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A Bard's Ruined Vacation


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Fliers posted around noticeboards in Norland would carry the same scribed message,

each one stamped with the same red wax seal, written in the same ink with messy scrawled writing.




Surrounding these notes would be the sticky marshmallow prints of the dwarven vacationer on the parchment, each parchment nailed up shoddily.



A transcription of the letter's text for those unable to read it: 

Friends of Almaris, 

On my trip to my second favorite nation of Norland, I discovered something foul while stopping off for my tavern runs. A favorite vacation pastime as I count myself as a famous bard, and an even more beloved wedding singer.
I tipped the bartender for a Grandaxe Ale, as my life as I know it would cease without the comforts of my Urguan home. And as I sang what I thought was Norlandic favorites, I saw idiocy beyond compare.

Talk of dark arts? In Elysium? Dreadful. I couldn't believe it. These men must have been kicked in the head by their horses, or perhaps mistaken. As it was to my knowledge that the Inferni conflict was long ago, nor had I seen the shadowy figures that I had fought in the deserts of Korvassa all those years ago.
As I walked away from the tavern, in both disbelief and dismay, not only was I met with the smiling faces of Elysium but I was also met with a resolve to understand how someone could come up with such an insensitive conclusion. 
Had these men not fought against the darkness? Had these men not lost friends to a true, serious threat?

I am entirely shaken to the core by what I witnessed. What I thought would be a pleasant visit with some cute lassies, talking about love and springtime turned to a nightmare of lies and deceit. I implore those who visit the Varhelm tavern to act with caution- it appears they are spiking their drinks.

Brynaelda Grandaxe



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