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What Is LoTC To You?


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I'll go ahead and give a serious answer.


LotC is an incredible project for those interested in either writing or playing out what they wrote. What do I mean?


LotC provides a community of writers & audience members to gauge how well lore is written, how interesting the lore would be in execution, on an easy-to-use medium (Minecraft) to play out characters and concepts in.




Since I know a number of people are more interested in "the issues", I think people perpetuate their lack of self-discipline (in not getting too consumed in such an interested game) and blame the game. Unfortunately I did this a long time ago, but wised up. Likewise, the other issue that seems to endemic is not coming to terms with the practical constraints and limitations of Minecraft as a medium.


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I joined the Lord of the Craft back when I was in middle school. I am no finishing my final year in university.


This server was originally a place for me to express my imagination and to live out fantasies. I was very creative as a child and I loved to pursue mediums that could let me indulge in escapism. I was an avid reader, theatre kid and writer. I wrote silly stories about ducks and "eraser men." Once I joined the server, I finally had an outlet for those ideas.


What does the Lord of the Craft mean to me? It means expression and productivity.

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I joined LoTC at the beginning of 2014 when my college roommate convinced me standing in one spot on minecraft was somehow fun. I thought it was just another way to bond with her but through that decision doors were opened to some of the best experienced of my life (so far). I loved the slice of life aspects of being able to life an escapism fantasy life while the conflict, politics, and wars made those quiet slice of life moments more precious. I loved even more the ability to express myself through writing and being able to meet others that wanted to do the same.


Within a year or two of joining the server, I joined every staff team I possibly could- AT, FM, ET, GM, until finally I was an Admin! It was so much fun to meet all different people that were just as passionate to make this server just as welcoming as I felt it was when I joined. I didn't always agree with the other staff members but we were all trying our best to make the server what we felt would be best. Being on staff was probably the worst my mental health dropped too- depression, isolation, extreme jadedness over my relationships. It was probably the first time I'd use the word "toxic" outside of being salty over PVP goons raiding. The hours upon hours turned from enjoying roleplaying with my friends to suddenly stressing over helping others have fun, without really thinking about my own health and happiness. It took stepping away for a while to reevaluate priorities and heal to the point where I can now return and truly enjoy myself again.


But this server brought one of the happiest lights of my life. I met my husband while randomly roleplaying one day in the Fringe! He accidentally yeeted himself off a wall in front of me and straight into my life. I also have met some of my best friends on this server that came to my wedding, supported me in my times of need, and people I truly love with all my heart. LoTC might just be an in-depth roleplaying server on the surface but to me it is also a community that I love and know I can call upon through anything.

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I think I can sum it up pretty well by a gif I made last year



All the memes aside, LotC will always have its up and its downs, but good memories were made on here, despite it all, and I hold those memories dearly with a strange fondness. 

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LotC is a contested topic among many, I've spent almost a decade on here and had my fair share of horrible and fantastic experiences. What LotC is to me is something that is a bigger community experience that allows for creatives to absolutely flourish in an almost uncontested environment, where their ideas are tested and tried against a multitude of minds to ultimately carve and create your own skills. Each Community has its negatives and I believe ours is basically so focused on the negative aspects that we rarely reflect on why we all stay on this server, if the server was genuinely so bad, those that hate it would not be on it, those that speak ill have good memories of friends/communities or roleplay experiences that have made their lives either better or more enjoyable.

The biggest thing to look at this is to not just treat it like a game such as league of legends, where you vent out whatever you want to some randoms online to make yourselves feel better. This is simply a platform to show the hobbies of creative writing and a multitude of other talents that many have on here (skinning, drawing, media etc.) You should definitely not be ashamed of spending time on the Craft if it was productive, what you should focus on is the good times and thinking of what keeps you here. The negatives can be dwelled about in every single other thread on this server and it's something I'm sure we all have a pet peeve, major annoyance or even hatred about certain aspects of the server that sour the entire experience. This is a place where I can explore my own creative talents without feeling shamed or outcasted by people in the "real world", where if I talked about how I wanted to eventually write homebrew DnD Worlds where people can immerse themselves and characters in, I'd be laughed out and ridiculed by people or met with a strange "eh". This is a safe avenue for me to pursue my own nerdier interests without feeling like I'm the only person in the world doing it, or the only people that roleplay are the weird smelly guys down at the local gameshop who oversexualise their characters on tabletop characters and genuinely do not care for a story. We're basically all a bunch of normal people who try to enjoy and have fun on the server, there are ups and downs. But we're still here after a decade, and I hope the legacy continues on to help those that were in my situation for way long after I have left the server.


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12 hours ago, The Great Mongol Khan said:

LOTC means the desolation of my love life. <3

dad come home I miss you

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LOTC too me is an escape. A place where I can stuff my worries and be in a different reality where I can slay dragons and go on grand adventures with friends along the way. It may not be the MOST fun sometimes with its own issues, but I don't need to worry about my own issues. I can pretend that I don't have to worry about my own issues and live in a fantastical world where I can wash my frustrations in dragon slaying, silly rp to cause a laugh, or even something somber so it feels like I'm writing an epic story. Something I wanna do sometime, even though I'm not very good at writing.

To me this is a place where I can bring joy, as I find I have more fun when I rp with people who are having fun, so if I can bring fun too people, they'll bring fun too me, and the story continues, as not only do you brighten your day, you brighten other peoples day.

So really, this is to me is like a wardrobe to Narnia, All I have to do is sit now, and I'm some where else having an epic adventure, my worries left behind.

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a puzzle where you find the quickest way to get banned

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it used to be

log on, warzone from dusk until dawn, log off, repeat


now its

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