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Adreniel Elibar’acal prepares to stand against the barbaric hordes of little more than coin hungry bandits, releasing the rallying cry of “Maehr’sae Hilyun’ehya!” To his ordermen!

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Ayliana sat on the balcony of her beach home with her husband. The two had decided to take an even longer vacation, the two once council members of Haelunor enjoying their time away.

Ayliana brought her tea cup up to her lips with a smile, Kiljarys looking up at her lovingly from the book he was reading. Though the two were interrupted by a servant bursting through the doors. 


“Urgent news regarding the state!” She cried out. Handing the letter to Kiljarys. 


Ayliana set her cup down, leaning forward as she looked to her husband. “Mayilu.. whats it say?” 

Kiljarys read the letter out loud, once finished he pressed his lips together and quietly looked to his wife.


Ayliana simply looked out to the water besides their home, the waves crashing. “Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya” was all she would say before standing up from her seat and walking back inside. Her husband following.


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Anethra wondered how The Sohaerate of Haelun'or was faring these days. She'd hoped not well.

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Britannus Vanir sits upon the steps leading up to the palace, sharpening his blade before hearing the war horn of Haense being sounded.

"Finally... a war. Krusae Zwy Kongzem."



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Robert stood in his family keep of Kazstadt, looking out into the distance where he could see the city of Karosgrad. There was a slight calm in the air before he heard a knock on the balcony door. The young baron, still in the prime of his life, asked his servant to come in. Despite seeing the clear signs, Robert could not believe his ears nonetheless. He drew a long sigh and said nothing back to his servant as he went to put on his armor. “Rally the Guard” he finally said “We’re going to war”

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Alisa Camian briefly considered putting up another war betting board in her temple, but ultimately decided there was no point in betting on a conflict with a predetermined outcome. "I do enjoy a good lesson in humility."

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A certain princess was glad to hear that the war was not centered around her home this time.

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