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[✗] Submission for Furpix


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Name of the creature:


(Optional) Link to a picture of the creature + name of the artist:

Artist: GOMALEMO WORK (Link: https://gomalemo.tumblr.com/post/175779031207/hawkmoth-dragon)



Is this creature tamable and if so, how:


They can be tamed using Diddyfunkle flowers as they are immune to its hallucinogenic effects.  


Diddyfunkles - Lord of the Craft

Link to info on Diddyfunkle:



Can you use this in combat:



Habitats - Check all that apply:



Summary of the creature:


A small shy creature that inhabits forests. They have fur and insect like wings, they have a long tongue and small clawed feet, have a long tail for balance and big ears (which they can hear small sounds with). There patterns can vary from bright pinks and blues to whites and greens. They are very quick and have keen hearing so they can hear predators from a long ways away. They are primarily Palynivore's but eat insects and fruits too. they live high in canopies or large oak trees seeking shelter in the leaves or if they can find one a hollow hole in a tree. they are passive creatures so they don't attack unless it is for survival in which case they will bite and scratch (if there is no escape possible).



Characteristics of the creature:



Furpix are diurnal (they are active during the day and sleep at night).

Shy & passive, they will choose to run instead of fight unless it is to protect there young or territory from other Furpix.

When they are young they will play with there siblings and are quite inquisitive (not enough to get close enough to a predator for them to be attacked).

If predators or unwanted guests are in there territory they will emit a high pitch sound which scares off foxes, boars, wolves, cats, rabbits and deer. the sound is on a different frequency to the human ear so that humans, elves, orcs and dwarves cannot hear the sound much (though younger children can hear a slight humming sound).

They mark there territory by scratching branches and rubbing there fur on objects within there area, there scent can be smelt by other furpix and leaves a message of "Back off" but is almost invisible to the noses of other animals.



They are the size of a large ferret or a small cat. there wing span is 45cm.



They consume flower pollen or the occasional berry or insect. They fly next to flowers and extract there pollen or nectar. if they choose to eat berries or fruit they usually land next to the plant and eat the chosen fruit. If hunting for insects they fly around and catch them in the air, if they find insects that are landed on a branch they pounce on them with there claws then catch and eat the insect whole.



They are fluffy creatures with 4 translucent wings, they have 2 forearms which have 3 black claws, and 2 legs, there feet a fluffy but contain microscopic little splinters of harder skin so they can grip onto things with ease. they have a long tail which have strong muscles which they use for balance or to hang upside down while they sleep. They have tongues that can reach a total length of 10cm (4inch). there eyes are quite large for there heads and are fully pupil, there eye colour can range from red, green, blue, purple, black, yellow to white. they have ears tipped with a tuft of fluff, they have very strong hearing and can hear better that a dog or cat, as for the tufts of fur on there ears, they use those to feel the strength of wind (It helps them keep balanced whilst flying). There fur colour can be any colour ranging from rainbow to pitch black, when they are born there fur usually matches there environment, if there environment changes they will slowly grown new fur to better match there surroundings.


Life span:

They can live from 18-22 years of age (with correct climate, habitat and care).



during mating season which is when it is the end of winter they gather near large blossoming trees and perform a dance making unique sounds (usually mimicking sounds which they hear in there surroundings). Female Furpix are attracted to Male Furpix that perform well, look attractive and make a wide variety of sounds. Male Furpix shed there fur at the end of winter and grow there fur choosing there colours ready for mating season.


Birth / Offspring:

These creatures birth 2-4 large pebble size chix's (there young are called chix). A litter of chix's is called a bundle. They drink a special substance called gwilk that there mother creates in her stomach, it is a yellow/gold liquid that they give to there children with there tongue, they curl there tongue into a straw like tube shape and vomit/through up the substance into her young's mouths.



Furpix sleep upside down on branches with there tail suspending them. they do this if there is no hollow tree available, in which they would curl up in a leaf and/or twig nest. they are very sensitive to climate and prefer temperate instead of hot or cold. if a hollow tree is not available they will create a nest in the trees out of twigs, plant fibres and leaves for there young. If the climate is cooler they tend to grow longer thicker fur, and if the climate is more hot they trap a cooler pocket of air underneath there fur to keep cool and avoid sun damage to there skin.



Furpix can be used to help pollinate crops and plants and to lower bugs in an area. They scare away "pest" creatures, and can spread seeds of fruits which they eat. they keep areas of forests lush and healthy. There fur is very soft, stretchy and warm, there hide can be used for coats, blankets, bags and other items (I don't think it is worth the life of such a cute creature though). They can be pets but the only way to have one as a pet is to breed them in captivity or raise them when they are chix, if raised properly they can be silly, playful, loving and smart companions and can be trained to perform tricks and mimic sounds.




(Optional) Origins of the creature:





They are weak to the temperature if forced into hot or cold climates to quickly they can suffer from heat stroke, brain damage or Hypothermia much quicker than other creatures such as dogs and cats, they must be acclimatised slowly and gently. they cannot swim and will drown if the water is too deep.


There strengths include: agility, speed, mapping and cleverness. they can learn what emotions people are feeling and can visit a place once and then remember it as if they had lived there for a few days. they are very quick and can even out maneuver a hawk in some cases. 



Red Lines


They must not swim as they cannot stay afloat and will drown if they attempt so.

They will bite and scratch if picked up by a stranger.

They will starve within 24 hours if there is no access to pollen, nectar, fruit or insects.

They can fly for a max of 1 hour without a break, they cannot go over this flight time as they will tire and fall. they must have at least a 3min break before flying again.

They cannot live longer than 22 years.

They cannot grow bigger than said size (that of a large ferret).





Common - Anyone can RP finding this creature.

Edited by VeganNatureQueen
Didn't like the name (changed it to Furpix). Found Artist (Thx TimberBuff)!
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Looks pretty good compared to your last write-up, I'm proud of you. I'll give this a read whenever I can.

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