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Wanted in the Unified Domain of Vortice for the kidnapping of Peralien Maelstorm's newborn child.
250 mina reward if brought back to Talon's Port alive. 150 if brought back dead.

He is seen frequenting Sutica, Yong Ping, Sarissa, Brynrose, and Talon's Port. If he is found, arrest immediately and interrogate on whereabouts of the child.

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*Domonic tugged at his beard making a mental note of having seen william in the Talon's Emergency room with peralien. A small feeling of regret in not inveatigating further coming over him*

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"Takes a certain coward to kidnap a baby. Let this monster get the swift justice of the headman's Axe." Ruathar frowned, deeply disturbed by the news of the kidnapping.

Edited by Tulan
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"Isn't Peralien the serial killer from Oren?" Inquired John as he shifted the pamphlet over to his newfound Mali'ker friend for further inspection. "You know the one we caught the other day.... Thank GOD for that man if so."


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"Peralien deserved it. They never did like him, over there in Talons."  Carlos Mendez stated, quite simply, offering a small shrug as his final gesture.

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Othorion Indoren would read the paper, "Isn't this the Peralien who stabbed Vilrens eyes out in Providence...?" He'd wonder to himself. He took a large gulp of his coffee as he read over more. "If this is her then she deserves every single ounce of pain and suffering, though her child shouldn't." Othorion flipped the paper over to see if there was any more writing, but there was none. "Perhaps this... Ser William Buckfort should take her eyes instead."

Edited by Pintape
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Peralien looks at this poster with a blank and vague emotion, as she clearly doesn't care about much anymore. "Well, if none of this works. I will personally use every minae I own to hire a group of mercenaries and I will f*cking have William on his knee's begging for mercy. I will spill every cup of his blood, slowly and slowly. Until he finally caves in and gives me Tiyan. And if that doesn't work, he would have filled someone with a terrible resolve. One that can only be cured by rampage of horrors." This edgelord pauses for a second.  "Perhaps it's time I talked to my old friend Kees and see if his group of maniacs want to spill a man's blood."

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William smiled at the wanted poster, albeit knowing that he has done a little too much trolling this time around. Regardless, he looked between his retinue with an innocent shrug, and went on to write missives in turn!

My actions have saved the innocent child from a lifetime of harm in the care of a mentally disturbed mother, whom is guilty of multiple severe crimes across the continent, including multiple counts of bodily harm and even attempted murder. Those who know this woman personally will know what I speak of. The child will remain in safe hands, and be given to a family capable of looking after her and giving little Tiyan the love she needs.
If you wish to speak to me, hesitate not to send me a bird.


Edited by Pan_Porucznik
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2 hours ago, SirTimothyDexter said:

Peralien looks at this poster with a blank and vague emotion, as she clearly doesn't care about much anymore. "Well, if none of this works. I will personally use every minae I own to hire a group of mercenaries and I will f*cking have William on his knee's begging for mercy. I will spill every cup of his blood, slowly and slowly. Until he finally caves in and gives me Tiyan. And if that doesn't work, he would have filled someone with a terrible resolve. One that can only be cured by rampage of horrors." This edgelord pauses for a second.  "Perhaps it's time I talked to my old friend Kees and see if his group of maniacs want to spill a man's blood."

Bella looked to her sister, "Don't worry dear, I'll get your child back... He still owes nearly 300 mina, remember?" The elfess wore a crooked smile, now initiating a plan she had long awaited for.

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Aaron feasts on shark meat during breakfast at the cliffs of Brynrose before a missive drops to his grasp from above, his eyes widen as he sees the title. “HA-“ He can’t speak, evidently by him choking on his meal. “Hrph.” He spits out the chewed meat before remarking in a raspy voice. “He wasn’t kidding at ALL when he said he was going to kidnap-“ He stops himself before uttering more to say. Protect.. a baby from a badshit crazy mother and benighted future.”

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“Kidnapping a baby?! That’s terrible!” Molia Hazmezul remarked with horror, the young girl turned to her uncle Shobolan and said, “You wouldn’t let anyone take Liliac and I, right?” 

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16 hours ago, Pan_Porucznik said:

My actions have saved the innocent child from a lifetime of harm in the care of a mentally disturbed mother, whom is guilty of multiple severe crimes across the continent, including multiple counts of bodily harm and even attempted murder. Those who know this woman personally will know what I speak of. The child will remain in safe hands, and be given to a family capable of looking after her and giving little Tiyan the love she needs.
If you wish to speak to me, hesitate not to send me a bird.

Larry the Fact-Checker looks at this note. Before slapping one thing on it.

'Official Sources find this to be false!'

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Walden sharpened his greatsword. "Y'don' take a wee babeh an' ge' away wi' et. I'll make sure o' tha'." He spat on the ground and lifted his sword for inspection. Perfectly sharp.

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A woman reads over the missive with a sigh, her murmuring, "What shite have yeh gotten yerself inta' now, Will?" She shakes her head, moving on. There wasn't anything she could do in this situation.

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      He heard Halt's deep sigh and knew he'd done it again.
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