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The Order of the Silver Lion


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[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eHDHpL5lvA ]


The Order of the Silver Lion

Nelecar’s Sodality






6th of Larihei's Welcome, 1831




I. Introduction

     .a. Historia …

     .b. Legatio; Mission …

ii. Societal Structure

     a. Lex Sententia; Law …

     b. Sacramentum; Oath …

     c. Scalae Virtute; Hierarchy …

iii. Appendix

  1. The Definitive Lexicon …





i. Historia; Silver Beginnings


[Nelecar’s] moniker through all wards was ‘the Yoke of Purity, the Lion,’

and very often, being conspicuous and dogmatic, came feared and

revered by the vox populi of Ceru.”




THOUGH harkening the principles first espoused by Nelecar, the Lion of Haelun’or, a martial commander of bygone day, the Order of the Silver Lion did not come to fruition until the formative months of the Second Age, betimes Sohaer Eredael Rhenaer’s secession from Sohaership. Established firstly during the foothold of a new epoch for the Silver State, the Republic era, by the stalwart intuitions of Lauriran Adreniel Elibar’acal and Ihievhii’thilln Maeyr’onn, the company formed as only a motley contingent of like-minded scholars.


THE dogmatic sodality, admittedly, provoked and instigated innumerable qualms amongst the, then, newly liberal vox populi of the Silver State. For a populace beguiled by the wanton promises of Azdromoth, the conventional tenets of the order fell upon deaf ears. Withal, the band receded from the ranks of the Republic, with frustrations and discontentment with the Arch-Dragaar’s dominion unfolding throughout the company’s likes.


FOLLOWING the withdrawal of Othelu Orrar from the mantle of Sohaership, in the onset days of Sohaer Kolvar Uradir’s sovereignty, a stroke of second wind reinvigorated the Order of the Silver Lion, giving rise to a resurgence of the brotherhood. Just as frameworks of a conformist Haelun’or rose and erected from the ruins of the Republic, so too did Nelecar’s order emerge from obscurity, brandishing steel which smoked with valor. 



ii. Legatio; Mandate and Mission


Thou shalt rekindle hearts to the valour

.of a world which grows in chill and laxity.”




THROUGH oral histories and chronologies, the mandate of the sodality is presented with relative brevity. The passage of time having only refined it, the mission of the company is solely harkened in the writings as follows…


i. Thou shall walk the ends of the earths, to reaches and East to West, to fell the rust which bides thy silver; to thaw the frost which bides thy silver; to bend the basalt bonds of thy silver; to hone thy mantle.

ii. Thou shall illumine the unknowing, and illuminate the unknown.

iii. Thou shall hearken the dogmas of Nelecar from yesteryear; thou shall rescind abstraction; thou shall newly impose the dogmas of Nelecar.

iv. Thou shall behold the full breadth of impurity, and do away with it.

v. Thou shall actively depose what is not silver; bronze and copper — thou shall cleanse like the flame which bites with a rime cold.


IT is herein that the main ‘purpose’ of the Order of the Silver Lion is illumined. This is so to say, the order bannermen firstly toil to achieve a standing as vanguards of purity, and ‘objective’ morality: objective in that, the principles and precepts of Nelecar, the Lion of the Silver State, and the Haelun’or that he stood for. It is also a preliminary goal of the sodality to resume the militaristic, dogmatic precepts of the Silver Lion whereto the order’s brothers serve.


THIS is so to say, it is upon the brothers of the Order of the Silver Lion to herald the second age of the hawkish Nelecar — a martial epoch — and to superimpose rigid, militant principles upon the state wherein the sodality serves.





iii. Lex Sentenia; Law and Decree


… It was gold that transformed elves

to high elves;

it is just ferity that

makes men as lions.”




THE banner-brothers of the Order of the Silver Lion are ever bound to a multitude of decrees and principles. These principles are verily held in great and mighty regard: credence in the silver verities of the company is coveted, and is a principal trait of any son or daughter of the order. Unchanging and forever sublimed in the regard of the company and its bannermen, they are as in the followed writ:


i. Thou shall embed no stock in the false niceties of gods, nor deviant writs and principles, and shall hearken to no vanguards of faith and morality but Larihei.

.ii. Thou shall forever hold swords to your breasts, and hold them against none but those lesser and subordinate.

ii. Thou shall know your yoke, and hold absolute stock in thy purity of mind and spirit.

iv. Thou shall break no oath, nor swear perjury.

v. Thou shall not bind thy arms to bronze, nor to that which rends and rusts.

vi. Thou shall know not cowardice in the defence and bulwark of Haelun’or.

vii. Thou shall fellowship and concordance with thy brothers and sisters at arms, and swear no false alibis against them.

viii. Thou shall shepherd purity and its every covenant where it is not present, in light of those unknowing, in all happenstance.

ix. Once a lion, forevermore a lion.


