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[Dialect] Imperial Elven


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The Dialect of Imperial Elves

[Flexio/High Imperial + Ancient Elven]

Four centuries of co-existence in the Empire has seen the merging and bastardization of the Elven language.  It is not a completely different language than Elven, but key phrases and words have changed, altered, or fallen into disuse over time.  Canonism and non-cloistered living amongst humans has resulted in a pidgeon dialect that may be considered abhorrent to many Elven cultures. The language is rooted in both Elven and High-Imperial/Flexio, meaning both well-read humans and Elves might find that the language catches their ear with some air of familiarity. Many words might be spelled the same, but due to years of Raevir, Waldonian, Auvignian, and other common human dialect influence - have taken on new pronunciations.  An Imperial Elf, would describe the language as "Elven, with an Imperial dialect" - other Elves may have more colorful names for it.

Imperial Elves who are otherwise not educated in the historical and ancient Elven tongue would recognize Elven, and understand many of the words of the language when written but might be confused or misled by more complex sentences in which certain words are no longer used. Pronunciation differences make  vocal communication between the two languages very difficult without taking the time to study the other language.  Other Elven sentences that derived their meaning not from a literal translation but from cultural inference such as "Bring me to the Orcs" would be completely lost on Imperial Elves, who are no longer able to relate to these subtleties. Common Phrases like "Health and Progress" have also lost their cultural context, with ideas of the advancement of Elven purity a long forgotten memory to those Elves who have grown up in Imperial cities.

Below are replaced, modified, or removed Sentences/Words of the Imperial Elven Dialect. If the word or phrase is not listed, an Imperial Elf would either use the common tongue equivalent or be fully comfortable using the normal Elven word with different pronunciation. In the Imperial Elven household it would  not be uncommon to hear a mish-mashing of common tongue with the Imperial Elven dialect. 

 Unless indicated otherwise here, other Elven words/sentences have not changed, but would sound differently when spoken by an Elf who has never left Imperial borders. In many cases the language has been simplified - losing a great deal of its Elven grace. The words are grouped alphabetically by what they mean in the ancient tongue.

In addition, common addresses in the Human tongue have also been added that did not exist in ancient Elven.


Replaced/Altered/Removed Phrases.
Ancient Elven/Imperial Dialect: Imperial Dialect meaning.

karin'ayla / Ave: 'Good Day', a very informal greeting. Likes saying 'Whats up?'

ker'ayla /  Noctes'ayla: Means 'Good Night' an informal farewell, like saying 'Later!'

van'ayla / Vale: 'Farewell', more formal than 'Noctes'ayla'.


aylan nae osulier / Amplexor: Greetings, more formal than Ave.

Vos Ayla Geht?: How are you?

Vobis Nae: Nice to meet you.

maehr'sae hiulun'ehya / Servus und Progress: Literal meaning is closer to "I serve and I progress". It is commonly shortened to 'Servus', it is the most formal greeting possible - and carries none of the cultural significance that maehr'sae hiulun'ehya does to other Elves.

Dacael Savus Lye'Domi - GOD Save the Emperor!

Vestir'Aurubus: It means literally, 'To Hide Ones Ears'. Developed during the years of Elven persecution in the Empire, it is a common way to express that you must tread carefully, blend in, or hide in plain sight and fend for yourself. It can also take in the form of an insult between Imperial Elves to call another Elf a coward. 

As a warning."Minuvas, now is not the time to argue publicly with the ArchChancellor - you have offended too many, and you must vestir'aurubus before you draw more attention" 

As an insult "Hmph, you do not even stand for your own house, vestir'aurubus Melphestaus. I'd ask you not to show your face here again, but it is clear you do not have the resolve"

Curta'Aurbus:  Means "His/Her/Their ears have been clipped". This is a phrase used to describe mistreatment, or that an Imperial Elf has had something taken from them against their will. Shortened in slanged to "curted" which simply means "clipped"

Example: "Ah yes, Minuvas...they say his fortunes are curta'aurbus, seized by an Imperial tax that seems peculiarly aimed at the Thill..."
 or  used as slang "His home was curted, the deed seized without the common practice of law even applied".

Thilln ito nae'leh: In ancient Elven this phrase means "Are you pure?", but in the Imperial Elven Dialect it has taken on the looser meaning of "Do you judge Elven purity?". It is often asked to ascertain whether or not another Elf believes in the purity beliefs of the Elven princedoms. An Imperial Elf would confidently answer "No" and expects other Elf culture groups to most commonly reply "Yes".

Drael Skies / Drael Skies Ascenda: "Three Skies" or " May you ascend the Three Skies". As Canonist Elves believe they can only reach the third level of the Seven Skies, this is a common departing phrase to the recently deceased or a way to give someone 'blessings'. 

Example: "May our Patter'Maln rest peacefully in the embrace of GOD. Be in peace now, drael skies ascenda Minuvas" group of Imperial Elves says in unison around the body "Drael skies! Drael Skies!"

