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This entry is not known to anyone oocly so pls make sure you don't accidentally metagame or use this in your rp! 


Shuffling through the unorganized pile of books within her office, the red haired woman would swiftly yank out a book buried deep within the bookshelf, causing a pile of books to come tumbling down upon her petite frame. The clatter of hardcover spines and leather slapping down on the wooden surface of the floor would be accompanied by an annoyed and frustrated huff of the woman and several of the books bounced off her head. “Blyat!” She exclaimed, kicking a heeled foot into the pile of books now scattered about the floor. Taking a moment, she would inhale several deep breaths, closing her eyes to calm her racing heartbeat as the food of frustration and anxiety within her threatened to spill out. 


“Saint Julia, keep me sane.” She would mutter under her breath, blue eyes peeling open as she gazed over the mess she had made. Though poking out beneath a few books, several slips of aged parchment would catch her eye. Carefully, the woman would make her way through the mess of books and lean over, pulling at the parchment. It was bent and slightly wrinkled, though the script seemed familiar. It was hers after all. A younger version of her. With time her frown would change to that of a nostalgic smile as she read through the papers. A diary lost but now found would rest in her fingers and the woman would take her leave from her office for the time being, slinking through the hallways of the castle to find her desired destination, a hidden room just for her to become lost in thought. A perfect place for reading. 


Date: Wzuvar and Byvca 369 ES


I could see them approaching the keep, horses rearing and the sound of hooves upon the ground would crack through the cold air like thunder. It was expected, but I had not assumed it would happen so soon. Or more-so, I did not believe such a thing would happen. Not to me. From the perch of my balcony I could see the billowing robes of the Koeng, his unforgettable face stern and cold as he and his delegation approached. From below I could hear Stefan pacing the ground. He had no idea what was coming. Should I warn him? Maybe. Did I have time to? No. With the fast approaching group, there was no room for me to run downstairs and tell him with time to spare to make my way back up to my rooms. I suppose a surprise would be in order. 


The men of course went into a more confined space of the house. Stefan brought them to his bedroom to speak. I had to take my heels off to keep them from hearing me. Stefan’s room was right below mine and I could hear every last word of what was being spoken. As embarrassing as it was, I placed my ear against the floor. “The Kongzem needs a Koenas...Vyr sister would do dobry…” The words of the Koeng caused my blood to freeze. His mamej already gave me a warning of what was to come, but again, I was in shock. Though nothing would shock me more than the words of my borsa. “Nie.” was all that was said in response. No? How could he say no? After all this family had been through, the state of things even currently. He said no to giving his blessing? A small bicker would break out between the two men, resulting in the Koeng taking his leave. 


I could barely move. I felt shocked, betrayed, brushed aside like dirt under a broom. “How could vy?” I asked Stefan, watching him as he stood in the rain once the delegation had finally left. He did not care. He was stubborn and unbending, refusing to see that his selfish actions impacted my potential future. I will admit it, I cried. It felt like my future was a black void that I could not even imagine the possibilities. What was my purpose in life? What would I accomplish as an unmarried woman? I felt lost and scared. As much as I could pray, what actions could I do to keep my family happy and do my duty to the Kongzem I have been away from for so long? 


I felt as though my life was not my own as my mind spiraled into that of loneliness and anxiety, the constant feeling of anxiousness growing and causing my throat to close and sweat to sprout from my brow. A common occurrence in my youth, though as an adult I have not had as many episodes. It was not until late at night, after my heartbeat had calmed, did I receive the letter. A letter I had not expected to ever receive. A letter from him. 


Annika would set the entry down, cradling the parchment close to her chest, smiling as she recalled the old memories which came flooding back. In some ways, this was where her story had begun. Where her life finally had purpose and pushed her to further her accomplishments, not just as a noble woman, but as a strong headed and opinionated figurehead. To see where she had started and where she was now was something she would never forget, nor take it for granted. 



This diary entry serves to help me keep track of my character, as well as bring an ooc insight to how her story has progressed as a character. I hope this can provide some sort of ooc entertainment with more to come :)


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