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Eloemir Lensuloem


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Eloemir Lensuloem
The Second Modern Singing Tree
Created 7th of
Malin’s Welcome, Year 30 of the Second Age
By Spring Druid Amaryllis Oakenarrow
For Interacting with this Singing Tree, please follow the guide below





You must be at the tree in order to access this forum post. If you do not have an index knowing all the information within the Singing Tree is meta-gaming. Screenshots of interactions without an index may be requested by an ST for proof of proper roleplay.
For more information please contact Oriaros in game.


List of Memories:




12th of the Grand Harvest, Year 34 of the Second Age (OOC: Saturday, July 24, 2021 8:00 PM CST)

When Snow Druid Liri stepped down as Archdruid, a moot was called as soon as possible to call in a replacement. Between the choices of Flora Druid Aiden, Phoenix Druid Seraphina, and Aconite Druid Emilei, Sister Aconite was chosen to be the new Archdruid. 

Sister Jackdaw, Ciliren, nominated Brother Faith, Earnest, to be a new Guide. He was promptly sworn in. We did have an awkward situation where Brother Flora wished to make Bear Druid Miven a Mother Circle Guide, however, there were a few issues with such. I believe it should be important to note that she was a Father Circle Druid AND a Mother Circle Druid, not only that, but an Archdruid of the Father Circle. 

Many were, understandably, uncomfortable and some thought she simply wanted the title. Coral Druid Damien said it best, she wasn’t around enough to be considered, most thinking she really only stood for and spent her time only around Father Circle to be considered a representative of the Mother Circle. Some arguments were made that it would bring some improvements between relationships of the Circles, but hearing the majority of the room protest, Sister Bear declined the nomination and the moot continued.

The voidal city floating within the sky was quite the interesting topic, apparently one of the attendees, Tahlia Tahorren, was a councilwoman that settled finance. I’m not sure what possessed her to state such, but as you expect by confessing to help govern a nation where voidal horrors and void mages ran rampant within a room filled with druii, you can only imagine how well it went. She grew smart, as before the moot was over, she was conveniently missing. 

Another issue brought up where the pale beast and the tainted tree which, turns out, was a corrupted fae that now claimed a dedicant and Sister Wicker, Nenar, captive. Stories were told where their bodies were used as puppets, bodies drained of color, asking questions like “How do I sleep?”. Sister Lioness, Andria, and Brother Oak, Amaesil were planning an assault against the tainted tree. Lioness leading the blight healers as, due to restrictions, she and those with wooden limbs are unable to get too close due to fear of being tainted. Amaesil leading those who can get close to kill the thing.


I believe this to be a good first memory of anything to add to this tree. Perhaps I’ll add something soon after. Sister Aconite accepted my offer to learn how to produce and add to Singing Trees herself. Perhaps you may come across a tree she’s grown and added memories to.

Oh, I almost forgot, some… Dare I say Druid due to their crimes… Totem being  Shadow was mentioned along with the Pale Beast. Perhaps I’ll do more research upon him later. Maybe Brother Deer, Dwyn, can elaborate once I visit.

- This Recording is spoken in
Spring Druid Amaryllis Oakenarrow's voice.





13th of the Amber Cold, Year 34 of the Second Age (OOC: Monday, July 26, 2021 9:54 PM CST)


It’s a common joke between me and Sister Lioness about what caused the fall of Irrinor, a Mali’ame nation that lasted from early to the beginning of the middle Arcas.

It’s been so long, I couldn’t properly recount every single detail that went wrong, but I feel I could get pretty close. Autumn Druid, Nivndil, and my father, Deer Druid Dwyn, often voiced their concerns at the blaring detail that the majority of the council were made up of children.

Keeping in mind, the age of adulthood for elves is fifty, so most of us upon the council were within our early thirties or late twenties. Which, in human terms, wasn’t that bad…. But it was often called back to as a failure of the older generation to guide the younger. I believe the oldest of us was Artanis Caerme’onn, the Chieftain of the Caerme’onn seed. He was barely over fifty and helped found the nation with Avius, a famous hot head, with a clan called the Ithelanens. 

Some arguments were sparked here and there, and they ended up leaving. One of the most funniest arguments being over a blue tent one wanted so desperately to keep, it simply wasn’t meant to be. Took one of my books as well! Claiming it belongs to them because the topic was about them.


I guess this brings the question of my context within this picture. I, at the time, was the head librarian of the library within the nation. Sure enough, my dedication to the word scored my family, the Taliame’onns, recognition as a seed. Even if it was just me, and my birth father, Rainbow Druid Skylar, within it at the time.

My birth mother died when I was young, and I was mostly under the care of my mom, Stable Druid Ithuriel. Not really important to the story, as elven families only mean to confuse everything.

