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You Put the Lime in the... Grave! | PK

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"I am sorry, Lemon! I will remember you we—"


Pain. Unending, blissful pain. The elf known as Kina'ir crumpled to the rain-flooded gutter beside the main pathway; the front gates of the Silver City glistened behind him. His mind was a whirl of thoughts and feelings; however, it mostly felt cold. This was, frankly, due to half of his brain having erupted from his front visor when the bolt entered through the back of his helmet.


No, No! He thought in his final moments. This is not how it ends! I finally found a way to kill without having to hang corpses up in that Elvenessi basement. The elf growled, but it was mostly involuntary from the blood and vomit rising up through his throat and spilling out in a thick puddle around his helmet. I was to be famous! FAMOUS!


Yet he would not be. The bandit known as Lime left behind his brother-in-arms Lemon. Perhaps they would find one another in whatever hell the Rustlers belonged to. He hoped it would be warm, painful and full of the punishment he rightfully deserved. So many women had died by his hand and the Elvenessi had never caught him. The Haelun'orian cat-man had been his folly — good grief!


With his last few moments of life, the one-day bandit faded away with a twisted grin on his face. A monster was taken out of this world and Ri'Haskir'Kul had done the realm a great service this day.


Lime was dead.







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Haskir lofts his arbalest after the long-distance shot, pleased with what met its end at the tip of the bolt. He didn't know the serial killer behind the mask, he only knew them as Lime -- Lime the bandit, brother to Lemon. With Lime gone, he gave a fanged grin before beginning to load another bolt for the next in the skirmish.




With the bandits in retreat, they burned the rest and some others at the stake ... for someone. @Qizu

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An armored man sits inside his small, rundown hut, a painting hung in front of him. There, on the canvas, is him and his citrus and zesty allies, all holding a blade and fruit of some kind in a pose of their choosing. There stands lime, holding his simple longsword pointed to the ground, and a lime in hand. He sits in deep memory, remembering the days of Lime and their times together as blade brothers. Through thick and thin, and through steel and stone, these crusaders fought off many enemies for the zesty justice of their faith. And yet, here he stood, alone with no one to comfort him. All of his zesty brothers dead, and all of his lemon juice gone. 

There was only one thing left to do. With his age of near two hundred, the man would go on to start his faith anew, the justice of Zestius and Citrinum at his side. The specters of his brothers and sisters would guide him throughout battle and his revenge. His first target? A cat man with deadly aim. 





Edited by VoidandNull
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Elren looked at the two empty glasses that he had just served the pair. He idly awaited them to return for their refills, like they said they would... sadly no such day would come.

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1 minute ago, BobBox said:

Elren looked at the two empty glasses that he had just served the pair. He idly awaited them to return for their refills, like they said they would... sadly no such day would come.





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"F" An elf says

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