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Every Orc is born of Krug. Regardless of their breed, clan or profession, all are born with grishhûn. A mind and heart that bleeds the will of their Ancestors. Founded through orcs of various creeds, brought together by a steadfast will, the IRON’UZG seeks a land in which Krug’s will is law, followed not only by his children, but by all Descendants who seek enlightenment.  






The orcs of  the IRON’UZG revere Krug. As Father of the Orcs, it is his light and wisdom that guides every Orc to live honorably throughout his life. Because of this, they live by and enforce a strict code of honor.


There is no slavery, or the trampeling of justice through the mentality of might makes right. There is strength in many forms, and all physical strength inevitably fades. To become great within the IRON’UZG, one must prove such to their people with feats or great works.


Orcish spiritualism has evolved into something greater. Rather than simply praising the spirits in bloody worship, the orcs seek self-actualization in growing closer to Krug, in hopes to be as great as him. This practise is known as khatûn, and is composed of focusing on the orcish spirit, which is divided and sectioned into many parts, changing and tearing as the individual grows.



I.Second-class citizens must purchase a home or stay free of charge in the designated slums.
II.All Uruks are entitled to the full rights of citizenship under the Iron’Uzg. This includes housing, access to food storage and armory. An orc outside of the Iron’Uzg is no different from a visitor, and can be granted the same rights should they wish to return.

III.Non-Uruks are permitted inside the city granted they abide by the laws of the city, and provide tribute if they seek intercession or enter San’Khatun, The Shaman City. 
IV.Non-Uruks are able to apply for second class citizenship. Second class citizens are entitled to slum housing and protection while inside the city. However, second class citizens may purchase larger homes.

V.The practice of slavery is abolished. There are no slaves of labor, or a snagagoth and pillages upon the other descendant. Temporary slaves of war are acceptable. 



I.Killing another Uruk in cold-blood is punishable by death. Disputes must be settled by an honorable klomp. Exceptions may be made for self-defense.

II.To own slaves is a great dishonor. An orc does not make his mark upon the world through the labor of those weaker than them. Any slave-owning orc will be whitewashed, should they choose not to release their slaves. 

III.Unprovoked bodily harm to a second-class citizen is punishable by public beating.

IV. Unprovoked killing of a second-class citizen is punishable by dismembering. First offense will have offenders lose an arm, second-- a leg.

V.Voidal and Non-Spiritual Magics are forbidden within the main city, and seen as an insult. Within San’Khatun, punishable by death.

VI.Any Undead or Undead-aligned folk will be killed on sight.




I. From hereon, the Rex shall be chosen from more than just combat. While the tradition remains, every challenging Rex must meet two additional challenges by the former Rex, or have approval from a basis of authority (Wargoth Council, Shamans and Motsham, or the Majority) .

II.The next Rex is traditionally chosen by the Rex as a candidate, but anyone may still contest this decision by undergoing the process listed above. The Wargoth Council may also choose a person, or The Majority.

III.If the Rex perishes and there are no contenders, the Dominus holds the power until a challenger goes through the process.

IV. The Rex can only be formally removed by a unanimous vote of the Council. 

V.The Rex shall choose his own Council, outside of the Wargoths. It consists of the Huntsgoth, Grubgoth, Keshigs, Dominus, Targoths, and Motsham.

VI.The Wargoths have their own council, mediated by Rex to discuss the state of clans.

VII.Rex Council positions can not be challenged by anyone within the Iron’Uzg, instead the challenger must accomplish feats alongside being backed by at least three members of the council. These feats must prove that the challenger is honorable and serves the will of the people.

VIII.To challenge the Dominus, the action should have the approval of Rex, alongside at least three members of the council. The individual must have helped negotiate a treaty or agreement with a foreign nation and have lived in the IRON’UZG for at least 10 years. (IRP)

IX.To challenge the Targoth, one must be a member of the Krughai. The individual must have the support of at least three council members and have led at least one successful warband. 

X.The remaining positions can only be removed with a majority vote of the Council or by the Rex himself. 


Edited by Panashea
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