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The Remembrance of a Legend


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Rhewen Frostbeard



None were prepared for the day Rhewen died, as to many within the Frostbeards, he was untouchable, someone who everyone silently agreed could and would live forever. Yet only a few stone days ago, the Gods called him to their side, a dwed who exemplified what it meant to be one of Urguan’s Folk, and the dwed who shaped the Frostbeards into what they are today.


Ever since his death the entirety of the Clan, myself included, have been in a constant state of mourning. Despite a failed attempt to retrieve his remains from the Ratiki-infested Luciensburg, we find solace in knowing his remains were burned, allowing his soul to reach the Gods above. Rhewen single handedly shaped the Frostbeard Clan into what it is today. While Kaz’Ulrah and Karl are significant names to our people, Rhewen was the one to truly establish our culture, to combine our past traditions in the desolate mountains with the bustling city-living of the Grand Kingdom. 


Under his guidance, the Clan became one of the largest and most renowned in recent history; a line of Grand Kings, councillors, marshalls, and Rhewen himself making Urguan into an empire. Despite the rebellions experienced by some wayward members of the Clan, Rhewen consistently continued to fight for Urguan’s name and image, showing the nature of true Frostbeards.


As a Grand King and Grand Emperor, Rhewen showed his people how to lead as a true representative of their wants and needs. He didnt allow others to influence his views, instead he led the Empire through the 18 Year’s War into victory. He restored the Obsidian Throne from the hands of the Ironborn, and was crowned the true successor of Urguan by one of his direct descendants, on Urguan’s Throne, with Urguan’s Crown.

His achievements have proven to be unrivaled since, and his teachings, legend, and values shall continue to live on through his descendants and the entirety of the Grand Kingdom.

Signed by,

Azkel Frostbeard, eldest son of Rhewen

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