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Reparation and Reconciliation


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The Armistice of Atonement

The 15th of The Amber Cold, 38 SA 





~ Overview ~


With the dissolution of the Warnation, the Crown of Elvenesse and the Iron’Uzg have seen fit to officially end hostilities, moving towards the betterment of their respective peoples.





~ Principle ~


The Iron’Uzg, and the Crown of Elvenesse (henceforth referred to as “the signatories”) will adhere to the following articles so long as this pact is in effect:


    Article I: The signatories will enter a pact of strict policy non-aggression against each other. This is defined as the complete and absolute ceasing of conflict and arms between both signatories.


    Article II: The signatories recognize each other’s land claims as of the 35th year of the Second Age.


    Article III: The signatories recognize each other's right to religion in their own lands.


    Article IV: Should a member of either signatory breach the laws of the land, diplomacy will be conducted before due process is rendered upon the individual.


    Article V: This pact is considered in effect so long as the signatories do not express sanctioned ill intent against each other.


    Article VI: This pact is considered in effect so long as High Prince Evar’tir Oranor is in power as High Prince of the Crown of Elvenesse. In the event High Prince Evar’tir Oranor passes from power, the pact must be reaffirmed.


    Article VII: This pact considered valid so long as a single time monetary value of 500 Minae is paid in reparation of the pact Peace of Krug and Malin


    Article VIII: This pact strictly prohibits the consumption of all descendant races. (Mali’, Orc, Dwed, Human.)


    Article IX: This pact strictly prohibits the enslavement of Mali’ under the Iron’Uzg.


    Article X: This pact forbids the signatories from declaring war unless probable cause beyond a reasonable doubt is established publicly. In the event of war, this pact is to be suspended until the official end of wartime hostilies.





    Uell ito Maruthiran,

    HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Evar'tir Oranor, High Prince of Elvenesse,

        Prince of Caras Eldar, Praetor of Elves, Adjudicator of Malchediael


    Ziimarum agh Honor,

Dominus of the Iron'Uzg, Jiangu'Lak


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Jiangu'lak is happy he signed, now chatting in the throne room afterwards! "Peaze to our peepul!"

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An elfess would sit by the edge of the water, her bird swooping down to give her a paper. Her brown eyes scanned the paper, humming softly a slight smile appearing on her face. "calm, hopefully this lasts for sometime.." 

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“I wonder how long the peace will last.” The ‘thill remarked with a faint snort as the news reached her. “I imagine relations shall soon turn sour. One does not simply suppress Uruk bloodlust.”

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The Rex, Skaatchnak'Izig approves the diplomatic work of his Dominus. In the past, he had allied with the people of Malin as the leader of the Horde of the Thagurz'Grizh and would do so again. 


"I long for a day in which the tarnished name of orcs is made good".

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The Elf Lord sat in his manor at the end of the day, the words of the missive bouncing about in his head. He thought of the times where he was called upon to draw steel against the Uruk threat, and how many times he had trudged back home covered in the viscera of krug's descendants.


"Peace..." Sevrel muttered to himself, glancing to the war torn sets of armour he had on display at his home, telling a silent story of the multiple centuries of war he had gone through. Flashes of the countless battles peppered his mind, sounds of Uruks bellowing war cries at the top of their lungs rang in his ears, limbs injured in the nigh endless conflicts between his kin and the greenskins stung with a dull pain, and the screams of his fallen comrades pierced his heart; though he was at home, and currently in no such battle...


He tried to focus on the embers within the fireplace in front of him.


"I suppose... Time will tell."



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The Old Shaman Al-Uk'Lur sits in his home about finished  curing a Human her deafness through Witchdoctery being informed on the peace  forged between Elven and Orc kind the Goblin stared towards  Druidic staff that hung uppon his wall of trophy's snorting a bit "Wehl zubboze mi kan nub harvezd mohr Druid zkah" 

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Crooked talons released the missive through Hodge and Podges' bedroom window. Its contents soon devoured by the pair. Digested over the sight of a decapitated Elven head.  "Mi bet diz twiggie wizhe' 'e 'ad nub tryed klomp wit' mi. Juz ah few kaktuz yeerz latuh agh 'e cood'v livd ah hozh lyf" After the comment made from his brother, Podge decided to exhale a long-winded sigh. Remembering the rash decision to slaughter the Mali' instead of using him for informational purpose. 



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Galin read over the paper by the fire with many "Hm"s and "Mi peep"s. After reading it over, he looked into the flames and stated to no one, "Wi reeli ar nub da warnation ani more."

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19 hours ago, Panashea said:

The Rex, Skaatchnak'Izig approves the diplomatic work of his Dominus. In the past, he had allied with the people of Malin as the leader of the Horde of the Thagurz'Grizh and would do so again. 


"I long for a day in which the tarnished name of orcs is made good".

Somewhere, Kairn Calithil smiles the sun’s smile. 

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