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ArtStation - Smoking Orc, Kenn Nyström


The orcish people are fond of their substances. Cactus green has been cultivated since before written history, and many orcs have risen to power through the mania of intense drug binges. As a society that has never outlawed the use of the substances, the orcish people have spent thousands of years cultivating power and effective drugs.  The narcotics listed below would damage the bodies and minds of smaller descendants, possibly injuring or killing them. Viewer discretion advised. 



Drugs are listed by potency for reference. Non-orc descendants are about 2-3x more sensitive to these substances due to their lack of experience with drugs and physiology. An average descendant would overdose at about half the dosage of an orcish overdose.




Cactus Green

A staple of orcish culture, originating from the very first farms of their land. Picked from the cactus, green can be ground or have its flowers broken apart, which then can be smoked or cooked into food to produce a variety of feelings based on the type of Cactus Green grown.  There are many different kinds of cactus green, as the plant has modified over its husbandry, as well as shamans meddling with its different properties to potentiate its effects.  The most infamous cactus is the World Cactus, a species propagated by the Farseers in Aegis. Renditions of the gigantic cactus have been made in other continents as well, notably by Burbur’Lur in Athera, and again in Vailor. The orcs of Almaris also propagated a world cactus, though time will tell its effects. 

Cactus green can have a variety of effects depending on the strain or magic infused in it. Shamans have cultivated cactus green the longest, but druids, and other naturopaths are able to increase the potency, though often do so with random and wild effects. Cactus green is an atypical depressant, as certain strains can produce stimulating effects. The most common effects are fatigue, euphoria, intense hunger, and in extreme dosages, hallucinogenic experiences that often fill the consumer with paranoia. This paranoia would be present in non-regular or unfamiliar users, or those consuming strong strains. Tolerance is built in about a few months of use. 





Purple Vienna Kohlrabi Seeds 1705 | OSC Seeds


 A small shrub that grows along alpine mountains. Its roots can be ground up and snorted to create a highly addictive drug that makes the user extremely mellow/drowsy. Common side effects include a decrease in appetite and makes the user forgetful and absent minded. However, Rusk is only taken in small doses, as constant and heavy use leads to memory loss and muscle atrophy.  


The roots of the Rusk plant are a deep purple, though would appear mostly gray during the day time. Rusk addicts are often seen searching for the plant into the night and consuming as much as they can within the cover of dark. Sadly, day comes, and many are found still nodding on the hill from the night before.  Rusk addicts are easily identified by their baggy eyes and lethargy, which is marked by persistent dry mouth and inability to eat. Withdrawal of rusk would be marked with chills, intense aches and pains with flu-like symptoms. These would last up to a week IRL, and clearer memory would return after two.  
Rusk would strike a full grown orc like a strong opium, with addiction beginning to form after only a few uses. Drowsiness, euphoria, sedation, and slight pain reduction would be present in the substance, with overuse causing issues with respiration and consciousness. The most prevalent feature of Rusk is its effects on memory. While sober commonfolk would see the user as missing dates and times, or whole events, a Rusk user would be wrapped in bliss.



Lethal overdoses on Rusk would be extremely difficult on one’s own, as the user would pass out/nod before reaching that level. 
Rusk poisoning is possible, though would require the combination of other substances
You must roleplay the effects of withdrawal if you do not receive the substance within 3 irl days.
Slipping Rusk into a drink or food would stain it a strange purple, making it extremely apparent.
Rusk can only be snorted, or chewed/brewed into tea for weaker effects.




The Poppy Snake


It was first discovered when an orc assumed the still creature was a log. The Khrec’s teeth sunk into his flesh, and brought on an intense opiate euphoria. Because of the Khrec’s diet of Chugs, it contains the poison of the crustacean, though watered down to a consumable level. 
Usually found at low altitudes the Khrec is a snake that is 8ft in length and constantly pursued by the Orcs for its useful venom. It’s quite lazy and docile and spends a majority of its time sunbathing.  They are found near Chugs, a poisonous crustacean that the serpent tends to eat from time to time.
Through breeding and observation, it has been found that the Khrec regulates how many Chug’s it consumes to ensure the poison has its stopping power.  Although built like a constrictor, it is unwilling to battle and contest with live prey. Instead, it fills its target with the venom, and then waits for it to rest or pass out due to the intense high. Due to the docile nature of the Khrec, it has been bred as an orcish drug, and sits within orcish apothecaries as a medical remedy.   
The opiate and analgesic effects of the Khrec are short lived, especially with a bite so painful. The initial rush and surge of euphoria is mostly enjoyed by the orcish people, and masochists. 

