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[✗] [Magic Lore] - Air Evocation


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Such a fickle element is that of wind, from creating a soft breeze to blow upon one’s face, to sending torrents of wind which stand testament to the very harshness of nature. It is a power so many take for granted, and yet holds much power and elegance in it, as opposed to the crudeness of other evocations. While the more simple minded of mages may opt for learning a concrete art as fire, it is those who seek finesse and elegance within their craft who pursue the path of Air Evocation, conjuring forth air from the Void to manipulate at their whim. 



Air Evocation is the conjuration and manipulation of air directly from the Void in order to cast it in waves or project it in other means, such as a whirlwind or sphere of compacted air. Air overall is simple, yet much more elegant in its form as opposed to other branches of evocation. 


  • Air Evocation takes up [1] magic slot.

  • Air Evocation can be practiced with a valid [MA], which can be obtained by learning under a mastered Air Evocationist with a valid [TA].

  • Air Evocation requires a stable connection to the Void. 


Learning and Casting

Conjuring air first requires one to establish a mana anchor, requiring them to be in a more meditative state of mind. While this may be particularly difficult for newer magi, as one progresses through this art and other arts of the Arcane, they will find it to become easier as they go along. Once the anchor has been established, the mage must then picture the air they wish to conjure before pulling it out from the Void. 


Akin to other Arcane Arts, Air Evocation is an art of repetition and intense study, requiring the mage to study air devoutly before they may consider drawing upon its properties from the Void. Air in particular, could be argued to be the hardest of the Elemental Evocations to learn due to its less tangible nature when compared to earth, fire, and water. Regardless, with enough study of the element, particularly how it moves and feels, one may be able to successfully conjure air to use at their disposal. 



Properties of Conjured Air

While other elements of the Void may appear more concrete, Voidally conjured air itself still holds a myriad of properties which, while mirroring the natural element, differ it from your typical breeze or average whirlwind. These properties must be taken into account when conjuring air for any purpose.


  • Air is a pushing force, used to move objects or people in various directions. It cannot be used as a sharp slash, and only in certain cases may it be used as a compressed, solid force. Typically it is very free and flowing. 

  • Conjured air has a sense of subtly to it, just barely visible as faint streaks as the Mage draws it into the world. Otherwise, the presence of air can only truly be seen in its effect on the environment.

  • Air may be made warmer or chillier for aesthetic, however, warmer air cannot cause fires nor burns on its own, and chilled air may not yield frostbite. Air may be able to fan or help flames to grow, though may never create fire on its own.


Upscaling Spells

As a mage grows more proficient in Air Evocation, spells learnt at previous tiers may be scaled upwards in power according to the mage’s current skill level. This comes with a cost proportionate to that of a spell of the mage’s current tier. For example, while a regular air blast might not exhaust an expert mage after casting, an Air Blast upscaled to T4 would render them as exhausted as if they’d cast a T4 spell. 


The Powers of Air

While some may take the art of Air Evocation to be weak and ineffective, it is actually quite far from that, being able to cause great devastation is used in proper ways. From cooling down one’s tea with a soft swirl of air, to conjuring forth a great whirlwind to wreak havoc upon one’s foes, the art of air is one of diverse nature despite its seemingly limited elements. Additionally, air is an element best used as an advantage with the environment.


Abbreviation Key:

N - Non-Combat

C - Combat


Conjure Air - [N] [T1]

By picturing their air in the Void and conjuring it forth into the material realm, an Air Evocationist may conjure forth nearly anything they desire albeit composed of wind





  • This spell has no effect on combat and is intended to be freeform. Air is free and shapeless unless the mage grants it more distinct form

  • Air may be slightly condensed in an aesthetic way to create slightly more opaque imagery and art.

  • It is limited in the fact that it can not be used for destructive purposes.

  • A mage must take at least [1] emote at minimum to call forth the air, with more emotes being added on depending on how much they summon from the Void.


T1: The mage struggles to conjure air, but may turn the air into crude shapes.


T2: Conjuring air for aesthetic purposes, such as to cause a gust of wind to blow through someone’s hair, becomes easier, though they lack true refinement.


T3: The mage has professionally grasped the conjuring of air from the void. From this point on, ease and level of detail only increases until T5.



