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✠ Reconstruction of the Abbey ✠


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Reconstruction of the Abbey
A Nunnery United



Sister Guilia looked on towards the small crowd that had assembled before what had been known as the Abbey of St. Robert. Men, Women, and Children had joined together in their Dedication of GOD to rebuild the Holy building. The Troll’s attack was devastating in damages, collapsing one of the buildings entirely and causing severe damages to the main hall; but not a single Cross had been destroyed in the incident. It took all of the Holy Women of the Order of ST. Catherine and numerous volunteers to rebuild. Most of the original building had been lost, but something new was made in its place.


“Sisters, Brothers.” Sister Guilia would call towards the crowd. The final brick had been slotted into place, and with it, a new dawn arrived. 


“I-I would like to thank you all for the time and dedication given to fixing the Abbey.” She began, swallowing down her initial fear. “..Within just a month of working, we have b-built something stronger. United under GOD, and with his Blessings, I now declare the Abbey of ST. Catherine is open to all pilgrims and travelers. A new time is among us, my Sisters, for we live in an age of Sin and immorality. Together we stand against Sin and it’s call.. Together we can save others from suffering it’s lure. We are the Order of ST. Catherine, and united, we act on GOD’s will.”



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Holy Sir Edwin de Sarkozy nods in approval. "Every time evil strikes at our church, we rebuild it stronger. The work done by the nuns is exemplary."

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Father Casper signed the Lorraine, glad to hear such news. "May the Abbey of ST Catherine - which has been blessed by GOD - prosper now and in eternity!"

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"GOD bless the sisters of the Faith!" declares The Vicar of Providentia upon hearing word of the swift reconstruction.

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"GOD bless and keep our sisterhood in the faith." Otto remarked as he signed the Lorraine.

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Ilya smiles at the reconstruction of the abbey. 

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