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The Codes of Krug-kind


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[!] The scrolls of thick parchment, brittle with age, are translated from Old Blah for ease of reading. [!]



The Code of Klomps

It is Krug’s will any orc can challenge another to a Klomp for any reason, an honorable and evenly matched fight between the two combatants either to krimp or flat. Standard Klomps cannot violate the codes of Krug in any way; his word stands superior, and attempting to do so without proving your might insults the strength of Krug. If an orc is accused of lacking honor or breaking the Codes, Krug demands both the challenged orc and the accuser to prove their strength in an Honor Klomp. Any decisions on the manner of Klomping are decided by the accuser, as the defending Orc’s honor is in question. An orc of high or apex leadership must impartially oversee a proper Honor Klomp, representing the will of Krug and the Spirits for Orcs to klomp with their blessing, The spirits demand such an accusation be worthy of one’s life, and Honor Klomps are only to made with proper cause; to demand an Honor Klomp without proper care or falsely insult the valor of a brother disrespects the attention of Krug and the spirits. The victor of any Klomp, standard or Honor, is found without fault according to the Klomp’s terms. Might makes Right, and to claim otherwise spits upon the strength of Krug.


The Code of Authority

It is Krug’s will that the strong command the weak; those who cannot claim victory for themselves follow in the path of those who can. Orders from those higher in authority  must be followed by their subordinates, unless challenged through Honor Klomp; to do otherwise is to offend the concept of strength itself. Kneeling to anyone or anything violates the will of Krug and dishonors one’s self. To force another to kneel also disgusts Krug as it shows one’s lack of true authority, and blame is laid at the one who forced it to happen.


The Code of Strength

Accepting weakness is dishonorable and insults Krug. An orc should find strength in all parts of their life, constantly seeking to improve themselves so they may join the Stargush’strozh as a worthy member of Krug-kind. Those who show weakness must undergo various trials to grow past such failures, while those who are strong must not settle for what they have already done.


The Code of Blood

 The blood of Krug-kind is sacred, proving their superiority and honor over all others in the Ugz. To spill the blood of a brother or sister outside of an Honor Klomp is a disgrace upon his blessings, and an incredible dishonor. Sullying the blood of Uruks with that of Nuburuks creates cursed offspring and is an atrocity against all of Krug-kind. Anorc should respect all those with the blood of Krug, and honoraries are no different. An Honorary orc has been purged of their former name, identity, bloodline and inherent weakness to become a true Brother or Sister in the eyes of Krug. For this reason, Honoraries can intermingle with those of goblin descent.


The Code of Wagh

 The will of Krug demands the sating of bloodlust to be done honorably, with warriors clashing against warriors. Members of the Krug-hai must obey the commands of their leaders in times of conflict, leaving Honor Klomps for a later time unless an order would violate the Codes of Krug. There is no valor to be found murdering helpless civilians; to kill those that do not fight back shames all orcs in the Krug-hai and dishonors the act of Wagh. Only if it would save the life of an Orc or in defense are nub-klompers to be flatted. To vlat another with a weapon while they are unarmed is dishonorable, showing one does not have the strength to klomp on equal terms. For a member of the Krug-hai to harm a kub of any kind for ANY reason other than training or in an honor klomp to the krimp issued by the child is grounds for being declared whitewash. 


The Code of Blah

 Speaking Blah honors the spirits and should be done by all of Krug-kind, with the exception of translating for nub-Uruks that cannot comprehend true speech. Similarly, it is taboo for nub-Uruks to attempt speaking in Blah, as their words have no genuine praise for the Spirits. An orc’s Blah is a testament of their honor; To lie and deceive anyone or anything is to follow the path of Iblees and insult Krug himself. The oath of an orc is ironclad and must be kept on penalty of death unless given express permission by the one promised.


The Code of Spirits

 All orcs are expected to praise the spirits, both ancestral and elemental. To praise anyone or anything in place of the spirits is a slight against Krug that must be punished. Shamans have the sacred purpose of connecting Krug-kind with the spirits, and to harm one outside of Honor Klomp is a grave dishonor to the offender. Those that are nub-Uruks who pretend to praise the spirits are an insult towards Krug-kind and should be vlatted. Any work or user of Dark Shamanism or Buurz-Mojo reliant on false spirits is an abomination against the spirits and should be destroyed without hesitation. 


The Code of Snagas

 Snagas are nub’Uruks who have failed to show the strength necessary for their freedom, and as such have none of the rights given to Krug-kind. To attempt forcing a proud member of Krug-kind into snagadom is a crime against Krug himself that should be punished with death. It is Krug’s will that snagas are property of their owners, and are afforded the same protections and care given to any other property of a brother or sister. In addition, any Snaga to pass the trials can purge themselves of weakness to be reborn as an Honorary orc.


The Code of Coin

 It is only right for Orcs to pillage, raid, and take for themselves the spoils of those weaker than them. It is Krug’s will for looting to be done through the honor of Wagh or the authority of Tribute, unlike those lessers that skulk about in the shadows. Theft through deceit and trickery of any kind shows weakness and inability to take through strength and honor alone, be it from brethren or nub’Uruk. It is also the duty of the strong to leave enough for those weaker than them to survive; It is dishonorable to make another perish through starvation instead of battle.


The Code of Whitewashes

 Those who are found without Honor and an offense to the ways of Krug may be proclaimed whitewash by the Rex. Whitewashes are no brother or sister, lower than even the lowest nub’Uruk in terms of their status as an enemy to Krug. Exiled from Krugmar, it is Krug’s will that these forsaken former brethren only return to the war nation if brought in by a proper Orc. If the Rex determines a whitewash to be thoroughly repentant, they may give a series of trials so one may regain their honor and status as a member of Krug-kind. If unwilling to repent the whitewash must be executed immediately, their mere existence a blight against Krug and the Spirits. 


Code of Honor

 All those of Krug should act such that their honor cannot be truly challenged, even by their enemies. To blindly challenge another’s honor is dishonorable in itself, to have your own honor challenged is an insult. If an orc’s honor is called into question by anyone or anything, they must respond to such claims immediately through Blah or action. Those without honor themselves, however, have no right to question another’s character.


Rediscovered and signed,

Kor'garr the Clanless, Dominus of Krugmar


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