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[Player Event] The Northern March


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The Northern March


"It's began." Argos thought aloud as he stood atop the hill overlooking the ruined village of Nueva Tierra.


He watched as his tribesmen began to pour into the village by the hundreds, making themselves comfortable in the empty streets and abandoned homes of the once lively village. A cold northern breeze swept over the tribal force, sending a shiver down Argos' spine. It had only been a Stone day ago that his people acted without his consent and had attacked Elysium. The old man grumbled under his breath as he continued to look down at the village.


"We should have waited, damn it." Argos muttered as he held his hands behind his back, his breath visible in the cold lands his people called home. "Now we have no choice...the time has come teh begin my plans earlier than I had hoped, and all because a few of my warriors acted brashly."


The man sighed as he went to descend the hill, entering the village calmly. The overall demeanor of the tribal army seemed to be light-hearted and hopeful, though Argos himself remained cold and frustrated. As he strode through the village now occupied by his army, he couldn't help but feel a sense of regret. Regret that he had not anticipated the brashness of his own tribesmen, and regret that he himself was not ready to carry out his plans sooner. Argos made his way towards one of the larger buildings and stopped to look at the sign.


"Royal residence, eh? Never thought this village could house more than some farmers." The old man jested to himself, continuing to carry on down the road now populated by his warriors. He could hear them cheer as he walked about, though inside he knew that their cheers would die down one way or another, for he knew;


The War in the North had just began.




This is a player-ran event hosted primarily by myself and @youknowwhoiam. If you have any questions regarding this event, feel free to reach out to us on discord via Javert#3430 or youknowwho#9098. This is our first major eventline we've hosted on this scale before, so we hope you all enjoy!

Edited by Javert
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Vane turns to his companion Vorne, the descendant of the famed and revered Bjorn "Summon the Northguard, I fear war has come once again."

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Sigrid 'the bloody' Swiftwind would stand before her warriors and yells "T'ERE ARE MORE, TRUE NORT'EHNES CLOSEBYE, TOGETHEH WEH WILL DRENCH TEH GODS WITH NORLANDIC BLOOD! W'AT SOI YE WARRIORS?" the crowd would let out a loud "AAHHOOOO" Sigrid would continue "for our families, for our ancestors, FOR THE GODS!" Sigrid cried out with passion. "AAHOOOO, AHOOO, AHOOO" it sounded once more 

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Vorne would step into the garrison of Varhelm followed by two newly recruited guardsmen.

"Time to get to work, gentlemen.  Gather around.  Let's go over our plan."



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A young man raises his sword at the notice of a Norther Adversary, "We shall defend, brothers!"

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[!]A familiar black cat by the name of Sergai wanders about Elysium, meowing up a storm. To those that know the cat will know the feline would usually be accompanied by a familiar red head, but that red head was nowhere to be found.

Edited by Songs Jhet-Krask
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Sven would join his stewards as they took stock of the kingdom’s war supply.


”Come what may, we’ll be ready.”



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Edric laughs with joy as he polishes the Witchslayer hammer.


"A joyous day! A day to bring death to these wildmen!"

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Fal'leon let out a small sigh. They'd come here to live a more quiet life, but now found themselves in the midst of more risk than ever before. Nevertheless, the readied themselves for the war to come

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