh day...perhapz, we will klomp it out..." And then he pulled from the green and began to speak with the smoke coming out of both his nostrills and mouth simultaneously; "Zay ug to Zkalp. May we all meet...gug'ye Ugrad." Maybe one day, soon or late, this wish will come true.

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