  • Can not be used in a combative/destructive manner

  • Use common sense when casting. Large spells require more emotes.


Gust - [T1] [C]

A simpler spell of Air Evocation and often one which most novice Air Evocationists first learn. This spell involves the conjuring of a small gust of air which they may push towards a person or object, causing them to stumble back or even trip backwards if not well grounded. 





  • Regardless on what tier it is casted at, the spell will always take 3 emotes to cast [1 connect + 1 charge + 1 cast]

  • An Air Evocationist may create a gust of wind towards a single object or individual, the power of such determined by the tier of the mage (thus does not follow the normal rules for upcasting, rather the strength of the spell is simply based upon the tier of the mage.)

  • Depending on what tier , the object or person will either be pushed backwards or stumble downwards. Aiming for one’s feet is the best means of achieving a trip, while aiming for the chest is the best way to push them backwards.


T1: Creates a small gust which can blow things such as paper or lighter objects away, though aiming it towards a person will do little more than maybe frizzle their hair.


T2: The gust can now push mildly heavier objects such as a baseball, and if aimed for the chest can cause one to feel mildly uncomfortable, though not physically inhibiting.


T3: The gust is now more effective in pushing somewhat heavier objects such as a light chair or lighter furniture. Aiming such a spell towards one’s torso will cause them to stumble back two meters, and aiming it towards their feet will perhaps cause them to lose their footing if they are not careful; mild bruising at most.


T4: The gust can now push heavier objects like tables, desks, and shelves. Aiming this spell directly at someone’s torso would lead to them stumbling back four meters and aiming it at their feet can cause them to stumble and fall backwards. This certainly could lead to a few bruises or perhaps fractures if the surface collided with is hard enough.


T5: The gust can push objects such as tables, desks, and shelves with greater ease. Aiming this spell directly at someone’s torso would lead them to fly back five meters and aiming it for their feet can cause them to fall flat on their face, causing a few fractures depending on the nature of the surface they collide with.



  • The spell is brief, lasting a single emote after being cast. It cannot be sustained. 

  • Can only be aimed towards a single individual.


Redirect [T2][C] 

By conjuring a small, though more moderate gust of air, an Air Evocationist may redirect a projectile flung towards them or another, albeit not directly towards those who projected it. 





  • An Air Evocationist may conjure forth air to redirect projectiles coming towards them. The strength of the redirection being based upon the tier it was casted at.

  • The spell will simply cause projectiles to be deflected off to the side harmlessly, with such projectiles being unable to harm others.

  • If the projectile is flaming, the fire will go out should the flame be weak enough (such as a fire tipped arrow or a small flame projectile).


T2: The magi can conjure forth a blast of wind strong enough to deflect a projectile coming in at the speed of an arrow.

[1 connect + 1 cast]


T3: the magi can conjure forth a blast of wind strong enough to deflect a projectile coming in at the speed of a crossbow.

[1 connect + 1 charge + 1 cast].


T4: The magi can conjure forth a blast of wind strong enough to deflect a projectile coming in at the speed of a heavy crossbow

[1 connect + 2 charge + 1 cast]



  • Requires line of sight for the projectile. Can only be used on a single projectile.

  • May not redirect something at the or another target.

  • If the redirection spell is used against a projectile that is faster than what it can normally redirect, it will reduce its speed, as well as make its impact weaker.

  • Only smaller projectiles like small spells or arrows can be redirected. Can not be used to redirect projectiles the size of a beach ball or larger.


Air Sweep - [T2] [C]

While a gust or torrent may be focused upon a more limited number of individuals, the more experienced Air Evocationist may conjure a swirl of air around them, sweeping at the feet of any who stand around them. Thus may be a double edged sword for one’s allies, as only the caster themselves is spared from this attack.





  • An Air Evocationist may conjure a force of air around them which sweeps under the feet of all those around them, causing them to trip or stumble backwards if unprepared. This applies to everyone, save the caster, caught in the spell, including allies. When one has been swept off their feet, they must take at least [1] emote to clamber back-up or recover their balance before resuming attacks.

  • The radius of the spell is based upon the tier that it was casted on.


T2: The radius of the spell is now equal to 3 blocks from the caster.

[1 connect + 1 charge + 1 cast]


T3: The radius of the spell is now equal to of 5 blocks from the caster

[1 connect + 2 charge + 1 cast]


T4: The radius of the spell is now equal to 7 blocks from the caster.