WHILE the Mandate dictates, what are nominally the, ‘covenants’ of Nelecar’s silver sodality, the writ of transgressions details the inverse: wrongdoings and, functionally, ‘vices’ which may be levied against the violators in regards to penalizing and retribution and, if need be, discharge from the ranks of the order.



iv. Sacramentum; Oath and Litany


… For, so sworn, good or evil,

an oath shall not bend nor rend,

and it shall pursue oathkeeper and oathbreaker

to the world’s end…”




THOSE provided eligibility to pledge their troth to the Order of the Silver Lion are limited to kinsmen who may wholly trace their forebears to the gold-anointed mother, Larihei. As is the consensus, those of relative ‘lesser’ stock may be rescinded of providing arms to the company, juxtaposing the more streamlined levy processes of mali’thill. 

Provided that they plight their loyalty to the order alone, however, and its antecedent [that is so to say, Nelecar Maeyr’onn, the Silver Lion], they are at liberty to be commissioned into the retinue under the threshold of ‘Proselyte.’ To plight one’s troth to the order is as to take the Lesser Lionheart Vow, which is as followed;


… In reel and route, do I yield and accede myself to Nelecar;

To his commission; to his company; and his heralds, despite all happenstance.

I exist as silver, to meet and be met;

I exist as silver, to rust and to rent;

I exist as silver, to pierce and be pierced;

To do away with blood and solemn reverence, and embed all in the yoke of sterling.

Yallr’dion karimir’Nelecar…”


THOSE who trace their genealogies and houses to the coveted pools of anointment charted by Larihei are denied levy, should they not pledge their own loyalty to the brotherhood. It is dubbed, simply, the Lionheart Vow; and, whilst less misgiving than the prior, it also necessitates stalwart engagement of its participating party, and is not met lightly by violation nor perjury. It is the most absolute degree of abstraction. The oath is as followed;


… In reel and route, I accept and acquiesce myself as the yoke of Nelecar;

I am his commission; his company; his herald, despite all happenstance.

And in my water lives the echo of His ballad,

I shall impart it by precept, writ, and all other means,

and hereby plight to cede it unto my own sons, and the sons of him who has taught me.


And should I exist as silver, I shall pierce with a flame that bites with a cold;

And should I exist as silver, I shall pierce with no point;

And should I exist as silver, I shall do with undoing;

And should I exist as silver, I shall be the hewer of oak and hunter of smoke.


For so sworn, good or evil,

an oath shall not rend nor bend, and

it shall pursue oathkeeper and oathbreaker

to the world’s end.

Yallr’dion karimir’thill…”


IN addition , the vanguards of Nelecar and his mighty order pledge their troth and fidelity to the state to whom they owe. This verse is as followed:


… In reel and route, there is no mother

but She, who is my state…”



v. Scalae Virtute; Hierarchy and Battle-Brothers


Canter bravely, horse. For—

do you know who it is that you mov’st?”



THE ranks of the Order of the Silver Lion exist in two, closely-curated cohorts. There stands the, functionally, lesser of either, the Martial Procession, a ‘regiment’ which effectively hosts the footmen and cavalry of the company: the Proselytes; the Silmeracahean [singular; Silmeracahe]; and, the Meracahepariran [singular; Meracaheparir]. The greater of the cohorts, formally, the College of Lauriran, hosts the Laureh’sil; the Laurir’sil; and the Inder’sil.


GIVEN that the Martial Procession is obliged to host only those of virginal, ‘thill parentage, the ranks of the Proselytes acclimate those whose blood does not harken to the Golden Pools charted by Larihei, yet take upon her blade. In effect, they are recruits, whilst the Silmeracahean host footmen and true apostles of Nelecar’s principles, that forebode the blood and genus of Larihei. Sentinels and hierarchs of Nelecar’s valiant threshold are endowed with the mantle of Meracaheparir, bannermen who oversee circadian-based activities, and levy recruits and equesters.


