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[✓] [World Lore] - Conduits of Enlightenment


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My name is Salty Alty, and I was passed a chili dog in order to approve this message. 


In all seriousness, pog lore, I'll save admiring it fully until review 


Ily timbers <3

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Absolutely amazing! 

But from a Lore standpoint, you might need to go more in-depth on the teaching of this in the redlines.

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Glad you went with the less is more approach for rewriting conduits, I approve.

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A few tidbits I'm curious about:

- Is it an open Feat, or a Closed one?

- How is it specifically taught?

- How far back do memories go? I'm worried that allowing people to project memories will make them try to be CCTV cameras and go around sharing memories of peoole doing villainy to other people (or trying to use it combatively- i.e. show them something frightening in hopes of them having a heart attack, or something). Could use more clarification and redlining.

- How many people can be tethered at once? Can you go around tethering infinite amounts of people?

- Perhaps Lucid Dreaming should be included inside of the first skill, it's pretty short and has no use elsewhere.


Other than those, this lore is AWESOME! I've been wanting to try out Conduit lore ever since I read it in the first place, I hope it gets passed.

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15 minutes ago, TreeSmoothie said:

A few tidbits I'm curious about:

- Is it an open Feat, or a Closed one?

- How is it specifically taught?

- How far back do memories go? I'm worried that allowing people to project memories will make them try to be CCTV cameras and go around sharing memories of peoole doing villainy to other people (or trying to use it combatively- i.e. show them something frightening in hopes of them having a heart attack, or something). Could use more clarification and redlining.

- How many people can be tethered at once? Can you go around tethering infinite amounts of people?

- Perhaps Lucid Dreaming should be included inside of the first skill, it's pretty short and has no use elsewhere.


Other than those, this lore is AWESOME! I've been wanting to try out Conduit lore ever since I read it in the first place, I hope it gets passed.

- Closed, but no TA and there'll be a self teach altar

- Simply by giving someone the ability, the rest comes fairly naturally. There's no tier system or otherwise. 

- Redlining how accurate someone's memory can be is a rather difficult thing, I believe. Honestly, showing someone your first person perspective of a memory of being robbed isn't much different than people just describing what happened, except maybe having a neat bit of flavor to it. How often I've seen people slap up someone's skin on a bounty poster as an "artist's rendition" is too many to count. As for using combatively, all abilities are non combative, as stated. 

- One at a time, as I'm sure most people only have two hands. However, due to there being no TA needed, theoretically someone could go around and give this to everyone on the server. Though, the same can be said about housemagery. 

- I've thought the same, but it was less work to leave it how I wrote it lmao

Thanks for the feedback!

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I do not read lore submissions and often I don't read new implemented lore but I passed over this and my only thought is that you should consider not using the term mindplane and use something else unless you are intentionally drawing on mindplanes Voidal horrors possess and if so elaborate on the connection(s) and/or similarities, possibly to the point of tying them in and making this Voidal.

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25 minutes ago, Zarsies said:

I do not read lore submissions and often I don't read new implemented lore but I passed over this and my only thought is that you should consider not using the term mindplane and use something else unless you are intentionally drawing on mindplanes Voidal horrors possess and if so elaborate on the connection(s) and/or similarities, possibly to the point of tying them in and making this Voidal.

Yeah, not that big a deal. Give me a bit to come up with a new word and replace it. Easy fix, thanks for feedback.

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19 hours ago, TimberBuff said:
  • Passengers must be willing, cannot bring an unwilling subject into the mindplane


Is this IC or OOC consent?


19 hours ago, TimberBuff said:

Mindplane Travel (Non Combative)


Passengers should, at the very least, be able to choose on when they can leave the dream.



19 hours ago, TimberBuff said:

The practitioner may show their memories to the Passengers, or be able to view the memories of Passengers with consent. 