[1 connect + 3 charge + 1 cast]



  • The caster is the only one unaffected to this spell, their block being the only block untouched in the designated radius. The mage may move while charging this spell, albeit not as much as they normally could.

  • This spell sweeps people off their feet or causes them to stumble back, nothing more. 


Disarm - [T3] [C]

A more creative feat of Air Evocation, it becomes possible for a Mage to unexpectedly violently command air to uproot their adversary’s grasp on a long object, such as a weapon.





  • Air may be conjured around a target’s weapon and swiftly uprooted.

  • If the target in question is actively moving or fighting with the target weapon, [1] additional emote must be applied in order to disarm it.

  • The target in question will feel as if their weapon is being pulled on by something else. Additionally, they’ll feel the air coursing around their hand.

  • The direction in which the weapon is discarded is arbitrary, but it is incredibly unlikely for the Mage or someone else to be able to perfectly catch the weapon as it is disarmed.


T3: Lighter weapons, such as bows, daggers and shortswords may be disarmed.

[1 connect + 1 charge + 1 cast]


T4: Heavier weapons, such as maces, crossbows, warhammers, and zweihanders may be disarmed.

[1 connect + 2 charge + 1 cast]


T5: Large weapons held by ologs or creatures greater in size may be disarmed.

[1 connect + 3 charge + 1 cast]



  • A proper tell must be emoted for the adversary, such as their weapon being tugged ever so slightly.

  • Moving weapons/weapons actively engaged in the heat of combat require [1] additional emote to disarm.


Air Shield - [T3] [C]

An Air Evocationist may, by conjuring air either in front of them or around them, create a barrier of air which may deter projectiles flying towards it, though is virtually useless against melee attacks. Often such a barrier is conjured either as a dome or a forward shield of air spiraling upwards. 




  • Air Air Evocationist may conjure a defensive barrier of air either in front of or around them, which will deflect any projectile that comes into it in a similar manner to the Redirect spell.

  • The size of the barrier of air is dependent on the tier it was casted at.

  • The air can alternatively be summoned as a dome around instead of as a wall for no additional emotes of charge. The maximum radius of the dome is stated upon the tier it is casted at, however the minimum radius must always be 2 meters.

  • Should a flaming projectile come in contact with the shield, it will be put out if it is the size of a baseball or arrow sized


T2: The evocationist may conjure forth a wall of air that is equal in size of 2 meters long and 2 meters tall or a dome around their person in a maximum 2 meter radius. The spell lasts for 6 emotes and can deflect projectiles coming in at the speed of a baseball..

[1 connect + 1 cast].


T3: The evocationist may conjure forth a wall of air that is equal in size of 3 meters long and 3 meters tall or a dome around their person in a maximum 3 meter radius. The spell lasts for 6 emotes and can deflect projectiles coming in at the speed of an arrow.

[1 connect + 1 charge + 1 cast]


T4: The evocationist may conjure forth a wall of air that is equal in size of 4 meters long and 4 meters tall or a dome around their person in a maximum 4 meter radius. The spell lasts for 6 emotes and can deflect projectiles coming in at the speed of a crossbow.

[1 connect + 2 charge + 1 cast].


T5: The evocationist may conjure forth a wall of air that is equal in size of 5 meters long and 5 meters tall or a dome around their person in a maximum 5 meter radius. The spell lasts for 6 emotes and can deflect projectiles coming in at the speed of a heavy crossbow.

[1 connect + 3 charge + 1 cast]



  • The wall cannot be moved once conjured. 

  • The wall does not prevent anyone from walking through it and is useless in defending against melee attacks, though walking directly through the barrier will prove mildly difficult.

  • The Evocationist will have their movement speed reduced by [1] block while concentrating on the spell



Air Blast - [T3] [C]
The first spell in which a mage uses compressed air, they conjure a small sphere of compact air to act as a hard blow towards an opponent as opposed to merely shoving them. This is often an introductory spell for those seeking to learn compression.





  • An Air Evocationist may conjure a small, compact pocket of air no larger than the size of a tennis ball which they may fling towards a target, essentially creating an ‘air punch’. The strength of the punch is based upon the tier it was casted on.

