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A proposal to restore the Adunian race and its culture.

By: Davorn Lasfaen


The Adunian race is a race which was formed from the mix of humans and elves. It’s culture shares a similar fact, a mix between that of human and elven culture, differing from area to area. An Adunian cannot be produced by just the reproduction between that of a human and an elf, one such child being seen as only a half-elf, not an Adunian.

Through this proposal I hope to speak upon the idea of how to efficiently rebuild the Adunian race and culture, while still keeping the key of Adunian culture.



The current issue with that of the Adunian race is their population is declining instead of increasing, the race being bred out in other human races. In order to quell this issue for the Adunian race, new ideas regarding the production of an Adunian must be put into place. Firstly, the requirements to be considered Adunian must be loosened. Anyone considered an Adunian shall be considered an Adunian, no one else except their children shall be considered Adunian. These children cannot be the offspring of an Adunian and a human however, for this would continue the current path the Adunian’s are on.


Instead any offspring of that of an elf or a half-elf with an Adunian shall be considered an Adunian due to the blood of an elven parent will add more elven blood to the Adunian, while a half-elf shall not remove any percentage of elven blood, and instead strengthen the mix of human and elven blood.


Through this system elven blood would be strengthened, the percentage of human blood within Adunian veins would not increase, and the population of Adunians could be increased. Production between two Adunians is the most ideal option, however due to decreasing populations, this idea would prove to be unsuccessful.


A prime point of being Adunian is remaining true to Adunian culture, however with how the world has changed, being orthodox when it comes to Adunian culture and beliefs will not benefit the Adunian race and help lead to its downfall instead.

The question of religion will most likely come first to the minds of readers. Regarding this topic, Adunian culture must be void of anything relating to religion, instead welcoming and encouraging members of the Adunian race to follow whatever religion they choose or even none at all. Religions or sects of religions who choose to segregate against that of other religions or races however can not be permitted due to the threat this could result in internal struggle amongst the Adunian people.

The Thuadian language has long not been used. In order in an attempt to strengthen Adunian culture, snippets of the Thuadian language shall be encouraged to be used, so that the Adunian race can still be welcoming to others while still growing upon our culture.

Superiority is a belief which some could say was given to us by our elven ancestors. The Adunian race must cease upon such beliefs, or else events like that of Ulgaard’s Rebellion would occur once more. Beliefs upon superiority should become a foreign subject to the Adunian race, viewing all races as equal to that of the Adunian race. With this in mind however if there was ever to be an Adunian kingdom once more, only Adunians shall be permitted to inherit and be granted titles of nobleship and royalty, in the hopes that an Adunian kingdom would remain as an Adunian kingdom.

With the advocation for leniency with that of other races and differing beliefs, the advocation for the increase of rights for women within Adunian society must occur too. Women shall instead be permitted to wear clothing which exposes more than just their hands, neck, and head. With this however, like that of their male counterpart, parts of the body considered to be ‘private parts’ should not be permitted to be uncovered publicly.

Women should not be discouraged from entering certain career paths, regarded as male career paths, nor should they be looked down upon if they choose to go down such a path. When it comes to matters of inheritance however, an agnatic-cognatic form of inheritance should be followed, to ensure Adunian families remain in power, instead of changing to that of other families due to marriage arrangements.

Other traditions, customs, and beliefs which are common throughout the Adunian race which are not spoken upon within this proposal will still be encouraged to be followed, to ensure such matters remain strong within Adunian culture.



As an Adunian myself who has found himself a welcoming place within this world, I encourage all Adunians to find a new home within Ando Alur to allow our race to be better organized, rather than be scattered throughout the world. I also advise any reading who are not Adunian to encourage their Adunian neighbors and acquaintances to read this proposal.

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What makes an Adunian an Adunian is not just that they are of any old half-elf and half-human stock. They are able to trace their heritage back to Harren's Humans and the specific Elves (I'm mobile and cant be bothered to find the right name) they interbred with.

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idk if this is an RP post but I'm going to reply like it is to disseminate my opinions more covertly :^)



Quentin Brae, a bastard Adunian delineated from the once noble and infamous clan of Brae indeed also wishes for a return to roots. "Those Providencial Adunians can hardly be considered o' the Blood. They follow no custom, save in face, and are buried under wigs and the boot of the Orenian Canon.


...would that this lad didn't suggest Ando Alur. An odd place for Adunians to take residency, when a place such as Luciensburg god rest its soul would've been a much more appropriate fit for the Neo-Adunian cultural dynamic."

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Hey so, with all the love and respect in the world as me and a bunch of others can tell we are the majority of Adunian Players in the world, please dont, we are a Human race this is a established fact based in the lore of the world we live in and if you have questions about the lore you should be asking people not making large scale declarations please reach out and ask questions about things people are always open to talking


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