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Your View - Clipping the Wings of Birds


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  • Birding to meet up for roleplay is a necessary convenience. This is a game, it's meant to be fun.
  • The server is melting after the recent removal of Vortex(via ripping it out by the ballbag based on the mess it's left). Poor tps and disabling nodes to compensate is negatively impacting player experience. Can we really rely on an aviary plugin? Why was the old aviary plugin removed? Will that issue not also resurface?
  • Couriers would be cool, and things such as Housemagery letter delivery, Naztherak familiars etc. are also lore-friendly ways to achieve the same thing. As much as I acknowledge that birds exist for convenience, I have to concede that "magic pigeon which knows where my friend is to conveniently metarally" is bad™︎
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The suspension of disbelief is and will always be a part of any RP. Why does it take literal IRP days for someone to finish one conversation? This shouldn't be a an argument against birds in the first place.

I think people should start investing in ranged weapons that are easy to deploy to kill birds RPly, and each bird set up emote should allow for a reactionary emote along with one extra for the bird to actually fly away. I feel as if in most one on one conflicts that bird use is not a problem. In group fights you should be able to send a guy back to attack the bird if the other team had sent one of theirs. 

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Probably best to add some kind of Courier System where there are Courier NPC around the major cities or if not have courier players deliver those kinds of letters to the recipient's address or find them if the one sending the letter paid them enough minas for it. Could generate a lot of RP by just doing that.

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Keep birds for non-combat rp. Ban birds for combat rp. 

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1 hour ago, FunOnTheBun said:

The suspension of disbelief is and will always be a part of any RP. Why does it take literal IRP days for someone to finish one conversation? This shouldn't be a an argument against birds in the first place.

I think people should start investing in ranged weapons that are easy to deploy to kill birds RPly, and each bird set up emote should allow for a reactionary emote along with one extra for the bird to actually fly away. I feel as if in most one on one conflicts that bird use is not a problem. In group fights you should be able to send a guy back to attack the bird if the other team had sent one of theirs. 


when you drill down to it, birds exist in CRP to let someone to barge in on my roleplay, demand my undivided attention, and then call a ******* clown car of other dudes to completely waste the last n minutes of my real and virtual life. if you can call a bird in a crp you can run away, if you have enough guys to have a designated bird exterminator in your posse, well you can send a messenger to cry for help


1 hour ago, Luciloo said:
  • Birding to meet up for roleplay is a necessary convenience. This is a game, it's meant to be fun.
  • The server is melting after the recent removal of Vortex(via ripping it out by the ballbag based on the mess it's left). Poor tps and disabling nodes to compensate is negatively impacting player experience. Can we really rely on an aviary plugin? Why was the old aviary plugin removed? Will that issue not also resurface?
  • Couriers would be cool, and things such as Housemagery letter delivery, Naztherak familiars etc. are also lore-friendly ways to achieve the same thing. As much as I acknowledge that birds exist for convenience, I have to concede that "magic pigeon which knows where my friend is to conveniently metarally" is bad™︎


Birds are pointless for casual rp; leave a letter, knock on someone's door, ask someone else to find the person you're looking for. If you are finding a need for "conveniences" on this server you're taking it too fast, if you slow down and treat the obstacles you face as a part of the story and like they're meant to be there, interesting things will happen. Birds (as with all ooc contrivances in general) rob not only you but everyone else of a fully fleshed-out setting, where nothing is truly hidden in ooc backchannels and everyone has more fun 



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The main issue I see with this is trying to meet up with friends for casual roleplay. Got someone in a completely different city who you want to ask to come by for a simple conversation? Sure, you could try going to their home, but who spends time there? Or, you could leave a letter in their mailbox, but this wouldn't get you a response for hours if you just wanted to have a quick bit of roleplay before you had to log off for work.

All in all, these are just new obstacles, and not particularly fun ones either. All I want to do is get a friend to meet me to talk about a new product in my shop, not play minecraft manhunt for 3 hours just to have a 5 minute conversation when you finally do manage to track them down.


Birds, though, should be disallowed from a combat standpoint (crp or pvp to rally new players), but should still be allowed for the sending of basic messages outside of this.

