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The Step Towards Physical Perfection

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"Enligntened be the man who has let go of his chains, for they bind him down on what he can and can not do. Push forward now, and temper your body as you soon shall your soul"
-Maehrir Dovian proclaiming the 2nd Truth


[!]The Artist's depiction of the Strong Mali'Thill's Perfect Body

Physical Perfection- the Next Step


To my High Elven brothers and sisters, I write this missive to you know on the ideals to which must be taken in order to push towards a state of purity yet unheard of in our modern age. Just as we must shatter the chains of the aengul-daemon threat, so to must be shatter the chains that are a barrier on enlightenment. To be a Mali'Thill is to be the most perfect being upon the realms. We have hand crafted ourselves in the golden pools to surpass any other being due to our nature, having washed away the sins of Malin the Foolish with the Silver Lady as our guide. Now we must take what the Silver Lady gave us and push it beyond what should be possible.


"Become even greater then who you are. Build perfection with all your actions"

To begin this path of ascension to an even greater physical perfection, the High Elf must take onto themselves the greatest of harms to their self: that is that they are not physically perfect. A blunder and counter point to what this missive has told you, but it is to help the High Elf understand that they can become even greater, purer, and more perfect then they already are. The High Elf must ration their diet by refusing the impure act of gluttony for the foods of the world. The High Elf must refuse the impure act of Lust for the impure and the lesser. The High Elf must refuse the impure act of envy upon their kin who may be better then them for being more skilled in another task.

Once the High Elf has abandoned these Mortal Flaws, they may begin the path to physical ascension. No longer will the high elf grow fat and ugly by feasting on the many foods of the world. No longer will the high elf take onto the depraved act of flirting and loving upon the impure and lesser who do not hold themselves to the neigh impossible standards that only the Mali'Thill can achieve. No longer will they compete with each other and only look upon themselves for what should rightfully be truthfully be theirs: Physical Perfection.

To this end, the High Elf must push their body to the limits. Ether by means of daily exercise in toning the body to a chiseled art work, or by partaking in the exhausting act of expending all of their mana if they are a magi of the Void. Perfection is not subjective nor is it impossible to achieve. It is the High Elf understanding that they, as pure perfect begins can become even greater then what they are. They can ascend to heights never before seen as possible.

Know the first truth

for it leads to the Second Truth

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Seraphite burns the missive after seeing the depiction at the beginning.

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" This guy does not miss leg day ! " April comments to her cousin after peaking a view at the missive! 

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Seeing the missive with some horrible eyesight, Galan takes a moment before laughing at the picture. "I've never seen a Mali'thill like that. They are as skinny and gangly as any other voidal mage." 

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Adreniel Elibar'acal approves this message

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2 minutes ago, VoidandNull said:

Seeing the missive with some horrible eyesight, Galan takes a moment before laughing at the picture. "I've never seen a Mali'thill like that. They are as skinny and gangly as any other voidal mage." 

[!] The elf clearly never met the late Sohaer Orrar, on his beefeater diet.. 


otheluFlex.png.f71c1837e79688a333e8cc01848878f0.png getting gains is the purest thing you can do, mali'thill.. 


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"Maehr'sae hiylun'ehya, may all children of Silver continue to follow in such astute ideals!" proclaims a shrill voice from the Silver Council chambers

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Haskir slams down an ancient statue of Kael'thas, the premiere mali'thill and friend of the pantera. His chiseled abs on display sparkle in the light, and his mountainous biceps glisten in amber sunrays.

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Peralien Maevisal really hopes that the depiction is a joke. The hair is way too brown, looks like a disgusting wood elf who ruins their public relations by refusing to wear a shirt. 


2 hours ago, chezel_ said:

Seraphite burns the missive after seeing the depiction at the beginning.

Peralien would've done the same but her stove is currently baking something. 

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Aeonn simply shakes his head "Someones become a meat head...that kinda body can be achieved by anyone, heck Id know given ive gotta keep up with these monsters ive such a look myself" hed slap the paper as he held it "Buncha garbage and delusion"

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Telos Andria'liene mutters something about voidal magic, and how 'thill shall never return to greatness if they cannot understand the mistakes of the past. He leaves the missive somewhere, returning to his own writing with a sigh.

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