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Any events mentioned within this document have already occurred. The Archives of Third Mission have deemed this information available to the public; REDACTED information will be noted as such and shall imply potential compromise to operational security.


Many years ago, Brother Paco sought aid from the Greater Flame only for his pleas to fall on deaf ears. It was only at the breaking point of Luciensburg, when the city was overrun by the tide of Ratiki, did our aid finally arrive. From across the sea a warship named KAEDWYN set sail from Gaekrin with the intent of aiding us. At its helm was Arch-Lector Galway, Wise-Brother of the Owyn’s March Cohort. The Arch-Lector’s letter to Brother Paco explained that the Greater Flame deemed Almaris a land not worth investment and that he and his cohort alone had embarked this crusade. Their purpose was to seize masks possessed by devilry and return them to the vault of Ard’Kharyll. He requested that the Third Mission aid him in obtaining these relics in exchange for reinforcements.



Arch-Lector Galway


The Kaedwyn was destined to anchor in the Bay of Embers, and thus Owyn’s March dispatched a preemptive landing party in order to establish a beachhead fortification. The Third Mission observed the initial construction of Camp Ember, which was commanded by Lector Rom. It was made evidently clear, upon initial contact, that the Third Mission was perceived collectively as a batch of failures who lost their parish to literal rats. Camp Commander Rom expressed a desire to hunt and vanished into the nearby woods - a point worthy of note.


Soon thereafter, Lector Damon of Owyn’s March began rambling nervously. He claimed he witnessed a malicious beast causing havoc in the woods nearby, yet was dismissed by his comrade, Quartermaster Emyael, for being too young, inexperienced and jumpy. The Third Mission opted to investigate as to not act with negligence.We discovered a cyclops by the name of Bludhor rampaging about, furious that “Red-Men'' had poached his flock of sheep; it appeared Brother Rom was not hunting wild boar, but instead domesticated livestock. Unable to tame the creature, the Third Mission engaged it in combat and felled it rather easily with the use of Slayer-Steel and Godsflame. 


A few days later, the Kaedwyn laid its anchor in the Bay of Embers and the Wise-Brother disembarked. He held a ritual on the beachhead by igniting a large pyre, symbolizing the birth of a new crusade. Following this, he informed the Third Mission that one of his Lectors, Spearman Sam, would accompany them back to Ramsfield to fortify the refugee camp. In exchange, we were to venture to Providence and seek out the Wise-Brother’s contact in order to uncover the location of the first mask.

Edited by Lectorate
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