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[✗] [Creature Lore] Vulpidae


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(Art not by me: https://www.deviantart.com/kuroi-kisin/art/Dama-vulpes-613850529)

Summary & Characteristics:

The Vulpidae are agile fox-deer hybrid-like creatures known for their cunning intelligence and agility in the forests of Almaris. These forest dwelling creatures have inhabited the land of the titans for hundreds of years, their nocturnal habits making them stay hidden to the eyes of the public for the longest time. These creatures are adapted diversely to many conditions, though prefer to stick to a variety of rustic wooded conditions because of the shelter of trees offered. 

They are known for their sleek and guarded foxlike pelts with a variety of colors resembling different vulpidae species. Upon their backs and tail they are spotted with lighter patches of fur resembling similarities to a young white-tail deer. Specific to the males upon their heads they have beautiful shaped antlers that branch out in many directions. The females have small antlers that point out on an angle, only growing till they reach about three inches in length. One may notice that their antlers will shed on a yearly basis just like deer. The legs of the Vulpidae tend to be longer than that of a fox, their standing height up to their shoulders being about 50 cm on average. The base of their legs resemble the keratin hooves of a deer in shape though are instead split into four sharp toes, with claws used for hunting purposes.

The creature is not commonly found within civilization as partners due to their finicky personality, however more recently descendants have been found to be cultivating and taming small groupings of them as pets and companions. They would rather flee than befriend someone else tending to be a species that quite enjoys solitude. The only known reports of descendants being attacked by these creatures are defending a nearby burrow of young fawns.


Vulpidae antlers range in a variety of shapes and sizes much like ones presented above.


In the wild, this species of creature tends to enjoy solitude and being alone, limiting their interactions with descendants and other creatures in the wilds. Instead of attacking they are more likely to flee any given situation unless placed in a location where they feel their young are threatened. 

The Vulpidae is able to be tamed, however their likeness towards another is likely to be because they were raised by descendants, or because of an association with food. Just like any other creature when being raised up they can be trained and develop both negative and positive habits. If it’s reliant on food and you forget to feed it, they can choose to run off.



  • They will not fight for you.
  • The only given time they may fight back is in an event defending its young or when presented in a situation in which it cannot flee.
  • Raising a Vulpidae from a young will heighten the likeness of their temperament.




Dietary Habits: 

The Vulpidae species is known to be omnivores with a diet that consists of wild fruits that can be found such as berries, and they occasionally will eat the buds of flowers off of low bushes and trees in the spring and summer season. Their hunting habits include commonly small game like mice and squirrels and fish. They have extremely fast reflexes allowing them to lunge and attack with their powerful fang lined jaw. When not under pressure they will have a tendency to stay near a known source of water.

They hibernate during the winter, and so commonly will be seen storing as much food as they can within the fall season in lite of prepreation.


Housing Habits:


The housing habits of these creatures commonly include ones similar to foxes, burrowing down partially into the ground with a bed lined with leaves, mosses, feathers, and other comfortable factors. They sleep in these burrows during the day and commonly emerge in late afternoon and night hours, only returning when they have to feed their young or when the sun begins to rise. They will specifically create their dens that usually provide some sort of predatory advantage for example finding areas at the edge of a rigid point. This keeps them safer.


They can commonly be found in any of the habitats listed below.


- Evergreen Forest

- Tropical Deciduous Forest

- Mediterranean Forest

- Temperate Forest

- Coniferous Forest




They can be found in other habitual areas however it is uncommon towards the basis of their species and survival.


Social and Mating habits:

Vulpidae are known to be monogamous meaning that they will mate for life commonly with one female, and when this partner passes they will remain single for the rest of their life. The males once reaching the age of a full year they will go out in search of a partner, cleaning up their pelts and singing a clicking sound with the intention of attracting a female. Commonly they will have a litter of three to four ‘fawns’ once a year giving birth in the late spring season. The parents will stay with these fawns until they are roughly 7 months in age, ready to venture off into the forest on their own. These creatures tend to remain entirely solitary outside of their mating habits, and will mark territory with scent markers warning off other vulpidae species to stay away.

Life Cycle:

fawns are first born into a family that commonly consists of two parents and two to three other siblings, having little interaction and knowing little more than the scents of these few. They are born about the size of a hairless kitten with eyes closed and will remain like this protected in their den for about the first four weeks. During these four weeks they will begin to grow in a fluffy coat of hair, and they will start to open their eyes. They are born with little nubs in the place of their antlers.

After the first four weeks they will begin to emerge from the den and start to play outside; though they will never stray far during this stage of growth. Their coats over time will increase in thickness and begin to sleek out for the next four to five weeks,and their antlers will begin to increase in length, becoming little nubs between two to five inches in length.

After the first eight to nine weeks the mother will no longer nurse her fawns, instead they will start eating meat and harder foods brought to them by their parents. Occasionally they will be brought live food like mice to “play” with to increase their hunting ability before they are able to go out. The female antlers tend to finish up their growth cycle after the first two months, the males beginning to slowly branch out in size, though may seem to halt in growth for a bit giving them a chance to increase in size so the antlers won't be too heavy.

In the fourth to fifth month the parents will begin to teach more to their fawns about hunting, and developing solitude driven life habits.

It is common for the fawns to stay with their mother until the fall comes, and their thicker winter pelt begins to grow in, in which they will leave the den to wander off on their own.

Once they reach the age of one year they will be considered fully grown with their adult pelts, and larger antlers having finally grown in. Vulpidae are known to live till about 40-50 years in length in average, though in captivity with proper care they are known to live till about 50-60

Cleaning Habits:

Much like many other mammals they will clean themselves, tending to constantly groom their own pelts keeping themselves very tidy and scent based. They groom themselves by licking their own pelts. When they bed for the day they will clean themselves for hours on end before slumbering.

Besides their own pelts they are generalized clean creatures, and will keep their dens and burrows very organized and tidy, nothing ever seems out of place around their homes. Due to this habit they are known to hoard objects and keep them until it gets to the point where they can’t all fit.



  • Vulpidae are known to be very cunning and smart creatures, and have a habit of being tricksters.
  • They will bark, scream, and howl much like wild red foxes do. https://youtu.be/iPFTEuT3d4I
  • They express their affection through a series of yips and barks.
  • A vulpidae baby is called a fawn, and a grouping of them is called a rangale.
  • They hoard objects and when owed they will often cause clusters in the home of their owners.


  • Their pelts tend to be based on location, and generally vary based on species of existing foxes.

    Examples of pelt colors follow these species of the Vulpine family.



  • Domesticated Vulpidae can get as small as an average Fox, though in the wild they generally are no smaller than the shoulder height of 50 cenemeters
  • They can live to an upwards of 50 to 60 years, though are considered elderly living past 50.
  •  A Vulpdae cannot be used to metagame location or anything similar, nor to powergame hiding or stealth. They follow all general server redlines, and rules for companions.
  • They are not willing to fight other beings for you on command unless it's for their own protection, and or unless they cannot flee the scene.
  • They Are able to fight in an event setting against creatures, but not used against players. (Aka. Hunts or battles against other entities.)
  • They cannot be used during player run events for any of the reasons stated above in the redlines.
  •  They will not tolerate abuse or starvation, and will leave their owners for such reasons.



- All art and images used within this post are not owned by me and credit goes to their rightful owners.
- Thank you to @APurrfectNobodyI took inspiration off of your lore format!


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Foxdeer do be kinda pog tho...

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31 minutes ago, altiar1011 said:

Foxdeer do be kinda pog tho...

Almost as pog as you


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Awww snap this is adorable ;-; pls I want one 

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