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Renewal of Barclaid


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Renewal of Barclaid

 2nd of Gronna ag Droba, 378 ES






As the news of the rebellion against our kin in the south reached us in the Duchy of Reinmar, so do we once again take up arms for our family in the south, and the rightful rulers of Sutica.


Thus, does the Ducal House of Barclay, under the pre-emptive of the third section in the Merryweather accord between the Commonwealth of Sutica and the Kingdom of Haenseti-Ruska, pledge its resources and offer renewed Barclaid in the efforts of quelling down the illegitimate rebellion, and bringing back order and stability to Sutica.



Sir Friedrich Barclay KML, Regent of House Barclay

His Lordship, Johann Barclay, Baron of Sigradz

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Adrianna Barclay reads the missive with a smile on her face. "The renewal of Barclaid? Wer Rastet Der Rostet!" She shoves the paper into her pocket before placing a hand on the shaft of her glaive: Bliztstahl. "Gutte job, Spritzen."

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