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Feodor May raised a toast of Carrion Black in cheers "To peace in the South! Krusae zwy Kongzem!"

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Kaustantin Baruch took off his turban with a smile, he could finally head home from that godani-forbidden place full of sand and the blazing sun.
"Finally, Krusae Zwy Kongzem."

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Henry Bishop breathed a massive sigh of relief, as now he could finally spend more time at home with his family. "Krusae zwy Kongzem, thank Gott zhe war ist over."

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Flemius escorts the King away from Keornhall, after succesful negotiations. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, he's annoyed that the Sutican government wouldn't authorize his plans for an offensive... 

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Robert Ludovar looked south of his keep, knowing that the threat over that direction has been halted by the mighty Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. However, he then looked to the East, and knew that peacetime had not fully arrived yet. "One down, one more to go"

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Lomiei Vinelli blinks astoundedly at the significant lack of the queen's signature on this missive, as well as his own and the aulic envoy's

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A person with a blue cloak would stand in front of the post and think to herself, "Well, I knew that this is not going to work in the first place but... eh... whatever, it is not really my business at the end of the day."

Edited by tkr_niflheimr
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Zachary Casablanca slowly takes off his helmet, putting two fingers to his temple to alleviate his throbbing headache. As he hears of the news from the sidelines, however, the Armsman widens his eyes, a grin coming to his face, as well as a cigar to his lips. “Heh. Seems all it took was a little show o’ force. Tonight, we drink on me.”, he remarks, before pacing back to the training grounds to tell his brothers.

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Sevas shared an ale with some of his fellow Haeseni men in a tavern, clinking their glasses and cheering at the Southern victory.  "To Haesen, to King Heinrik. Krusae Zwy Kongzem!

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"A swift victory for the forces of Godani" Anders Cardinal Edel would remark from the Basilica in Karosgrad.

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The Bishop of Rochefort reads over the notice of surrender, a cup of tea beside the paper. "GOD bless those brave men of Sutica and Haense!" He proclaims with a smile, adding softly "I do hope those rebels will repent and see the error of their ways."

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Julian sighed as he saw the poster strapped to one of the Orenian lamposts outside the Bastion's doors, his jovial tone and expression dropping into a solemn frown. "Already, bai? This has got to be a joke, by the Mother's blessing we have already helped crush this rebellion? Good Godan, what a mess."

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11 minutes ago, mosscowi said:

Julian sighed as he saw the poster strapped to one of the Orenian lamposts outside the Bastion's doors, his jovial tone and expression dropping into a solemn frown. "Already, bai? This has got to be a joke, by the Mother's blessing we have already helped crush this rebellion? Good Godan, what a mess."

Otto August smoked that Orenian pack as he walked by the man, lofting a brow at his claim "Oren joined in on the fight?" He questioned, blowing smoke out of the cigarette "They must've been a tad too late to even get there. Ave Haense and Sutica Eternal brother!" 

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