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I Creed of the Sanguine Fire


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Orriran'taliiyna Igne'onn



“Keep your wits sharp and your blade sharper.”


The story for how the creed of the sanguine fire came to be is a short one, though it does not lack adventure. It's a tale of blood and battle during the twilight years of the first age, beginning with Miklaeil Arvellon, the leopard druid. He was a veteran of several wars and found himself fighting over years of combat, during this time he began writing down his beliefs perhaps at first with the thought that others would soon find it, and later it was published. This first tome was known as the “Creed of the Sanguine Fire'', a name meant to invoke feelings of deep passion and strength in those who followed it, later it led to a small following of druids, warriors, crafters, and a mix of all three coming together to learn from the tome and fight with its teachings. Druii who follow this can be noted later fighting in many battles involving the Hunger Tear during the Voidal Crisis of Arcas, the great Inferi Invasion, and disrupting many taints that began to consume the new lands of Almaris.

The core duty of these warriors alone is to be the guardians in the wild. They hunt the corrupt and tainted of the natural world and cut them out, they purify the debris left behind through their own blood and fire, and they do it all with the very spirit of the Mani in their souls. 

Forged in war and passion, tempered by insight and honor those druii and devout who follow the teachings of the Orriran'taliiyna serve as armored warriors, protectors,  scholars, and craftsmen in the name of the Mani and Wild Gods. The sanguine followers are meant to emulate the fierceness of a wolf, the stealth of a panther, or the power of a bear defending her cubs. They ponder on the deeper meanings of the balance and how they feel they should best safeguard its fragile beauty. What was once a simplistic style of beliefs has now become a lifestyle that many follow. Not all that brave the challenge and walk the path become druii either some simply follow the sanguine way because they feel it is right to them, though it is primarily lead by a small following of druids.

The followers of the Orriran'taliiyna believe in the Aspects and the Mani Spirits as most other druii and Aspectists do closely following and respecting the teachings of the Wild Fath, only the creed’s vision on the matter alters the commonly accepted views. To much of the creed, the Aspects are not gods to be worshipped but instead are vast, conceptual forces of nature to be respected, those that create and take life according to the natural cycle. It can be said amongst the Orriran'taliiyna that the Aspects are merely two halves of the cycle, Cerridwen representing the side that creates and sustains life while Cernunnos represents the other that takes it and forces it to adapt. The Wild Gods, or as they’re commonly referred to “The Mani”, are the true recipients for the creed’s worship. They are known to have physical forms and known to grant blessings or curses upon those deserving of them, the work that only divine beings could be capable of doing. Thus the creed offers them tribute and worship, usually in the form of rituals and deeds done in the name of certain Mani. It is imperative to never ask the Mani for anything more than the most simple of blessings, for the Wild Gods are temperamental and it is hard to know whether they will give a blessing, a curse, or simply attack those who dare bother them outright. However, in the case that circumstances are so dire, it’s not specifically forbidden to seek the Wild Gods out personally. Only discouraged for the sake of one’s own well being.




“Our purpose in life is not to be happy, that is a luxury. Our purpose is to be useful, to have compassion, to make some difference to this realm while we’re still able to.”  - Sister Riptide



Core Values

“A seeker of the flame must have their utmost devotion to the Mani to succeed in their mission.”

To be a follower of the wild flame means you value devotion to the highest degree. The creed is like a close knit family, those who follow it stick together akin to a pack of wolves. They defend each other fiercly through loving care and savage defense, most members and followers coming from rough backgrounds, many found as refugees. Not only do they show devotion to each other but the entirety of the pantheon is followed by those of the creed, however it is not uncommon for those to choose specific patrons to show reverence towards.

“A true passion that burns within you is something that can never be undone.”

Passion is the fuel to the fire of every heart that beats to the Sanguine Fire. Every emotion and action taken by the Sanguine are done with the full intensity of their hearts and soul. When found in battle they fight their foes with animalistic primal fury of tooth and claw… When with those they care about they express their love and devotion to the highest extent. Emotion can be both a disadvantage and an advantage, for the sanguine warriors they put their feelings within their actions, and channel it to their ascendancy. 

“No druid has been honored for the path they take but rather what they have accomplished along it.”

