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A Final Challenge


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A large green orc takes off his skull mask as he sits on the edge of San’Velku, his legs hanging over the cliffside as he licks a prickly pear flavored balboa bar. The orc stares off in the distance, watching the World Cactus. His lips crack as a smile forms across his face, the sun passes over him, lighting up the vast valleys of Krugmar. 


He thinks about his past adventures. Recovering from the Dom and Azog War. Fighting alongside Dunamis to stop the advance of the Orenian Empire. Aiding Vanderguan. Helping the members of Grind Hall assassinate the Orenian Leadership. Waging wars with the Elves. Wood Elves. Dark Elves. High Elves. All types of Elves.He remembers his time fighting with the Orenians and against. With Norland and against. His adventures took him near and far, across many seas and over many mountains.


Always the orc had to balance his life in the Rexdom, the War Nation, the Iron Uzg, and away from his brothers and sisters. Never had he taken the title of Rex. He had been offered it many times throughout his life but always he had refused. Now, with the disappearance of his leader, the orc finishes his ice cream, dropping the wooden stick into the lake below. The orc pulls charcoal and a piece of paper from his bag, writing a message.



“I, Hu-din of Clan Dom, challenge Kor’garr the Clanless for the position of Rex. He has served his nation honorably for many years, saved us from one of the worst eras the orcish kind has ever seen. I do not hold the greatest reputation, but I have always put my nation first and work to create an era for the new orcs and honoraries where they will once again be recognized by all others.  I plan on passing this position to a younger orc soon enough, but first, I hope to get things settled even further. To all orcs and honoraries, near and far, new and old, help me help the Nation. Together, we succeed, separate, we fall.


With this, if Kor’garr secedes:

I would grant Jiangu of Clan Lak the position of Dominus. He has served his nation for many years, offering great opportunities of diplomacy with other nations.

I would grant Skaatchnak of Clan Izig the position of Under-Dominus. He is a newly risen orc, but puts in great work trying to organize the Goi and handle all of its current issues.

I would grant Yarrow of Clan Lur the position of Motsham. She is a wise orc that has given the Uzg many years of servitude. The spirits grant her the greatest of gifts and she holds all respect in the spiritual realms. 


I ask that Kretz of Clan Ox stay as the Yazgurten.

I ask that Grizhluk of Clan Raguk stay as the Huntsgoth.

I ask that Fizhbref of Clan Raguk stay as the Targoth.”


The letter is stamped with the skull of Clan Dom.




Edited by L0rdLawyer
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Grishluk'Raguk reads over the missive posted to the notice board in San'Velku and nods with an approving look on his face "All peepz 'ozh tu mi, Kor'garr wuz 'ozh but 'u-din will bi 'ozhur, but 'e wont do it alone YUB YUB!"

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Seated near the fire in Krugmar, a young orc would smile, his eyes passing over the letter, he'd understand nothing but that the sole member of the Dom is challenging the rex in a fight for the position. At these words, he would bring up his lips in an uncanny smile.

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Evar'tir Oranor, High Prince of Elvenesse regards the challenge with a mildly piqued brow. He vaguely recalls a Virarim practice where Hu-din was absorbed by the ground. What a bizarre day that was.

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Jiangu'lak, upon reading the letter, goes "Huh. " He'd nod once "Da current rex am nubtin' but hozh in termz of hiz honor, but mi hayb nub peep'd him in dub yearz. Honor to da klomperz."

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Athri rolled her one eye, the woman not caring about a new Rex for Krugmar. All she can hope is they're decent.

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