  • The size of the blast does not change size no matter what tier it is casted at, as higher tier casting simply increases the amount of air compressed into the area.

  • The force of the blast is also able to knock the target backwards by at least 1 meter from the force of impact.


T3: The Air Blast’s strength is equal in force to the punch of a teenage human, leaving a harsh bruise at most. It mostly serves as a good distraction.
[1 connect + 1 charge + 1 cast]


T4: The Air Blasts strength is now equal in force to the heavy punch of a human knight, carrying much more power behind it with the possibility of bones fracturing. The blast is able to dent weaker metals such as bronze and gold. Additionally, 2 blasts of T3 strength can be conjured.

[1 connect + 2 charge + 1 cast]


T5: The Air Blast is now at its strongest, able to equal in force to the punch of an uruk, being able to most certainly break a bone or two, and even cause small amounts of bruising to internal organs. The blast can now dent metals as strong as steel. Alternatively, 3 blasts of T3 strength, or 2 blasts of T4 strength can be conjured.

[1 connect + 3 charge + 1 cast]



  • This spell would be akin to a punch based upon the tier it was casted at, creating a few bruises if not minor fractures and at worst a broken bone

  • This spell does not blast a person backwards if they are wearing armour and could, at most, cause them to stumble back slightly.

  • Does not explode and will dissipate on contact, only having direct force. 


Featherfall - [T3] [C]

By concentrating a large amount of cushioning air on a given area, one may be saved from a fall that would’ve otherwise proved injurious.





  • Falling individuals may be safely caught from potentially damaging falls.

  • This may not be used on the Mage themselves.


T3: An individual falling from a height of three meters may be safely guided down.

[1 connect + 1 charge + 1 cast]


T4: An individual falling from a height of four meters may be safely guided down.

[1 connect + 1 charge + 1 cast]


T5: An individual falling from a height of five meters may be safely guided down.

[1 connect + 2 charge + 1 cast]



  • This spell does not affect mechanics, and is merely a way for someone to avoid injury in roleplay.

  • Should the person in question be falling from a height greater than the spell can handle, they would sink right through the air, only slightly halted and perhaps sparing them some of the damage that an appropriate fall would entail.

  • May not be used on the casting Mage.


Launch - [T4] [C]

By conjuring a compressed pocket of air beneath a target, an Air Evocationist can effectively cause a target of choice to fly upwards into the air by causing the air pocket to explode upwards. 





  • An Air Evocationist may conjure a pocket of air at the base of a designated target before having the air pocket explode upwards, causing the target to fly upwards as well.

  • Alternatively to an instantaneous spell,, one may charge a launch spell in a designated area, no greater than three by three meters and create a ‘trap’ which they may activate once a target steps on it. However, this trap can only be maintained for up to [4] emotes after it is done being charged, though the mage must maintain their concentration upon it.

  • Launch may be applied to the casting Mage in question to allow them to reach places that would normally not be reachable through conventional means.

  • Should one successfully charge and activate the spell with a target above it, the target will be launched into the air equal in amount of  meters based of the tier of the spell and at most will result in a sprained ankle to even broken bones depending on how the fall and how high they were launched


T4: The spell is able to launch an object or target up to [1.5] meters into the air. Landing back onto the ground may cause a sprained ankle. Recovery from the fall will take at least [1] emote.

[1 connect + 1 charge + 1 cast]

Alternatively, the Mage may launch themselves in the air up to [2] meters in height.

[1 connect + 2 charge + 1 cast]


T5: The spell is able to launch an object or target up to 3 meters into the air. Landing back onto the ground will most certainly cause an ankle to be sprained, and possibly break a bone depending on how they had fallen, as well as to what surface they fell upon. Recovery from the fall will take at least [2] emotes as the wind would also have been knocked out of the target.

[1 connect + 2 charge + 1 cast]


Alternatively, the Mage may launch themselves in the air up to [3] meters in height.

[ 1 connect + 2 charge + 1 cast]



  • The trap/spell cannot be moved. Should the target move, the mage will have to cancel the spell and fully recharge it at the new location.

  • Constant concentration must be maintained with the spell should it be made as a trap, meaning the mage cannot charge other spells while ensuring their connection.

  • Launch may not be used to access areas unreachable mechanically. 