Noone ever gains honor and respect by standing alone, rather they show their self-honor through action and word. To serve the Balance as impure beings requires a certain degree of humility and respect given toward the flora and fauna that we meet and protect within the creed. The Sanguine way teaches that one must always offer apology and reverence for the actions taken in nature. To hunt and kill a natural beast for food or material, never sport, must be followed by proper thanks given to the fallen creature for its death and its bounty used to the fullest possible capacity. To always offer proper offering and care when taking from the flora of the wild. 

“You can't expect to survive the worst unless you walk the path of a warrior.”

To be Sanguine is to be the ultimate survivor in a world of predator and prey, to follow this path you learn what it's like to hunt and be hunted by enemies of all sorts, and even the most destructive of taints. Their core value of warriorship and survival can be interpreted a few different ways depending on the situation. For most, it’s the pure, natural instinct instilled into every creature from birth. Elves are blessed with long life, which means it should be lived to its fullest in both quality and length.

“One that is pure cannot be tainted by that of another lost soul.”

 Following the theme of Balance, the maintenance of purity in nature is a more grim but necessary part of the creed’s duties in life. The ever repeated tale of careless or malicious mages wielding voidal and dark magics to harm, knowingly or unknowingly, the Balance is something that must be swiftly stopped before it can be told again. This often means the hunting and killing of mages, simply put. To enjoy this work is heavily frowned upon for the Creed teaches that it is a necessary evil, knowing that not all mages are the gaunt, pale sadists that they can be painted to look like. Some are simply that of the curiously inclined with no harm meant toward nature, of which the Creed must be understanding enough to offer the chance of redemption before drawing steel. Following this theme of purity, it is an accepted truth that even the attuned druii that follow the creed’s teachings are still Descendent and are inherently unnatural and impure to the Balance. This simply means that, as impure servants to the Wild Gods and the Balance, we must never assume our right to anything. Our right to life in the natural world, and to death in the Eternal Forest, must be earned by proving ourselves to the Wild Gods.

“One should die just as they have lived, respected for their accomplishments and remembered as one of our own.”

  Death is an acknowledged part of the cycle for most sects of the Druidic Order with the Orriran'taliiyna being no exception. While it is a somber occasion for most, with many followers being closely knitted in the pursuit of balance, it is also a cherished passing. The duties listed in this tome are dangerous and those who commit to them lead uncertain lives while seeing them fulfilled. When these brave individuals, druid or not, fall on the creed’s path, they are given an honorable, respected, and grateful funeral in the hopes of ushering their spirits faster into the Eternal Forest.  This somber event begins with a hunt in which the participants remain silent and utter not a single word and in full, traditional armor until their return to the site of the feast and burial. Once returned with their prey, the feast is held where the fallen are remembered with cheer as well as with sadness until the time comes to burn the body of the fallen warrior. The fire remains lit until the body is burned to nothing but ash in a natural stone basin where the burned remains may be gathered up. Once gathered, the ash will be used to fertilize one of the surrounding Miruel’ame trees that make up the burial forest of the Orriran'taliiyna. This forest, hauntingly beautiful with the fog produced from the Miruel’ame that make up its woods and the bright red leaves that fill the canopy, serves as one of the most sacred sites to the Orriran'taliiyna. Rituals and lessons of a more serious or dire nature are meant to take place within the shrouded confines of this forest’s hold, with the center being the great burial ground of the creed where the spirits of the dead are free to pass on to the Eternal Forest beyond.



“Following along our path means you become both the hunter and the prey”



The Sanguine Codex

I. Hold those of the creed to a higher degree. Family gives you the roots to stand strong.

        - Family is the compass that guides us, siblings become inspiration and comfort.

        - Like branches on a tree we all grow differently in separate directions, however our roots always remain as one.

        - Aim for the highest heights to protect those you hold close.

II. Learn from those in history that came before us, they will show the path of success and failure.

        - Unless we learn from those who came before us, we are destined to repeat their same failing actions.

        - To understand today you have to learn of yesterday, and the days before.

        - Within history you are always a student to its various teachings.

III. Live life to the fullest. To be afraid of what could happen is not to live.

        - Don't be afraid of what could happen in the future, rather focus on aiming towards your goals.

        - Noone can hold you back except your own self.

IV. Alone we are but one drop, but together we are an entire ocean.

        - The power of one alone if focused can be formidable but the power of many is stronger.

        - Don’t act alone, act alongside your siblings of the sanguine fire for we are stronger as one.

V. Don't harm those who are innocent, and protect them as if they are your own.

        - We stand to run into battle, we stand to gain scars for the innocent, we stand for this because if we don't who else will?

