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Deklaracja Inkwizycji | 1834, 387 E.S


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Helinathe, one of the few Azdrazi besides Bl. Aldric Del Riviere with brainrot, took her longsword and awaited the oncoming holy knight inquisition that was about to happen. But she knew the truth. They would never actually come.

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The Cardinal of Providentia signed the Lorraine Cross over himself. "GOD wills it!" He called out to the people of Providence from the gates of the Cathedral, gesturing to the notice-board where the missive had been pinned. 

Edited by Viggen92
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Ursula Vasović sat in her room, shaking her head in annoyance as she read the announcement. As she got further down, she started speaking aloud in a mock deep voice. "'Ursula, how dare you declare to the Vasoyevi that the Azdrazi are a threat and must be hunted down and cast out?! Oh, by the way, hunt down and cast out the Azdrazi! Also, the Aengul Gavriil is clearly a deceiver sent by Iblees to deceive and ruin you, Ursula. If you repeat his message to anyone, we'll excommunicate you. Oh, by the way, we agree with everything the Aengul said.'"


She tossed the announcement down on her desk and started to half laugh, half cry. "Well, at least I don't have to call up the Vanatori. That's already been done."

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Charlotte Augusta maintained a stone-cold visage as she looked over the declaration, a holy inquisition declared on the same breed of creature that attempted to steal her child away from her.


"Good riddance," The imperial uttered, a small and satisfied smirk spreading across her lips.

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Moliana only felt uneasy to hear of the Azdrazi sacrificing people to their Titan; to think how that could have been her when she was taken from Woldzmir as an infant.  How close she had been to an infernal death without even remembering it, to live her life in an unknowing secrecy for her safety.  Although she was comforted to hear of the human leaders preparing an inquisition against the balaur, there was only dread in her bosom for how these dragon worshippers shall act next.

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Father Paco considers his circumstances as a Flameist friar far beyond the Canonist realm with his Lector brethren and if they would only have GOD with them in these trying times. He opted to remain with the parish believing the Lectorate of Owyn would be ready for whatever more troubles would be added to their list in the heathen south regardless of whether there would be Imperial aid or not.


A particular Oyashiman alchemist Lector curses Zhao Ting Fung and Watanabe Setsuna, vowing to get even with the Azdromoth heresy that plagued his homeland.

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Haskir passes the letter on to the Blessed Sir Aldric Del Riviere and to another war-weary Azdrazi with a grin. "Are you eager? I am!" @Monomakhos@Werew0lf

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Eve Gardnyr read over the decree, balling it up before poisoning the sea with its inky words. "What auchet nonsense, coming from vlagt Sutica, as to be expected. Nonetheless, waiting is all I can do." Returning to the gardens, Eve couldn't care less about empty words.

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Father Otto signs the Lorraine upon reading the formal declaration. "Justice will have its due." 

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"My sword training will finally come in handy," remarked an Ithelanen with an amused smirk as she prepared to cut down all those who opposed Azdromoth.

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BLESSED ALDRIC DEL RIVIERE takes ahold of the letter, scrutinising its contents within. Eluitholnear exhausts a gout of smog from his maw, eyes widening in dramatized fear. "An Inquisition on the Inquisitor Eternal!"

The dragonkin pivots, turning to face the wall. "I am quite fearful of the Church sending their three men to throw holy scrolls at us. Prepare yourself."

His talon-esque claws gently veer towards a nearby cupcake, lofting a brow. "Is that blueberry?" He questioned to the congregate, clearly having other priorities.


[ @Undubitably @SquakHawk @JoanOfArc @biggestdon @Milenkhov @FlemishSupremacy @Jentos @Monomakhos @Ryloth @yandeer ]

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Vladrick Cardinal Sava would sign the Hussariyan " May Owyn's Might guide us, for the glory of GODANI"

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Amalya Amador silently stared from the palace balcony in Hanese, eyes settling upon those wandering in and out of the front gates. Pursing her lips in thought she considered the whispers she had heard previously from the lips of holy men - or at least the ones who considered themselves holy.


A mighty yawn broke the silence, a single tear shed from the force of the exhalation of air.. followed by a murmur. 

"I should make my husband his lunch for tomorrow.. He'll be hungry after burning them down."

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