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The Dance of the Ocean


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[!] Flyers would be posted all around Almaris, advertising the upcoming festivity of the Vortice Masquerade Ball!



We, the Congress of Vortice, cordially invite you to join us in our Dance of the Ocean ball in the capital city Talon’s Port. As the name suggests, it is an ocean themed ball, so we implore you to dress accordingly in an ocean themed scheme. Blues,greens, purples, corals, and so on. You can even come in a bathing suit if you so please! Just keep it appropriate, as children will likely be there. Be sure to bring your masks and get ready to dance, eat, drink, and have your fun with your friends.


Hosted in the month of Malin’s Welcome, 33 S.A


OOC: 9pm on Thursday, July 15th, 2021

Everyone* is invited!


Special invites listed below:
The Duke of Elysium, Eugeo de Astrea, and his company

The Matriarch of the Jade State, Xiuying Li, and her company

The Grand King of Urguan, Levian’Tol Grandaxe, and his company

The High Prince of the Realm of Elvenesse, Evar’tir Oranor, and his company

The King of Norland and his company

The Rex of Krug and his company
The Emperor of Oren and his company

The King of Karosgrad and his company


DO NOTE THIS IS A ***CIVIL*** EVENT, any hostility will be met with a swift disinvitation.



*Everyone does not include the Rustlers or any banished persons who are viable to arrest by the State Army of Vortice.


[!] RSVP Invite information has been posted below as well!



Signed, the Monarch of Vortice, Keeper of the Depths,

Vivian Maelstorm


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Lenora happily finishes up her dress.. then it dawns on her that she will have to make something for her husband

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Upon seeing on of these fliers on his monthly trip into the domain of vortence. Brawly would make the necessary arrangements to attend this ball. 


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Aah, an excuse to wear a pretty dress... Sana will gladly take it.

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The jester took the flyer "ill have to call up my friends for this, this is a perfect opertunity" he put it into his bag and continued on his day

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Farryn would rummage through her closet, looking for something to wear or alter. “Hmm.. Do I look best in blue or green?” She said to herself, as she held up different dresses and other formal wear. 

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A certain Haesenie Lord wonders why only the Grand Maer of Karosgrad got a spepcial invite, and not the King of Haense. "Huh, seems like they did nie realize the Grand Maer does niet lead the state." He huffed, passing the invititation to one of his cousins.

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"Let's see how easy it will be for me to buy some boomsteel, make it into a bomb with the help of a Cat 'friend,' and then pay some poor depressed jack-ass, maybe a halfling, to take it in there and cause some fun!" My very special Adfectio-eyed, magic elf says.

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Kane Redfist took one of the flyers while passing by. Once home, he took the time to read it "A ball eh..? Long toime ago since I last had one o' those." he said before noticing the date "Suppose I'll 'ave to wait for teh next one..." he muttered, putting the flyer away again before getting ready for his next trip.

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