THE College of Lauriran superintends the more cerebral antics of the sodality: ‘umpiring’ its ranks wholly, so as to say. Whilst its attendants verily entrench themselves in the martial exploits of the order, they are bestowed the authority to superimpose mandates and decrees upon the company. The Laureh’sil, or Lord of Silver, is functionally a diplomatic umpire — the premier, if one would venture, — who imposes edicts and ordinances, whilst the Laurir’sil assumes the mantle of an ‘adjudicator’ of all martial activity. The Inder’sil indulges in scholarly affairs: a calculating savant, who adjudges philosophical and metaphysical verdicts and attitudes. In truth, the Laureh’sil is a herald of Nelecar’s verity, more so than a mere superintendent of the company.


MEDIATING the contrasting cohorts, there exists the truss of Silnealir [plural; Silnealiran], ‘chaplains,’ so as to say, presided upon by the Inder’sil: schoolmen and wisemen who dispute scholastic affronts, and all which opposes the dogmatic principles of Nelecar, and in turn, the laws of Larihei.


COLLECTIVELY, the ranks host as follows…



Proselytes [Pupils];

Silmeracahean [Footmen];

Meracahepariran [Officers].


Silnealiran [Chaplains];



Inder’sil [Presiding Chaplain];

Laurirsil [Marshall and Master Vanguard];

Laureh'sil [Order Administrator and Master Vanguard].





v. The Definitive Lexicon



The elven kinsmen who harken their blood to Larihei [a daughter of Malin who receded from his wanton promises, who bathed in pools of gold to achieve functional apotheosis].



A daughter of Malin who receded from his wanton promises, who bathed in pools of gold to achieve functional apotheosis


Golden Pools;

Supposed pools and springs to which ‘thillkind harken their purity to, in all its breadth, once charted by the Silver Mother, Larihei.



A dogmatic and mighty commander of Anthosian Haelun’or, recounted in the enchiridions of Lucion Sullas as having been verily feared by the populace of Ceru. Dubbed the ‘Silver Lion of Haelun’or,’ for his courage in the throes of battle, he is oft regarded by bannermen of his respective sodality as ardent and revered.



An [Asulonian] elven state of yesteryear which housed all three elven races, under dominion of Malin’s kin.



A sublimed image and metal in the counterculture of the Silver Lions, for its connotations to the might of purity. It is functionally a second memento to bannermen of Nelecar’s Order of the Silver Lion.






What is thy name?

[OOC: What is your username and Discord handle?]

What is thy race?

From which talonii do thou hail, if mali’thill?

Art thou pure?

If not, do thou wish to be?

What is thou age?

Dost thou pledge thy troth and loyalty to the Silver Mother, Larihei, and her state?










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What is thy name? Lucan Divu'Sulli

[OOC: What is your username and Discord handle?] Bogs_Binny, BinnithBung#2944

What is thy race? Mali'ker

From which talonii do thou hail, if mali’thill? N/A

Art thou pure? Ti.

If not, do thou wish to be? Ti.

What is thou age? 121

Dost thou pledge thy troth and loyalty to the Silver Mother, Larihei, and her state? Ti.

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Niënor Nullivari sat in the Silver District's gardens, pondering the utopia that is the nation of Haelun'or all while seeing the Elibar'acal Commander walk past with some Silver Lions. How good did it feel to be a socialist!

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20 minutes ago, BogsBinny said:

What is thy name? Lucan Divu'Sulli

[OOC: What is your username and Discord handle?] Bogs_Binny, BinnithBung#2944

What is thy race? Mali'ker

From which talonii do thou hail, if mali’thill? N/A

Art thou pure? Ti.

If not, do thou wish to be? Ti.

What is thou age? 121

Dost thou pledge thy troth and loyalty to the Silver Mother, Larihei, and her state? Ti.

Accepted. Report to Haelun'or for your uniform.

-Adreniel Elibar'acal. 

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With the recent declaration of armed conflict by Hanseti-Ruska, the Kharajyr dons the tanned skin of a particular Golden Hussars captain from mid-Arcas, and the scalp of a certain Lord Marshal from the same period. Wreathing his dragonscaled armor in the veil of old and decaying flesh, he sought to earn more. 



What is thy name?: Ri'Haskir Therkul

[OOC: What is your username and Discord handle?] Rylothh, Ryloth#6969

What is thy race?: KHARAJYR

From which talonii do thou hail, if mali’thill?: N/A

Art thou pure?: OF KHA'

If not, do thou wish to be?: N/A

What is thou age?: ADULT

Dost thou pledge thy troth and loyalty to the Silver Mother, Larihei, and her state?: YES

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An exhausted Okarir exhaled a sigh of relief as the reinforcements had finally arrived. She turned, retreating to the safe depths of her manor to enjoy some well overdue rest.

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What is thy name?

Asula an Iarwaïn


What is thy race?