Sound Blast - [T4] [C]

By conjuring a loud blast of air which explodes outwards and creates a terribly disturbing noise, opponents may be briefly stunned, with this ability being most effective on Mages.






  • An Air Evocationist may conjure a bubble of air which they may violently exploded outwards in a loud blast which may cause temporary stunning or deafness depending on the skill level of the mage using it. It may either be shot towards a location or may be conjured around the mage.

  • The radius of the spell is determined by what tier it is casted at, though the initial size of the projectile (if shot towards another target) is no bigger than the size of a baseball.

  • The mage casting the spell is the only one immune to its effects, provided they casted it centered on themselves rather than use it as a projectile.

  • The spell’s type (projectile or around the mage), must be properly emoted on the 2nd emote of casting (or 1st if the mage is already connected to the void).


T4: The sound blast has a radius of 2 meters either around the mage or from the point where the projectile hits. The blast stuns all in the area of effect for 1 emote and causing temporary deafness for 2 emotes. Those a meter outside it’s area of effect will suffer a minor penalty for undertaking intense actions, such as lagging when swinging a sword, or having there movement be reduced by 1 block.

[1 connect + 1 charge + 1 cast]


T5: The sound blast now has a radius of 3 meters either around the mage or from the point of impact where the projectile hits. The blast now stuns all in the area of effect for 2 emotes and causing temporary deafness for 3 emotes. Those who are 1 meter outside the effect will suffer major penalties when undertaking intense actions, such as struggling greatly with landing strikes with a sword, and having their movement reduced by half.

[1 connect + 2 charge + 1 cast].



  • Those subjected to the effects inside the area of effect of the spell are also subjected to the effects outside of it (note that all effects start on the first emote subjected to the spell).

  • The caster is immune to the effects of the spell if they cast it on themselves, but will suffer only the minor penalties of the spell at T4 if they are caught in the AoE of the projectile.

  • The deafness caused by this spell is never permanent, and can not damage the ears in any permanent way.


Compression - [T5] [C]

A greater form of Air Blast, which allows the Air Evocationist to create a greater spherical projectile of compressed air, one which explodes outwards upon contact, causing a potentially devastating amount of damage to those who are oblivious to such a spell. 





  • The spell requires 5 emotes to cast [1 connect + 3 charge + 1 cast].

  • Compression projectiles are the size of a beach ball and have a range of 20 meters.

  • Charging this ability is by no means subtle, and a tell of some kind (such as air being sucked into a point) must be given by the 2nd emote of casting.

  • Once the mage reaches emote [2] of conjuring the Compression spell, they will be unable to merely deconjure the raging sphere. Should their connection or concentration be disrupted, the sphere will explode in their face and inflict upon them moderately severe concussive injury. In order to prevent this (if the mage wishes to stop casting the spell), they must take an emote to focus upon distributing the air of this spell before they can safely disconnect or stop casting the spell.


There are two ways in which this spell can be casted

  • Slam: The orb is sent to slam into a single person or object with immense force, capable of blasting back the individual it makes contact with and will cause several broken bones and possibly rupture an organ, push them back by 5 blocks, and dent, if not blast a hole within metal armor if the blast hit them if they are 10 blocks or less away from the caster

  • Burst: The orb is sent towards a group of people, exploding outwards in a three meter radius with great force, the explosion blasting everyone in the radius back akin to the force of a [T5] Gust spell, with the impact on the ground possibly causing minor bone fractions or a bone to break.



  • The orb will never be invisible.

  • The Compression spell will never kill a target instantly; though slam may potentially mortally wound an individual. Should one not receive adequate medical treatment after sustaining enough damage, they may perish gradually. 


Whirlwind- [T5] [C] 

The ultimate compilation of all the Air Evocationist has learned, allowing them to conjure a mighty tornado which can ravage entire squares should the mage maintain adequate connection and concentration. However, one should be warned not to get too close to the conjured storm themselves, lest they be swept up by its wrath. 





  • This spell requires 6 emotes to cast [1 connect + 4 charge + 1 cast]

  • A mastered mage may conjure a great whirlwind to devastate the designated location, The focal point of the tornado at most can only be one meter in radius, while the top most part of the tornado can only be up to a five meters in diameter. The tornado cannot be conjured further than fifteen blocks away from the mage. 