Its a snake with large snarp fangs, this is going to be an extremely painful bite, with slightly above opium euphoria and effects. 
A single snake will only deliver venom once or twice per day.
Overdosing is impossible, but knocking out for a few hours is common.
You cannot use the snake as a weapon to bite someone. 
The snake will not release venom in stressful environments, though will continue to bite and constrict.




Purple Algae Photograph by Phil Welsher


A purple algae that grows on the bottom of swampy river beds and can be either eaten or smoked. It can mainly be used to keep yourself awake, make someone calm, and steady muscles. Often used by archers or those on vigil, or orcs with extremely laborious and tedious jobs. 



Jev grows between the cracks and holes of lakes and rivers. Underwater alcoves, shelves, or dark places are perfect locations for Jev to thrive, as it does extremely poorly in direct sunlight.  The moss would be very dry and coarse once removed from the water, and have an awful taste and smell. Jev users are easily identifiable by their musty smell, as its smoke smells similarly to moth balls. 

Jev is a stimulant standing somewhere slightly above caffeine and tobacco, providing similar effects to the latter. Jev is often mixed with cactus green or tobacco for taste and potentiation. Jev tolerance builds quickly, with users quickly going from pinches to pipe bowls within a matter of months. Disuse of Jev is not as severe as other substances, leading to irritability, headaches, and a difficulty thinking and speaking that passes within an irl week.  


A lethal dose of Jev is impossible, though overuse would lead to headaches, lung damage, and temporary psychosis when paired with other drugs. 
Jev laced into food would simply cause nausea, though its smell is more then apparent.
There are no other ways to consume this drug. 


Mixed Flowers Red White & Blue Annual Mix | Buy Garden Plants Online


 A strange mixture of blue and red flower petals, chopped and diced into a small pouch.  However, rather than smoking it, the mixture is placed onto open wounds, creating an intense euphoria that eliminates pain and fills the user with strength. Often used by wounded orcs, it allows them to continue battle, dissociating them from their injuries. The experience is incredibly addictive,  leading addicts to be covered in scabs from the open wounds. Withdrawal of Vira leads to scaly skin, mood swings, and muscle atrophy.   



Vira is a combination of plants, whose identities are held tightly by the orcish people. Each individual flower possesses little effect on its own, however the combination is extremely potent, especially when mixed with psychedelics or other stimulants.  

The most concerning effect of Vira is it’s dissociation. One would lose sense of self, awareness, and sensation while riding the first wave of the concoction. It would be near impossible to do anything other then ride this strange substance, and the most experienced users would still find it debilitating. Once that initial pain passes, the substance would grant the user pain negation and an intense stimulating effect. Users would be unable to sit still, constantly moving, chatting, or feeling like they have unbridled strength and confidence. Vira is an extremely dangerous drug, and often leads to uncontrollable moments of rage or vandalism when under its effects. The withdrawals would be as severe as Rusk’s, causing anxiety, confusion, and an intense sense of dread. 



The dissociative effects SEVERELY inhibit proper motion. Until the initial dissociative effects pass (6 emotes within combat), you are unable to attack, cast magic, or coordinate yourself properly. 
These effects do not negate the damage, and overuse will amplify your injuries.
You must roleplay withdrawal effects after its initial use, even single doses will cause the muscles and body to weaken temporarily. 
Vira can only be consumed through deep wounds, and attempting to consume the plant multiple times within a day would lead to death from blood loss.
Vira does not make you any stronger, though it affects inhibition and stamina.
Someone could be poisoned  and killed by Vira, though it would be no different from torturing someone to death. 
It is not possible to poison a blade or weapon with the flowers.
Using Vira before battle isn’t feasible. The effects would wear off before the combat began, or you would find yourself lost to mania.
Overdose dosage would be 5 dosages of Vira within a single sitting(2 irl days of rest)

Swamp Orchid


A purplish flower sprouting from Laklul’s glorious swamp-lands. When the petals are chewed an immense head-high and overwhelming euphoria can be experienced, though a horrid low sensation often follows very soon after, filling the user with hysteria, and an impending sense of doom. The paranoia is so intense that users often bring themselves to unconsciousness by physical means, or dose again to remove such terrible thoughts. 