This is, in my opinion, a spell that should be audited from the lore. It seems to have a lot of room for powergaming and low-effort roleplay. "Yes, your honor. I'm innocent, come into my lucid dream and I'll show you that this person is actually the guilty one." 
Agreeing with @AmericanSimpthat the teaching process should be given some more depth as well, but I like how freeform it is.

All in all it's a very interesting concept but not one I can see working well on LOTC just for my own personal reasons

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1 minute ago, Xx_BloodStalk_xX said:

Is this IC or OOC consent?


Passengers should, at the very least, be able to choose on when they can leave the dream.



This is, in my opinion, a spell that should be audited from the lore. It seems to have a lot of room for powergaming and low-effort roleplay. "Yes, your honor. I'm innocent, come into my lucid dream and I'll show you that this person is actually the guilty one." Not only this, but this spell is also going to horribly overpower villainy roleplay as you can easily get the face and voice of someone on standby. 
Agreeing with @AmericanSimpthat the teaching process should be given some more depth as well, but I like how freeform it is.

All in all it's a very interesting concept but not one I can see working well on LOTC just for my own personal reasons

- IC and OOC consent is needed in order to enter the area
- Passengers being able to leave of their own volition is intended, and an oversight on my end to not include a line. Will be edited posthaste.
- The argument of a lack of memory share seems to be overcome by other things in this lore. Someone could use lucid dream to create a false reality in which that they are innocent or guilty, just as easily as they can show a memory. Another thing would be just people would have to believe that this is a thing that is possible to do. I could see some sort of compromise in which someone could use the lucid dream ability to vaguely recreate scenarios, with no real specifics? Or redline it to only be able to recreate places without specific details like people present. I think the lore could be fun, but I do want to assuage the issues of possible powergaming with villainy.

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All in all any sort of 'powergaming' with the memories relies on the other person, the judge or what have you- beleiving it as a form of evidence

and frankly, If i was in that position I wouldnt? I wouldnt trust some vision that the accused dragged me into, let alone even agree to it


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As one that has dealt with many cases and lore before as a prior ST manager in the past, I will say that I highly suggest you listen to the others regarding memories being seen by others. 


The main reason why is that this isn't a matter of 'it could be fake or false', it's more the fact that truth of what happened CAN be seen. Clearly and without doubt. This has happened before regarding runesmithing 'truth stones' or mental magic. Yes the chance of it 'false' is there but people do not and have not cared regarding that aspect. And instead, flat used this kind of thing to metagame and place verdicts on without any chance of proving otherwise. 


You may think that it's the same as just telling others what happened, but trust me on this one. It is not. Instead, it's a rather unfortunate loophole but it is a loophole none the less and something to massively consider. Especially since how easy it will be to get this feat. 


Best of luck regarding your lore, dear ❤️

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12 hours ago, TimberBuff said:

- IC and OOC consent is needed in order to enter the area

Bit of a nitpick but might need to specify this in the redlines, bc of how you worded  it is just seems like it's just IC consent.


12 hours ago, TimberBuff said:

- The argument of a lack of memory share seems to be overcome by other things in this lore. Someone could use lucid dream to create a false reality in which that they are innocent or guilty, just as easily as they can show a memory. Another thing would be just people would have to believe that this is a thing that is possible to do. I could see some sort of compromise in which someone could use the lucid dream ability to vaguely recreate scenarios, with no real specifics? Or redline it to only be able to recreate places without specific details like people present. I think the lore could be fun, but I do want to assuage the issues of possible powergaming with villainy.

The hard truth is that it's extremely hard, or rather impossible, to predict what a player can do. Even if you do not want it to happen, it will eventually happen. @Delmodancouldn't have put what I was trying to convey any better. Even if you say that it cannot be used this way, a bundle of players will roleplay it like that. OOCly, the verdict has already been set in stone from the moment they've been given an inch to make a mile out of. I've seen it happen before with Yeu's 'no lying' rule for example and this freeform version of it is a more hazardous alternative.

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