        - Once you know of the atrocities of life, you cannot remain silent, speak out for those who will not speak out for themselves.

VII. Never share the secrets of our creed with those who create disdain.

         - Tradition is sacred, secrets are to be kept, to share with an outsider what few already know is an act of treason.

        - To become a member of the creed silence is reverence in correlation with our ways.

VII. Walk alongside the Mani and Aspects, choose never to contradict our ways.

        - Offer reverence to the ones we follow, for they are what we believe in defending.

VIII. To issue a Challenge means you act with reason, and you fight with honor.

        - Never show means of deceit when a challenge is called upon, it is our sacred tradition.

        - A challenge is generally a fight or challenge issued over an argument that cannot be decided upon. A Hearld must issue the type of challenge after it is requested.

        - Death is never a means of finishing a challenge, but rather how well one can overcome a struggle.

IX. We are one with the natural cycle of balance, so protect and nurture it as you will.

        - The balance is something we must work to preserve and repair, for some damage is undoable and some can only be helped with our action.

X. Let your Passion guide you forward.

        - One who can let go of fear from anything that holds them back can accomplish far more than someone who is controlled by fear.




“Clean your armor like you clean your kill after the hunt”




Armor and Weaponry

The first of these and perhaps the most notable being the signature style of armor that most who follow the creed wear, both casually and in times of conflict or hunting. The pieces vary from person to person but all follow the same general style with T-shaped visors on the helmets and body plating that often is segmented on the chest in the case of half-plate suits. Trophies can also be spotted adorning this unique armor in the form of pelts or other such memorabilia from past successes and trials. These trophies, when taken from creatures of natural origin, are worn as signs of immense respect for the fallen creature and worn as a means of carrying their spirit with the creed warrior as they succeed through yet more trials of faith and life.


Kuila crystals, coveted by druids for their interesting reactions and storage capabilities for natural mana, can be crushed in a fine, crystalline powder that may be infused within steel amidst the forging process of weapons and armor. It offers no boon to the metal except for the dim glow that will radiate from the infused metal when a druid communes near it. These kuila infused weapons, and in some cases armor pieces, are given to newly attuned students of the Orriran'taliiyna as a gift from their teachers.


As the name suggests, followers of the Sanguine Fire consider blood to be the purest form of both life and death. It is the essence which maintains life in all animals, and what leaks when they pass on. Offerings to the Mani always have the blood of animal or Descendant in one way or another, and funeral rites are often done with paints and offering in blood


The mark of the sanguine flame follows one design and is placed at the back of the neck, often covered by hair or helmet and the dye used to make the mark can be mixed with kuila dust to allow for the tattoo to glow just as one’s weaponry does. For the attuned druids of the creed, the mark is etched with their chosen totem as a personal touch. Once this mark at the back of the neck is made, many members both attuned and unattuned continue to add onto it like sapling growing limbs. Experiences, age, and achievements are often marked into this beautiful tapestry of time.

Tattoos designed by the wonderful Numirya!



“The heat of passion burns hot in crimson blood.
Through this passion, we devote ourselves,
Through this devotion, we honor our ancestors,
And through this honor, we grow strong.
Our passion is the Sanguine Fire that our veins bleed.”






The Heralds act as guides for the rest of the devoted Sanguine, they are primarily made up of the attuned druii within the creed and are those who often hold the order and balance. Once a Fledgling  has passed their trials, the marking can be given by a Herald of the sanguine flame.

Zaelyn | @MayRndz
Eonan | @ThumperJack


Hunter of the Wild Flame

Those within the creed who have become fully fledged members same as the protectors of the Wild Flame.


The uninitiated of the Creed are those not yet tested by the Wild Gods, and thus have yet earned the right to their Sanguine armor and weaponry. They are encouraged to accompany the initiated and the Herald, and Followers to learn the ways, and in hopes of being passed their next test.



Original Writer & Creator: @ThumperJack
Additional Credits (For past and present posts): TwistedFries, Endaaron, HeftyDonut, Numirya, MayRndz


If you're interested in joining feel free to reach out to me on discord MayRndz#0069, or join the discord of our creed; https://discord.gg/CnJcBRMQ

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Star Wars Disney Plus GIF by Nerdist.com


Beautiful stuff! So happy to see my old passion project still being used <3

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1 hour ago, ThumperJack said:

Star Wars Disney Plus GIF by Nerdist.com


Beautiful stuff! So happy to see my old passion project still being used <3

Yes grandpapa

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