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 equivalent to birds on the server

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39 minutes ago, monkeypoacher said:

when you drill down to it, birds exist in CRP to let someone to barge in on my roleplay, demand my undivided attention, and then call a ******* clown car of other dudes to completely waste the last n minutes of my real and virtual life. if you can call a bird in a crp you can run away, if you have enough guys to have a designated bird exterminator in your posse, well you can send a messenger to cry for help

It takes three emotes already to write a letter and send it off, if you see some guy writing a letter you should punch that bird in the head. I still do not see the issue, birds are a physical animal that exists in the roleplay. They can be killed or stopped. If you don't want a bunch of people rolling up, kill the damn bird. 

For PvP, I think that by the time PvP is starting it is already too late. There are rules against letting new people join in a pvp fight if it is beginning. If someone is sending a bird before a fight, then kill the bird right then and there. This isn't rocket science. 

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Ban birds and stop huffing the copeium lol

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I have personally always tried to adhere to the “this bird gets sent to a general location and if the player is not there, message does not send” sort of beat. Ive really enjoyed getting to roleplay bits of bird things, including personalities and stories for said birds, and finding a proper bird through rp is something that I highly enjoy doing. 

Now, despite my personal enjoyment of the feature, I can understand the issue of metagaming when it comes to combat and whatnot, but as far as general rp goes, I dont see much of a problem. In experience, the real issue comes when the rules arent adhered to, such as not doing the three emotes, etc, or “following a bird to its owner,” or birds being used to, yes, rally. As far as being given villain rp goes, or combat, or incarceration, I think, and agree, with a few comments above saying that you cannot send birds in certain situations. However, as far as general things go, 


1- Not everyone is a part of a nation, I enjoy wandering around from place to place, and as such a designated city from which to receive mail wouldnt make sense for everyone. 

2- The map is friggin ginormous Id like to know where my friends are when they ask for rp right away through a letter, instead of finding some mail box somewhere and then realizing that I have 17 unopened messages because I know Im finna forget. 


3- Birds often do make fun rp, especially when they get *cough* eaten as I have been unfortunate enough to witness. Or, like when you get smacked in the face by a more aggressive bird, or being able to feed them seeds. Its also lovely to see passive bird rp, where players are simply tending to them. Someone mentioned an aviary. Id love an aviary, so long as I can take my bird with me when I wander.


Counterpoint to all of this, courier rp is absolutely lit and I love it. 

Id love to hear thoughts on my own! 

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8 minutes ago, FunOnTheBun said:

It takes three emotes already to write a letter and send it off, if you see some guy writing a letter you should punch that bird in the head. I still do not see the issue, birds are a physical animal that exists in the roleplay. They can be killed or stopped. If you don't want a bunch of people rolling up, kill the damn bird. 

For PvP, I think that by the time PvP is starting it is already too late. There are rules against letting new people join in a pvp fight if it is beginning. If someone is sending a bird before a fight, then kill the bird right then and there. This isn't rocket science. 


my contention wasn't that it is impossible to stop a bird from being sent, it's that there is no compelling reason why I should have to




if I roleplayed pulling a magic wand out of my ass and zapping you with a spell that forced you to act like a monkey for 3 emotes or die of a heart attack, would you suspend your disbelief for that


"sending a bird" to your friends is equally contrived, if not equally stupid, and makes combat roleplay worse


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2 minutes ago, monkeypoacher said:

my contention wasn't that it is impossible to stop a bird from being sent, it's that there is no compelling reason why I should have to

The reason is so that someone can't call reinforcements. Getting rid of birds is removing a valuable asset that allows for people to communicate long distant without having to deal with some cruddy plugin. The best solution is to edit how people can use birds to allow for better counteraction or destruction of them. 

I feel like most people who hate the use of birds in CRP just dislike CRP and conflict in general. You need to learn how to counteract RP actions IRP, not through banning the RP actions from the server. 

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Implement post. Allow people to send messages from anywhere as with the current system, but people can only retrieve them by visiting a post office. Either by interacting with it or by being within a passive range. You put an npc alongside bank and auctionhouse, i get a notification saying i have post, i need to go to the post office to see what it is.

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