Which, also, granted us seats upon the council. Bringing the biggest, most problematic situation I’ve always tried to warn future wood elven nations about, and only RECENTLY did they seem to listen.

Seed politics is bound to murder a state.

The worst thing you can do is drive the importance of seeds up and pin them on one another to fight for resources, housing, respect, and practically the right to exist. Was a nightmare, mostly when you were just handed recognition with no question if you wanted it, but Skylar seemed excited, so I did my best to try to make it work.

Lesson now kids, if you’re an elven kid, you’re gonna want to spend that childhood doing childish things. Don’t be me and grow up too soon. Which, even to this day, I’m regretting. 

Everything was a fight, everyone was ready to screw over the other for attention, the worst offenders being the Aureon Seed, run by the Red Panda Druid. Plus, the Arvellons, run by Leopard Druid Miklaei and Raven Druid Layla,  weren't much better, as if NOBODY NOTICE that they had entire islands to themselves and the other seeds barely had manors.

Caerme’onn was upset as we were, but as long as I had my library, I barely gave two craps about what everyone was arguing about. 


Sometime later, I believe Lioness wished those who were thirty and older to be considered adults. Haelun’or loses their mind. Which resulted in propaganda shooting between  them and Red Panda, who was voted in as High Prince, EVEN IF HE SHOWED UP THE SAME DAY AS THE VOTING. Still not sure how that happened. Petty arguments later, Haelun’or sends a diplomat with Orenian diplomats to which, for reasons I cannot recall, were killed at the gates.

Resulting in a war that killed not only the motivation of those trying to keep the ‘boat’ afloat, but caused many of our own populace to leave out of constant battles with Haelun’or who sat comfortably within the lap of Oren. 

Not a fun decade.

There’s really no clear victor of the battle, I believe both nations simply just forgot about it as it was such pettiness.

So, slowly, the nation just died over time. Leaving nothing but a skeleton and we all went our separate ways. The end?

Well, not exactly. Artanis’ mom, Orison Druid Awaiti, Aspects bless her soul, started up a small village called Siramenor, in honor of Irrin Sirame, and one thing lead to another. 

However, that’s story for another time.

- This Recording is spoken in Spring Druid Amaryllis Oakenarrow's voice.




Meeting Amaryllis... Aspects that tale I've been trying to weave in a more favourable balad than it actually went for ages. The first time I ever saw her was during a botanic lesson I required to get back into the old medicine job. I was rusty during the time I'll admit and even now my memory continues to fail me about which plant did what again, but lets pretend I was at least competent enough in my job to treat the wounded during a troll raid. She was kind during this lesson, like a ray of sunlight that brought a bit of niceness to my day but I could hardly count it as my first... encounter... with the woman who'd become my soulmate.

That sinking ship happened about a few elven days after meeting her, during those times I was the proud owner of the Drunken Boar the second ever tavern I owned and quite frankly my favourite one till this day. I spent every day with a dumb grin on my face serving drinks for a symbolic mina or even free for the patrons I liked, buttering them with tales of days long carried off by the wind. One of the quieter days blew another adventure upon my doorstep in the shape of a beautiful woman. She was young, charming in a bold way though very set on business. Could you already guess who I am talking about?

Amaryllis came to me for a rather interesting business proposal, the young lass wished for a child and wanted me to be its father: No strings attached, just the job of making it. To be honest I was reluctant at first since I had just come out of a painful relationship but I saw it as an interesting twist of fate and accepted. A few business months later and the entire town of Sirameanor was bickering about this scandal of an elfess who bore a child from a man nobody knew, aye as you folks had already surmised she wished to keep me out of the picture completely not even mentioning my name. But I still recall telling her that I didn't want the child to be raised fatherless, and thus from day one I insisted that she and the child were always welcome with me for support and the required duties of a father.

During the pregnancy and the developing tensions between seeds and Amaryllis' existance I had a particularly difficult time, she was treated like a beast, a dog that had killed the cat of the neighbors and I had to bite my tongue each and every day. Nothing was as difficult as her rejecting me though, yes-yes, the woman I share my soul with at first denied my proposals of a relationship... but boy was I in love with this druid. Plenty of times when I sat in the hunting camps with my brethren I'd ask myself 'Why do I go through such heartaches?'. Did I like to pain myself this way? Or was it the romantic bard in me that simply fought for one of his fairy tales? I hit hard lows during those times, but each moment I spent with this woman... even just the conversations... they drew me to her.

Many things happened since then and it wasn't until the babe was born or a little while before that she and I actually started to grow towards eachother. I do recall being allowed entry during the birth so it must've been beforehand. chuckles, I still recall Skylar's dumb face when I was allowed entry, his daughter had done the horizontal ballad with a heretic... whoo I had to contain my laughter so hard after seeing that.