  • This spell may be maintained for up to [6] emotes, and once it is cast the mage will not be able to cast additional spells for the remainder of the encounter.

  • Those caught within eight meters of the focal point will find themselves slowly pulled towards the whirlwind. Though this is not too difficult to resist, it will require some additional effort. Those caught within five meters of the focal point will find a greater strength pulling upon them, requiring even greater strain to resist. Those within three meters will find it very difficult to escape the torrent.

  • The whirlwind can do things such as suck up tiles or smaller objects/items. Most descendants, while not being caught up in the tornado, will find it to pull them towards it, leaving them susceptible to outside attacks. Smaller creatures like halflings may occasionally be pulled off the ground, though will return to it shortly, often with little damage from the tornado itself. They are not flung about and thrown at ridiculous speeds.

  • The most dangerous part of a whirlwind is how it can cause objects to fly about into others. For example, one could throw glass shards into a conjured tornado to create a devastating flurry of glass. 



  • A whirlwind is never conjured subtly.

  • Should the mage lose connection or be distracted while charging or maintaining the tornado, it will fade. Casting and maintaining this spell requires all of a mage’s concentration, rendering them unable to perform other actions or even move while casting. 

  • After successfully casting Whirlwind, the mage will be unable to cast for the rest of the encounter.




When used in conjunction with transfiguration, an enchanter can imbue the effects of Air Evocation into their enchantment, whether that be in the form of a tool, weapon, or other miscellaneous object. The general effects of an Air Evocation enchantment are to produce air or gusts of wind and project it in some way, shape, or form. In non-creative enchantments, most of the enchantment is limited to producing one of the typical spells of Air Evocation. However, in the form of creative enchantments, Air Evocation can be used in much more inventive ways, which can break the limits of the typical caster.




  • All non-creative enchantments must use one of the spells listed above, holding all of its properties aside from not needing to be cast directly due to the fact that it’s an enchantment.

  • Creative Enchantments, while more freeform, must adhere to most of the base redlines of Air Evocation, aside from any the MArt permits to be cast aside.



  • Cannot enchant in the middle of combat, and one must practice transfiguration to enchant.


Enchantment Spells

Unique spells may be done with enchantments that cannot be performed by the mage alone.


Enwreathe Object- [C] [T3]

A minor spell wrought of air conjuration, through which a mage may imbue an object, such as a blade, with the ability to cover the object in a swirling gust of wind.





  • Air may be focused upon a specific part of an object or weapon to keep it coated in a swirl of wind which allows it to deflect projectiles as though it was a wieldable reflect spell of T2.

  • Additionally, striking someone with such an enchantment while active will result in the victim being shoved back 1-2 meters.

  • The effects of the enchantment may last up to [6] emotes on the weapon in question, and takes 2 emotes to activate [1 activate + 1 cast].



  • The form the enchantment will take must be stated on the enchantment. 

  • As a clarification, an enchantment like this does not follow the traditional rules of enchantments in the regard that the charge and effect of the enchantment will not be disrupted through blunt force.



Tier Progression

As any sort of skill or art requires practice and dedication, so too does the art of Air Evocation require time, effort, and study in order to be mastered. While some mages may seem to master their magic faster than others, there is a bare minimum requirement for how long it takes for the mage to reach each tier. They are listed below.


* Marks Enchantment-unique spells


T1 - Novice

The mage has just begun to connect, assuming they haven’t learned to already. Assuming this is the case, they will have trouble connecting for the first two tiers of their training. If they have already connected, they will only be able to conjure a few small puffs of wind. Lasts two [OOC] weeks.



Spells – Conjure Air, Gust


Skill Level – All non-combat spells may have a maximum size/radius of one square meter at [T1]. The detail level of air at this stage is very crude, practically nonexistent  as they can only conjure up to a few puffs of wind before becoming exhausted. This stage is typically used for studying air itself, rather than casting.


T2 - Apprentice

The mage has gained better experience in connecting and near mastered it, as well as being able to use conjured air in combat to a limited extent. Lasts three [OOC] weeks.



Spells – Conjure Air, Gust, Redirect, Air Sweep


Skill Level – All non-combat spells may have a maximum size/radius of five square meters at [T2]. The detail level of air at this stage is still rather crude, though the mage is able to conjure air with moderate success. This is the stage where the first lessons of real combative casting typically begin.


