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On the Purity of the 'Fair and Free Market' and Mercantilism; or Lack Thereof

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On the Purity of the 'Fair and Free Market' and Mercantilism; or Lack Thereof

Written by Tilruir Niënor Nullivari

In honor of Okarir'tir Thalon Nullivari



An artist depiction of the Silver City, Y27 /  1824.


Having come to enjoy the benefits of our society founded by Larihei herself since my birth, I have come to realize utopia we truly live in. Free healthcare, free food, affordable housing and serenity. But with that realization, I have also come to understand the rather foul nature of these so-called barbaric ‘civilizations’ and how they ran and continue to run themselves. Mainly with either:


A ‘Fair and Free Market’ or Mercantilism.


For those unaware as they have never left our Silver City, the ‘Fair and Free Market’ is impure propaganda funded by devilish powers that wish to disrupt the integrity of our great and ancient economic system.  See, the ‘Fair and Free Market’ was a term coined by pseudo-economists who somehow believe the ‘freer the market, the freer the people’.  Even writing these words will give me an unclean spirit as if my body needs to be dipped into the Golden Pools thrice over. These buffoons really wish to open up the economy with absolutely no governmental intervention as they believe any inherent governmental intervention in any part of society makes people oppressed. Goodness! How moronic does one individual have to be to even comprehend the stupidity of such a foolish way of thought. 


The restrictions placed, for example, by our Silver Government prohibits the sale of certain products at an unreasonable price and the taxation of these goods at a heightened price is a simple way to limit the ability of monopolies to take form. Not only that, but it also provides the welfare system in place that gives us the abundance we need as men and women of socialism. These people, so obsessed and wrapped up in their barbaric way of thinking, they do not even comprehend the idea of a welfare system that benefits the vast majority of people rather than a system that promotes individuality in a way that is detrimental to the society at large. 


Now, you might ask me-- Niënor, how did this system even come to fruition? I am glad you asked. See, the ‘Fair and Free Market’ is a byproduct of a serf uprising in the economic system of Late Feudalism*. You see, plebians in barbaric civilizations of yore used to hold to a system called ‘Mercantilism’. Mercantilism is, by definition, nothing more than feudal lords extracting the goods of the plebeian people for their coffers and holding hostage the means of production. After the idea of the Rights of Man, written by Emperor Joseph I, spreading the ideas of barbaric ‘equality’ and other nonsense throughout the world- these serfs wished to upturn their feudal system in a way that benefited themself over their feudal lord. Instead of promoting the uplifting of their fellow citizens, they brought themselves up to where the lord’s position was.


Revolting! As a pure and socialistic child of Larihei, there is nothing more sickening than pondering over this. Our goal, as a Silver Light in this Dim World, is to work together to further the progression to that absolute Perfection described to us by Larihei. We need to consistently work on this goal and are the only ones able to work on this goal as the barbaric civilizations these days wish to not even mimic our greatness (not that they would ever be able to). That is why you-- child of Larihei-- must continue to support our government and our leadership under the Sohaer so that this progression will take place at a ready pace unlike the backwater tribes that live by us.

Maehr’sae Hilyun’ehya, pure and socialist children of Larihei. Always follow the Dream and the Light shining forth from our Silver City.

*The practice of Late Feudalism's economic system is still in use today by the more backwater impure civilizations clinging to their tribal values.

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Thalon Nullivari, Okarir'tir of the Silver Council and Mal'onn to one Niënor Nullivari, offers a smile and a nod at the writings of his sister.

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Deep under the mountain home of Urguan's grandeur, an agent of the Merchant Brother's sits in his home of opulence he and his kin amassed through the art of mercantilism and trade. He reads of the missive to those gathered with booming laughter, his mechanical voice clattering amongst the walls.   "These elgos are serious arent they? What a strange way to live, with intervening hands digging into your own hard work. As ive always said, growing your own wealth grows those around you. Pick up a skill, and get to work, thats the dwed way. Nothing barbaric about it, and you dont ever see a dwed going hungry. Work for your keep" With another round of laughter, the dwed folds up the writing neatly, tucking it away.

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"Quite an astute argument. I would expect no less from a devout child of Larihei's teachings." Kolvar would muse to himself

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High Prince Evar'tir "Despot with a Crown" Oranor observes the thesis as he contemplates an all out nationalist pan-elven regime over his morning tea. Perhaps he would get into thought-provoking journalism during his reign.

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Looks up from the paper delivered to her and across the vast Goldhand estate,

humming a laugh to herself

“Could use a few free hands o help Ef dey are nay wanted en da lands o silver,

ah’m sure a decent wage beats any scraps dey throw to their own kin”

tossing the paper aside and wanders out to inspect

the free Urguan ports

the idea of serfs playing on her mind

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Sips his afternoon tea, catching up on the most recent writings coming from the land of his Kin, quietly remarking alone to himself in his office.

"Ah...he's completely confused on the means and the methods, but he got the end state correct. We really do need to find a way to help our Government decide more things without interference from the plebiscites."

A knock on his door causes him to spit up his tea as a Ministerial Clerk opens the door 

"Time to prepare for another round of elections Deputy Director..."

"Ah yes. Of course...elections, lets make sure to file the paperwork once more for the Princess" He sighs

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Whilst secluded within the confines of her home, Lleinde Tillun'sae would peer up from her studies upon hearing a small clicking sound. A turn about, she'd notice the mail-slot cover swaying back and forth, a small piece of parchment drifting down onto the oaken floors, barely missing the doormat. Intrigued, the elfess stood from the creaking armchair and paced her way over to the door, a sharp arch of her tall back to reach down, snatching the corner of the paper between pointed fingertips. Her pale blue eyes scanning quickly over the page, she'd immediately see recognition of certain terms, lifting an exact, white-toothed grin. A careful cart of the paper back to her desk, she'd smooth it out with excess precision, a touch of a fingertip to her tongue before flicking over the first page. 


The elfess would finish the paper with improved mood, a note of positive review wrapped around it, before tucking it neatly into a miniature, but very well-kept, library.

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A particular dwarf seated upon a throne of wealth and splendor, looks at his automaton son, chuckling at the missive. He beckons, to be shown what the fuss was about, and then scans it with his steely blue eyes, but doesn't get past the headlines before scoffing. At the end of the perusing of the text, the Lord of Mercantilism shifts his large heft onto the armrest of the stone throne, saying "T'is wos written by someone who onleh owns one house. Nor does he know how ta fell ah tree, nor swing ah pickaxe to t'a stone, lest his towerin' height break his back upon leanin' oveh ta sully his hands. Let him work for meh, and gaze upon t'a freedom one gains knowin' naethin' keeps ye from success but yerself." He nods, meaning to his son that he had said what he intended and nothing more, and reclined in wealth garnered by the "devilish" capitalism and free market, amongst the very own people who worked for him for half a century.

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If Socialism is so good, why do High Elves move to Oren, but almost no Orenians to Socialist countries?




A man smiles, having just destroyed the LIBTARD with FACTS and LOGIC.


((Very well written post



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