The swamp orchid is remarkably beautiful and easily identifiable. The plant looks much like the swamp leather flower, though is around the size of a basketball. Animals would avoid the plant, and eating it would produce an intense bitter taste. 


The Orchid is a plant consumed by the most insane and maddened of shamans. Many have reported using the plant to stay up for days or weeks at a time, much to the detriment of their minds and bodies. It would do severe damage to the brain, kidneys and liver, though produce a euphoria that would permanently mark someone for life. Withdrawal and its after effects would produce an intense depression and nausea that would persist for 3 irl days. It is common for people to redose, though often knock themselves out or cause permanent damage to their bodies. While under the effects of the swamp orchid one would experience extremely dilated pupils, intense sweating; lost within a haze of dancing and jubilation.  Some have died while lost in the intense dance of the swamp orchid, and its potency spurs others to try it. 



Death from the swamp orchid most commonly comes in the form of heatstroke, organ failure, or exhaustion.
Poisoning someone would be difficult as the toxins of the plant spoil food and drink, and its rarity within the natural world.
Overdose dosage is two full flowers for an orc.



Golug-hai Lûl

Free photo Red Leaves Plant Nature Jungle Foliage Green - Max Pixel

“Elven People Flower” - as named by Eath’Lur

The jungle is full of wonders, and so are the acid flowers. These flowers are eaten by the frogs also known as “parhorr”, and their secretions give it its caustic profile.  They are an important source of food for the parhorr’s. Parhorr themselves are not noteworthy, save for being slightly poisonous and causing irritation on touch.



The acidic flowers of Golug-hai Lûl would be a striking red, though extremely slimy covered in pahorr slime. Touching the flowers would produce a burning sensation akin to stinging nettles, which prevents their predation. They often flourish during the rainy season, and reproduce during the dry one.


The effects of the Golug-hai Lûl are a general appreciation for life and an intense calmness. Orcs often despite or avoid the substance for the placidity of the substance, though slaves or other jungle folk consume and cultivate it.  The visuals produced would be extremely geometric and colorful, as well as bestowing a sense of relief. 

To reproduce, the seeds travel through the excrement of the parhorr. Ironically, the acid is also its biggest enemy; the seed can’t sprout until the excrement of the parhorr completely dries out. Small farms of these are viable.

Extraction of narcotics
For one to extract the chemicals from the flower, one must smash the petals and then boil them. Then, allow the sun to boil the water out of the acid, leaving only the chemical behind.



Consuming more of the plant to intensify the effects would simply lead to nausea and vomiting. The average dose is only a few treated leaves. 
Hallucinations are only minor and do not produce intense effects, unless paired with other drugs. 





 Toalaks produce a slime to deter predators, and when consumed in very small amounts, it causes intense fever, hallucinations and hysteria. Overconsumption leads to swift unconsciousness, before permanently entering a comatose state. 




The slime of the Toalak is extremely viscous and slightly luminescent. It would glow a faint color in low light, and is often scraped off from Toalaks by experienced orcs. The Toalak would only produce this under specific situations, made mysterious by the swamp zealots of clan Lak. It would be extremely difficult to come upon without being a Lak orc, though rare mentions of it have been spoken about in clandestine meetings.

Toalak slime would produce the most delirious effects of any drug. THe intense hallucinations have granted many orcs insight, while others suffer from seizures or permanent psychosis. The harrowing experience is extremely difficult and strenuous on the body and mind. One may encounter deities and enemies, full hallucinations of conversations,places, memories and sensations. Shamans may use this substance to travel between the realms, though found more mild methods of intoxication. For many, the Toalak is a one time experience. Sometimes fatal, or too intense to drag all the pieces of one’s mind back together.



Slime Hallucinations are just that, hallucinations, nothing is actually real or can teach the character skills or events
Overdose for Toalak slime would be about a full glass for an orc. 
Overuse (more then once every irl month) would cause psychosis, delusions of grandeur, or seizures.

Edited by Panashea
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