From which talonii do thou hail, if mali’thill?

an Iarwaïn


Art thou pure?



What is thou age?



Dost thou pledge thy troth and loyalty to the Silver Mother, Larihei, and her state?

I do.

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A Mali'thill beams in pride as more shall join the Silver Lions - the time has come for the Lions to rise to the top!

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12 minutes ago, Ryloth said:

With the recent declaration of armed conflict by Hanseti-Ruska, the Kharajyr dons the tanned skin of a particular Golden Hussars captain from mid-Arcas, and the scalp of a certain Lord Marshal from the same period. Wreathing his dragonscaled armor in the veil of old and decaying flesh, he sought to earn more. 


  Reveal hidden contents

What is thy name?: Ri'Haskir Therkul

[OOC: What is your username and Discord handle?] Rylothh, Ryloth#6969

What is thy race?: KHARAJYR

From which talonii do thou hail, if mali’thill?: N/A

Art thou pure?: OF KHA'

If not, do thou wish to be?: N/A

What is thou age?: ADULT

Dost thou pledge thy troth and loyalty to the Silver Mother, Larihei, and her state?: YES


1 minute ago, NomadGaia said:

What is thy name?

Asula an Iarwaïn


What is thy race?



From which talonii do thou hail, if mali’thill?

an Iarwaïn


Art thou pure?



What is thou age?



Dost thou pledge thy troth and loyalty to the Silver Mother, Larihei, and her state?

I do.

Accepted. Report to Haelun'or for uniforms.

-Adreniel Elibar'acal. 

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What is thy name?


What is thy race?

From which talonii do thou hail, if mali’thill?
Dovian, Mali'thill

Art thou pure?

What is thou age?

Dost thou pledge thy troth and loyalty to the Silver Mother, Larihei, and her state?

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What is thy name? Saevel

[OOC: What is your username and Discord handle?] Nozoa#5616

What is thy race? Mali'thill

From which talonii do thou hail, if mali’thill? Sythaerin

Art thou pure? Ti.

If not, do thou wish to be? N/A

What is thou age? 99

Dost thou pledge thy troth and loyalty to the Silver Mother, Larihei, and her state? Ti.

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Azula Looked at the papers that were shoved under her door. taking a quil dipped in pink powder and mixing with her ink to make pink ink! she fill in each not really understanding why she had to do so. 


What is thy name? azula 


[OOC: What is your username and Discord handle?] Tigergiri Tigergi#0744

What is thy race?

From which talonii do thou hail, if mali’thill? Elibar'acal 

Art thou pure? TI

If not, do thou wish to be?

What is thou age? twenty winters

Dost thou pledge thy troth and loyalty to the Silver Mother, Larihei, and her state? Ti

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1 minute ago, Tigergiri said:

Azula Looked at the papers that were shoved under her door. taking a quil dipped in pink powder and mixing with her ink to make pink ink! she fill in each not really understanding why she had to do so. 


What is thy name? azula 

  Reveal hidden contents

[OOC: What is your username and Discord handle?] Tigergiri Tigergi#0744

What is thy race?

From which talonii do thou hail, if mali’thill? Elibar'acal 

Art thou pure? TI

If not, do thou wish to be?

What is thou age? twenty winters

Dost thou pledge thy troth and loyalty to the Silver Mother, Larihei, and her state? Ti


4 minutes ago, Nozoa said:

What is thy name? Saevel

[OOC: What is your username and Discord handle?] Nozoa#5616

What is thy race? Mali'thill

From which talonii do thou hail, if mali’thill? Sythaerin

Art thou pure? Ti.

If not, do thou wish to be? N/A

What is thou age? 99

Dost thou pledge thy troth and loyalty to the Silver Mother, Larihei, and her state? Ti.


9 minutes ago, King_Kunuk said:

What is thy name?


What is thy race?

From which talonii do thou hail, if mali’thill?
Dovian, Mali'thill

Art thou pure?

What is thou age?

Dost thou pledge thy troth and loyalty to the Silver Mother, Larihei, and her state?

Accepted. Report to Haelun'or for uniforms.

-Adreniel Elibar'acal. 

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What is thy name? Celiael Maeyr'onn

[OOC: What is your username and Discord handle?] Bones#1037

What is thy race? Mali'thill

From which talonii do thou hail, if mali’thill? Maeyr'onn

Art thou pure? Ti.

If not, do thou wish to be? N/A

What is thou age? 143

Dost thou pledge thy troth and loyalty to the Silver Mother, Larihei, and her state? Ti

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