After that moment though, the word spread like a crawling fungus, slow though towards each direction. When I told my best mate Nerrin at the time he was baffled beyond compare, he didn't believe me when I told him at first but Aspects that expression was worth all the Mina in Aegrothond! Once word was out about me being the father, people started to think twice about gossiping... I know I had a particularly short-lived temper towards those types regardless and had no fear of expressing my distaste at them. Amaryllis though, she wasn't an angel either. Goodness sometimes I thought she would've been a great sailor with that foul mouth. Anyways, A lion, a lioness and their cub had lived happily ever after... until the next tale that is!

-This Recording is spoken in
 Gryphon Druid Aeriolaneth Oakenarrow's voice.


‘Why aren’t the adults doing this again?’ Amaryllis and I standing outside of the Csarathaire and Tresery home within Irrinor. ‘Because apparently, we are more responsible.’ Amaryllis would speak. I would then huff at that. ‘Clearly, our company has arrived.’ It was then that several high elves would appear before us. Both of us then welcome the guest inside, then lead down towards a large room with a table. The meeting would play out just as we would remember, discussing the Irrinor library and the law of what was considered adulthood within the nation at the time. As the meeting would come to an end, Amaryllis and I would stand alone, watching the guests depart.  ‘It angers me.’ I would speak. ‘What does?’ Amaryllis would ask. ‘Us forced into these responsibilities and positions yet still treated like children when something goes wrong.’ Amaryllis would slightly frown at that, before nodding some.

-This Recording is spoken in
Lioness Druid Andria Tresery's voice.

Singing Tree Red Lines



  • A Singing Tree can only be created by someone who has an accepted Feat Application
  • You must have an accepted TA in this Feat to teach it to others.
  • To place knowledge into a Tree you must either possess an index, or Powershare with someone who has an index.
  • A Singing Tree is a flavorful way of storing, books, stories, and lessons and can not be used in combat.
  • Players cannot use a Singing Tree to allow for Self Teaching of Druidism or any of the abilities that are associated with Druidism.
  • Players cannot use a Singing Tree to teach any ability that requires a MA, or FA application.
  • Only may only add knowledge to a Singing Tree while not in combat, and not near-death.
  • Players may not use a Singing Tree to store the names/identifies of an individual or group in the process of killing them, or otherwise storing knowledge which will violate death/resurrection rules.
  • All Druidic Infusion guidelines, and redlines must be followed.
  • Ungrowing a Singing Tree requires that a sign be left indicating that the tree has been moved, or no longer there.
  • The above rule follows for if a Singing Tree is cut down or destroyed.
  • Removing a leaf causes instant destruction of a random memory.
  • Removing a branch keeps the memories alive, but the branch can not be returned to the tree through any means. The branch can only survive 3 irl days without a flow of Druidic energy. If this is not provided, the branch goes dormant.
  • A singing tree branch cannot be replanted to grow a new singing tree. If the Singing Tree Branch goes dormant, the memories are lost.
  • A Singing Tree can only survive for one irl week after being turned into a seed.
  • Should the seed maintain druidic energy it can survive indefinitely so long as it receives a steady supply of this energy.
  • A singing tree must be built between 6 to 10 blocks in height.
  • A singing tree must be exposed to the open sky and have access to dire


General Red Lines



  • This Feat requires that you know Druidic Infusion and Communion in order to learn it.
  • This Feat requires an approved application to perform.
  • This Feat requires an approved TA application in order to teach.
  • All Singing Trees require an ST to oversee its creation, or approve its creations.
  • All Singing Trees require an ST locked sign to approve them.
  • OOC Contact information of the creator must be left visible on the tree somewhere for interaction.
  • If you have an Index you do not need to contact the Creator to interact with a Singing Tree.
  • Removing or destroying the tree requires that a sign be left in its place stating the tree is no longer there.
  • These trees may not be used in combat in any way shape or form.
  • A Google Doc is to be created to contain all the knowledge left within the tree.
  • A Forum post is to also be created containing all the Knowledge of the tree. Should the tree be destroyed the forum post is to be hidden.
  • A sign with a link to the Forum post is to be left on the tree.
  • Removing the leaves causes them to instantly turn to ash and a random memory to be deleted from the Document or Forum post.
  • These Trees may not be accessed during combat or conflict of any kind.
  • These Trees are simply flavorful ways for Druids to keep a library of knowledge from Elder Druids.
  • These Trees can not be used to self teach Druidism, Blight Healing, Herblore, Shapeshifting, Driudic Transcendence, or any other Druidic abilities that may exist.
  • Only a Druid with Communion may use a Singing Tree.
  • An index can only be used by an attuned Druid.
  • A Soul Tree, epiphyte, or Treant may not use a Singing Tree as a tree.
  • All interaction methods with the Singing Tree must be followed. If memory removal is preformed, screenshots of the rp must be taken to confirm that the rp actually occurred should the st request to see the rp.



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