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Amaesil would stand in the upper tower of the citadel. Behind him rang bells in celebration of love and marriage. The smile and joy for his kin had faded upon hearing the declaration from far across the Summer Sea. He withdrew the Haelunorian spyglass that had been gifted to him by his mentor, Celiasil. He peered across the world.

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A Peculiar Hound would nod in approval of such a missive.


"Death to the Maleficar - mayhaps Karinah'siol is due for a mission from the Blackened Sun..."

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“Lae’leh kalem'Valah yallre. Yet it is true: the quest for purity is never won,” Irulan Elibar’acal reminded himself, combing over the words of his zealous kin with critical, immortal eyes. “It is a standard reached and raised again, refined over the stretch of any one life.”


He took a step back and searched his mind for a more nostalgic youth. He recalled the cryptic words of Athri Elibar’acal, “Have you ever sifted sand through a screen? We sift mali’aheral to find the Thilln.”

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"Begone to those of that Sodden Mud. Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya!" Muttered a silver clad figure.

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"It is that time again! For our kin to gleam brighter than the sun which shines upon our blessed race with glee, awaiting the moment for a true 'thill to rise unto the challenge.. It is with my unconditional support that we see this TRUE ELF as the Father of Silver, may his reign show unto all the less fortunate 'ata that this plane is to be ruled by the Blessed Elves! Maehr'sae hiylun'ehya! He is a lion, one of silver - untarnished by the fallacies of the modern world, he is a spear of  righteousness, a torch in these dark times, be not a fool whom looks away, but become one with truth, support this TRUE ELF and all our sufferings shall vanquish."
A pure looking fella shouts from upon a soap-box, raising a balled fist cloaked in gray silk into the skies.

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Within the walls of her new home, a rather tall thill' woman nodded as she read the missive, the slightest hint of a smile beginning to cross her features. "May we bring about her vision for our people. Purity, at last." she'd mutter, setting the paper down on her desk. Standing, she'd retrieve a modest glass of red wine, before standing out on the balcony. Raising the glass, she'd proclaim-


"Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya!"


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Gilaethor upon reading the missive, would smile greatly at the words of his companion. "Adreniel Elibar'acal is truly paving the way for the future of the mali'thill, I entrust only him alone to bring that future to us all. Death to the Impure".

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A Elf up high looks down from a ledge. The missive comes to them, as it does a smile creeps upon their features as they read. A proud tone comes from them as they state with laughter to them "Finally, the impure can be purged once again and life will be good"

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"Ay'Othelu, Ay'Larihei, Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya," a lone 'Thill mutters out upon finishing the last few words of the missive.

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Calaeron Visaj claps, spitting on a nearby wood elf therafter.

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[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xi4O4RvlnQ ]


BIDING sombre respite yet, word o'th' grapevine betides the LAURIR OF MAEYR'ONN, IHIEVHII'THILLN MAEYR'ONN; a caper of his gilded survey, flitting thusly to and fro, and yonder glen, o'er the waxed parchment, bespoke an abiding tact, 'twixt the throes of a cerebral fit of scrutiny. A languid inebriation paved the frameworks of a humoured countenance, 'gainst his lambent pallid and pellucid –– digits twining the gnarled veneers of a threadbare chalice's stem, through and throughout, in copious indulgence: one could venture even, lilting dimples displaced o'er his equitable taut, boding his salt-swept smile.


"DEATH TO'TH'… IMPURE, AN' HIS WAYS OF –– AH: SODOMY. MRM… MORE BOOZE, IF YE' MIGHT…"  INTONATED that pompous equester –– begging manage a volte-face shift of his chiding stare, ceded then o'er the 'ker valet adjacent himself, MORDU'KER [ @Shah of Iran]: a decadent avarice betoken in his coeval, auric iris'. 












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Halaena Elibar'acal eagerly awaits her return to the state to go impure hunting!

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"Ay'Othelu, Ay'Larihei." A particular Viradiraar mutters to herself as she reads the closing remarks of the missive, a forlorn smile taking her lips as she thought back on her days in the city of silver, before she shook herself out and continued with her day.

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Luthriel Xatophon's hands shook nervously, her lips grinned wildly, and her heart raced in excitement as she read the pamphlet.  "If the author knew who I was, he'd want me thrown into the acid pits as well.  But he doesn't know my heritage, and that is good.  I will support his cause, for I want my impure and short life to mean something.  The world will not become pure in a day, and until it does, I will stay alive to condemn those who seek to propagate rather than extinguish impurity."  

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Tucked away within the confines of her shop did the thill hear about the paper from passing customers, perking a brow as she read over the letter handed to her. A degree of interest crossed her stoic features as she folded and tucked the missive into her corset, starting back down the stairs to the entrance of the bookstore. "How interesting, I wonder what mayilun will say...Perhaps I should pay a visit to the silver city."

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