T3 - Adept 

The mage has now practically mastered Voidal Connection and is able to maintain greater concentration in stressful situations, permitting them the ability to conjure much more threatening spells. Lasts five [OOC] weeks.



Spells – Conjure Air, Gust, Redirect, Air Sweep, Disarm, Air Shield, Air Blast, Featherfall, *Enwreathe Object


Skill Level – All non-combat spells may have a maximum size/radius of fifteen square meters [T3]. The detail level of air at this stage is more refined, able to be molded into more distinct geometric shapes, such as a sphere or cube.


T4 - Expert

The mage now has nearly mastered the air element, possessing far greater combat and out of combat abilities, the shapes of their spells now much more precise than before, though are still not perfect. Lasts six [OOC] weeks.



Spells – Conjure Air, Gust, Redirect, Air Sweep, Disarm, Air Shield, Air Blast, Featherfall, *Enwreathe Object, Launch, Sound Blast, 


Skill Level – All non-combat spells may have a maximum size/radius of twenty-five square meters [T4]. The evocationist has practically mastered non-combat casting and is able to use their air diversely in combat.


T5 - Master

The mage has completely mastered their Voidal art, able to manipulate their air to a very fine degree as well as maintain a far greater concentration than before.



Spells – Conjure Air, Gust, Redirect, Air Sweep, Disarm, Air Shield, Air Blast, Featherfall, *Enwreathe Object, Launch, Sound Blast, Compression, Whirlwind




General Redlines of Air Evocation

  • An Air Evocationist cannot manipulate real air, only air in which they’ve conjured from the void.

  • All spells are only limited by line of sight, with any spell being cast outside a radius of [20] meters requiring an additional emote for every [5] meters unless a hard range is specified in a spell.

  • Any aesthetic of any spell cannot change its mechanical function.

  • One may not suffocate or inflate one with Air Evocation.

  • The environmental effects of air, in addition to faint streaks appearing must be emoted.




Pundimonium - Author of previous Air Evocation write, format + borrowed a lot of descriptions from.

Kunuk - Rewrote and clarified most spells and mechanics found within this lore.

Isaac - Revised and edited after Kunuk, gave ideas/wrote spells.

Johann and SquakHawk - Gave new ideas for spells and assisted with writing.

Ducklingator - Original Author



Pundi’s Air Evocation Lore: 



This rewrite and all other evocation rewrites go out in honour of Pundimonium. You have, and always will be the greatest source of inspiration for me and whatever lore I plan on writing! I hope you come back someday!

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On 8/12/2021 at 6:01 PM, King_Kunuk said:

The purpose of this lore was to create a Earth Evocation


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On 8/12/2021 at 4:01 PM, King_Kunuk said:

T5: The spell is able to launch an object or target up to 3 meters into the air. Landing back onto the ground will most certainly cause an ankle to be sprained, and possibly break a bone depending on how they had fallen, as well as to what surface they fell upon. Recovery from the fall will take at least [2] emotes as the wind would also have been knocked out of the target.

[1 connect + 2 charge + 1 cast]


Alternatively, the Mage may launch themselves in the air up to [3] meters in height.

[ 1 connect + 2 charge + 1 cast]

 When mages launch themselves, do they still suffer the same amount of damage as an enemy they'd launched? Or would it be to a lesser degree, as the mage knew when the launch was going to occur, and prepare themselves for the fall?

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6 hours ago, Boxboiy said:

 When mages launch themselves, do they still suffer the same amount of damage as an enemy they'd launched? Or would it be to a lesser degree, as the mage knew when the launch was going to occur, and prepare themselves for the fall?

The mage would suffer the same amount of damage unless the distance they are launched upwards is reduced somehow. it isn't really if they are prepared or not, it is more so the sudden jet upwards and the fall that harms the target (plus, idk why a mage would target themselves with this spell in the first place)

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1 hour ago, King_Kunuk said:

The mage would suffer the same amount of damage unless the distance they are launched upwards is reduced somehow. it isn't really if they are prepared or not, it is more so the sudden jet upwards and the fall that harms the target (plus, idk why a mage would target themselves with this spell in the first place)

 Ah alright. Thought it had some application as a neat way to launch yourself at/away from your enemies. But this makes sense. 👍

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