Valah'sicut Amir: This used to be an insult, meaning that an Elf had betrayed their Kin and taken up human culture to avoid persecution. As racism has waned steadily downard in the last 400 years, it has instead become a very strong compliment in the last century. Literally means He/She/They have been accepted by the Humans. To tell another Imperial Elf "They are Valah'Sicut Amir" means they have been accepted by humans, as 'one of their own', and they are counted as friends.

"My son, I am proud of you. You have worked hard, proven your merit by worth to become valah'sicut amir. None here judge you any longer, go now and lead alongside the humans"

Ti'Absolu: Is a way to exclaim, "Yes, naturally" or "Yes, of course", "Yes, obviously". 

Example: "Will your son be getting married in the Canonist Church?" the Elf Scoffs in return "Ti'Absolu, why wouldn't he?"

Thiln Equs Excrimenta: This is a strong insult directed at Elves outside of the Empire, it literally means "Their purity is horse-****", but is often directed at another Elf to indicate he practices the 'ancient' way of purity or hostile to Imperial Elves. Its most appropriate translation is "He/she/they are no friend of ours". 

Example: "That Elven Prince thiln equs excrimenta my children, and should be avoided if possible"

Valah histor'fogir: The literal translation is 'Human History is Foggy', but this is a way to express to another elf that your deeds will likely be unappreciated/forgotten (by the humans). It is sometimes meant to chide the hubris of young elves, or to remind them that their human friends will one day pass without them.

Used to provide guidance "But father, does the Count not remember how we came to his side in the last conflict?" , "Valah histor'fogir my son, that was the old count. A new count sites on the throne."

As a reminder of the short lives of humans "Valah histor'fogir, my child. You have come full circle to see the grandson become the grandfather, do not let this trouble you - we all live with our sins, ensure that this generation is better than the last and mourn not the fact that you must build a relationship anew".


Replaced/Modified Words.
Ancient Elven/Imperial Dialect: Imperial dialect meaning.


acal / Aurumcal: valuable, golden, cursed (Note: Connotations of this as a sign of disrespect in Imperial Culture is lost.)
ahe: Means 'Sinner' in the dialect. In ancient elven this prefix is attached to mean 'cursed', and the meaning is similar - taking on the culturally appropriate word of a canonist sinner. When attached to a name or word, it means 'The Sinful', i.e: Minuvas'Ahe, 'Minuvas the Sinful'.

ahernan /Grati'ahern: thank you often shortened to "Grati"

Barorir: Noble title of 'Baron'



(a)caele / Dacaele: Combination of the Flexio word Deus and Elven word caele, to mean GOD. It does not reference the Seven Skies, which the common word "Skies" or 'Siebaeir Skies' is used for.
Comir: Noble title of "Count"
Caetunzir: Citizen.


Diraar / Dir'Miles: Means 'Soldier', not necessarily Guard or Sentinel and may require further explanation between speakers.
Duame: Means 'Dame' a common address for a female knight.
Domir: Empire
Or'Domir: The Orenian Empire




Erhaxtir: Means "Exalted", shortened as it is in the common tongue to Ex.
Erhax'Patter: The Holy Father of the Canonist Church. Literal meaning, "The Exalted Father".



No Replacements

No replacements



hae / Haer: her
haelun / Halter: Bastardization of haelun and the flexio Mater for 'Mother'.


laurir / Prauciur: Bastardized word of Elven and Auvignion ''Preciuex', which means grand, beautiful, and noble. It can also reference a Noble "Peer", described as "The Prauciur".
Idux: Formal title of "Duke"

No Replacements

kae / kego: me or I depending on context.
kalem: Malin's year, the length of a High Prince's Reign. Stricken from the Imperial Dialect, this measurement would not be understood by an Imperial Elf.

karim/ Santim: Bastardization of the human word "Saints Day" , means a 24 hour day. 


Llir / Amir: Bastardization of the Auvignion 'Ami' and Elven llir to mean friend.
Lye'Domi: The Emperor. Literal meaning "The Lord of Us (All)".
Lye'Imperi: An Imperial. Literal meaning "All of Us".



maln / Patter'Maln: Bastardization of Maln and Flexio Pater, meaning 'Father'.
Malin: References the proper noun for the Descendant Elf. No longer understood to mean the word "King".
Magnir'Honesta: Imperial styling, "The Most Honorable".

Nae/ Sae: You

No replacements

Patter: When used without 'Maln', it is an informal way to address a Canonist Priest, as 'Father'. Denotes that the 'Father' is not of your blood.
Patter'Episco: A Bishop of the Canonist Church, often shortened to 'Episco'.
Patter'Cardinalir: A Cardinal of the Canonist Church, often shortened to 'Cardinalir'.




sohae / sacardae: Bastardization of Sohae and sacerdos, means 'Priest' in the dialect.
Sihae: Means 'Sir' , a common address for a Knight.

talonii: this word has lost its common usage, and the common words for "House", "Family", or "Blood Line" are instead used.
thill: No longer means pure. Simply means "High" as it relates to Elven races. This certainly creates cultural conflict as an Imperial High Elf will refer to themselves as a Mali'Thill,
Tributo'Imperi: An Imperial Vassal (Can also mean "Subject", or "Protectorate". It tends to refer to anyone who is an oathbound subordinate territory to the Empire.)
Ti / Tisc: Yes.

Uirtu: Means "Your Excellence", as a way to reference individuals.

Viz'Comir: Noble title of "Viscount"
Velulaei: Canonism has stomped out this 'Dark Elf Moon God' word from their vocabulary, and it is now in disuse.

Ancient Elven/ Imperial Dialect

1: oem / une
2: niut / secund
3: hael / drael
4: vailu / fearlu
5: kulin / kunf
6: banih / banix
7: laier / siebaier
8: esun / uncht
9: moiel / moien

10:: Telu / Tselu



Halter: mother

Patter'Maln: father

Halter'Magnir: grandmother
Patter'Magnir: grandfather

Zohnir: son (Any race)
Lari: daughter (Any race)
Brothus: brother
Svestonn: sister
Onncle: uncle
Onnt: aunt
Malphew: nephew
Maliece: niece
Malsoun: cousin (either gender)


Other Notes:
Unlike in Ancient Elven, the Imperial dialect capitalizes words at the start of sentences, and follows other normal human grammatical rules. 

In most instances one can simply attach an 's' at the end of a word to make it plural, in some words that are more Flexio in origin - an "i" is attached at the end. Due to the complex mashing of languages, most times both forms are acceptable. Thus "Onnts" and "Onnti" for example - both mean "Aunts". 

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A Particular Elfess weeps for the bastardization of her people's gorgeous language. 

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"Four hundred years but two hundred years ago they were still clipping our ears and three hundred years ago we were still being massacred..." Mused Lily, quietly, as she read over the dialect explanation, some bitterness to her expression as she recalls the horrors her family endured.

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Avius looked over this new 'language' with undisguised and vigorous hatred.


"Not content embarrassing Malin's descendants by slaving themselves to this degenerate valah Empire, these mongrel traitors carve apart and bastardise our ancient tongue as well. Better to be a damned 'thill than one of these cursed creatures."

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Nivndil remembers being referred to as a 'mudskin' outside Felsen, Vailor, as she brought food to feed the hungry. She remembers being told to cover her shoulders by packs of roaming thugs, masquerading as holy men. She remembers seeing Mali'ker women crucified outside villages on Athera, and she remembers the woman with clipped ears who came to Cerulin and tried to preach about Canonist doctrine.



Looking up into the sunshine then, the lari remembered the many prayers she helped to scribe in the ancient tongue. Although she characteristically doesn't smile, her features warm as she remembers the many faces who attended her lectures on Elven language; Druids, Dedicants and friends of all races. She would never forget how the Empire had brutalised her people, however.

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53 minutes ago, Luciloo said:




Thexan Ithelanen pages over the chronicles of his lineage, fingers tracing over the gilded frames of the artistic recreation, "Sack of Malinor"Many of the details of this genocide were left omitted by his recollection. It was, of course, written by Imperial hands.


"Dacael Savus Lye'Imperi," he murmured with bitter, ironic intonation. He gripped the wooden rail that traced his study with an old and rising anger. Gripping, gripping, gripping. 

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"Any elf who actually speaks this Malin-Forsaken language is no mali , but valah with extended lifespan and pointy ears. Race Traitors," muttered a Viradiraar from her ironic location in Providence.

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"That's rather disgusting." Is all a certain Viradiraar mutters, burning the missive.

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Valindra grimaced as news was swift to reach her. The former imperial elfess shook her head as she went about sipping her glass of legion red in the depths of her sillumir office. “It is something I am going to have to learn for the sake of trying to translate and explain to my ‘thill brethren what possessed this mali to butcher two different languages. Unfortunately, I doubt I will ever know the answer.” The Okarir exhaled a lengthy sigh  before reading the paper she’d been provided with more thoroughly, a small half chuckle, half groan leaving her at one particular phrase. “They even decided to bastardise Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. Silver preserve me, this is how you single-handedly anger not one but all non-imperial elven settlements. This mix of human and elven tongues not only accepts the potential tainting of pure elven and valah blood through cross breeding, but also encourages it. Should be entertaining to see imperial elves at least attempt to spread the language to mali lands.”

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"Fine work from my fellow subjects. They're proven themselves to be an industrious, capable lot, willing to forge their own path even within the Empire. For that, they have my commendation," remarks Philip Amadeus, having recently returned from his travels abroad.

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Dargo pukes in his helmet and spends an hour trying to clean it out

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Alyssa would spit out red wine onto her lover, Mika, while they both ate dinner. Then after spraying the wine onto Mika, the elven woman would dramatically fall onto a velvet couch within the estate. "Why! Oh why! This is so cursed! Someone end me NOW!" The 'aheral wept in a dramatic tone- while she did her dramatic act upon the velvet couch, the red wine would be all over the Uiablen man.







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Brother Wildfire, very bitter in his words, scoffed and babbled to himself elsewhere in the world. "Death to all who speak this degenerate tongue. How many of our kind need to be slain under the boots of valah for them to realize the treachery in identifying as 'imperial'? When will they learn? " 



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