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The Age of Ruin - OOC


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Nation Name: Jabulani Cabal



Culture: The people of the Jabulani Cabal, and more collectively known as Sahtani in their native language, are a collective, yet reserved people. While many outsiders speak of their extreme values and devotion to their Messiah, Arman Al-Thani, the Sahtani can be, in time, found as a nurturing, if not caring people, though to earn such treatment requires decades, if not generations of prolonged devotion and respect to not only their Messiah, but the coarse and bleak way of life in the mountains, a way which the Sahtani believe to be a prolonged test to weed out the weak of their people so only the strong may be present upon the return of their Messiah.

Although the region of the Sahtan Desert and the surrounding mountains may be a near-forgotten, if not outright abandoned venture to develop the north-west of the continent, the Sahtani people make due, and to great effectiveness with what they may find in the mountains. With inter-continental travel being a precarious, if not outright dangerous venture, trade with other nations and other likewise activities are nearly unheard of within their borders due to their isolated and desolate location. Though, despite this, the paths of the Sahtani within their borders have been walked for dozens of generations, with each footfall pounding sand to stone and slowly forging impromptu roads that wind throughout their native mountain ranges. It is not unusual to see adventurers and sight-seers walk these paths alongside camel-drawn caravans and serfs carrying goods about the mountains, as many outsiders see the mountains as an unknown world, one which could hide buried secrets from the past. Unfortunately, many leave empty-handed, as any treasures that would lay bare have long been picked and stored by locals as family heirlooms :goyim:. 

History: The Jabulani Cabal formed not from the means of expansion, nor the need for organization, but rather through faith. While the people of the Sahtan Desert were content with their drab way of life and borderline inhospitable living conditions, they remained humble, for the gifts of the Outsiders long granted them the necessities to maintain life in their valleys and atop their mountains. And such a way of life only grew harsher following the Departure.

Where the Sahtani people could once rely on the Outsiders for their assistance, they now were forced to fend against their own. Families crumbled, cities entirely dissipated to mere hamlets, and the once great tribes that controlled the territory of the Sahtani were forced to search elsewhere for sustenance.

It was one man, many years after the Departure, that decided there was only one answer that mattered in this world, an answer for his purpose in life, for his people’s struggle, and ultimately how they may return to greatness under the Outsiders guidance. This man was Arman Al-Thani, a little-known preacher that had hung onto the idea of worshipping their deities continually regardless of the struggle and strife they had put them through. He was driven to find answers to his questions, and knew that only the Outsiders themselves could answer. Gathering a party of like-minded clergy, Arman set off high into the mountains to begin his journey. He would attempt to scale the highest peak, reasoning that the unconquered mountain was the home of the Outsiders, and that there, beyond the summit of the mountain, he would find someone to answer his questions. 

Yet such a journey was not without trouble, as many of his company, upon hearing of his plan began to turn back to find solstice with their families. Those who stayed, now known as Arman’s Few, would bear witness to the inconceivable. For it was at the peak, after their several-week journey up the mountain, that Arman heard the call of not the Gods, but God. The Creator, he told his compatriots, spoke to him, beckoning him to reform the world to its past majesty without the powers of the Outsiders, to create a world fit for the return of the Outsiders, and to prove to them that humanity was indeed worthy of their presence. Following his revelation, Arman, exhausted from his travels and famished from passing on his rations to his weary, few remaining followers, would pass at the peak of the mountain. 

Word spread across the Sahtan Desert as each of Arman’s Few recited the words of Arman Al-Thani, the Messiah, to the people; to rebuild their society, to reclaim the homes of the Outsiders, and forge a world greater than they had ever known. From the collective faith of the Sahtani people, as many were desperate for a brighter future, they formed the Jabulani Cabal. Yet who would lead such a spiritually-driven people? One of Arman’s Few, perhaps? Long did they deliberate amongst one another until a conclusion was made; Arman’s son, by then only a teen, was selected to be the first Emir of the Cabal. A descendant of the Messiah himself, they reasoned, was as close to God as they could manage for a leader, and as such he was chosen to guide their people to fulfil God’s Will. 

Characters (Up to 3):



Emir Ayaan Al-Thani

As the oldest living direct descendant of the revereered Arman, Ayaan finds himself at the head of the Jabulani Cabal following the unexpected death of his father, the late Emir Tamim Al-Thani. With his father having no siblings of his own, the succession was passed to Ayaan, to the dismay of his brother, Qadir, yet of the two it was clear that Ayaan, even though the title of Emir was his by birthright, would nonetheless be better bequeathed to him. While Ayaan is, as many of those who live atop Arman’s Peak, a devout believer in their Messiah, he is firstmost a respected pragmatist and often, while being considerate to his faith, takes a far more practical approach to the many quandaries that the people of the mountain may face. While this may garner the respect of outsiders, his internal support wanes as the influences of the outside world often go against, or outright surmounts, the beliefs of the people that Ayaan is supposed to rule over. 



Qadir Al-Thani

The younger brother of Emir Ayaan, he is what one would call a “bad apple” within the family, yet Qadir had not always been such a bothersome brother for Emir Ayaan. Being the second in line to the throne, as succession would pass to him rather than Ayaan’s child, many of the luxuries and scholarships went to the heir apparent rather than Qadir. Such negligence for the supposed ‘descendant of Arman’ caused the once rambunctious and close-knit brothers to slowly drift apart into their own sects. While Ayaan may be the more practical of the two brothers, Qadir respects the spiritual aspect of his kin far more than Ayaan ever has, and probably ever will. While many would turn to Ayaan to solve their practical issues; such as shortage of coin or grain - Qadir can often be relied on for managing the social gatherings within Arman’s Peak. Often unknowingly spending far more than he anticipated on luxurious parties and a carousel of maidens from across the continent, such activities only pull the two brothers further apart as Ayaan often must resort to damage control following Qadir’s neverending hijinx. Because of this, Qadir has little respect for his brother’s way of managing their people and the land they reside on. As while Ayaan means well to benefit those beneath him through his development and reforms, Qadir can only see exploitation of the people who cares so dearly about.



Commander Iban Bin Al-Sayiid

While the two brothers of the Al-Thani dynasty often put their rivalry on display, much to the dismay of both of their supporters and consuls, Commander Iban Bin Al-Sayiid treads a precarious line between the two brother’s opinions. While he respects their faith, and often praises his Messiah for his many military exploits much like Qadir, he cannot disregard the thoughtful nature and cautious calculations that Ayaan prides himself on. While he often is needed to separate the feuding siblings, Commander Iban reluctantly takes on a figurative fatherly duty to care for the pair of young men as he himself was a close friend and long-trusted ally of the late Emir Tamim Al-Thani, the brother’s father. Often, Iban will serve as the tie-breaker between the two brother’s feuds, choosing one side over another for the sake of simplicity and conclusion to the argument. Though such a decisive nature often takes it toll, as if he sides with Qadir, Ayaan sees it as a breach of trust between them, yet his pragmatic nature forces him to agree with a resolution rather than prolonged conflict. While vice-versa, if Iban sides with Ayaan, Qadir sees it as a slight to not only God, but a lack of faith from Iban in their Messiah. It is, simply put, a precarious situation the Commander finds himself in.

Location (Pick 3 Provinces): Already done.

Unique Units: Also already done.

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The Vrena Principality







Vrena worships the Outsiders as gods, and considers it their holy mission to rebuild that which was left behind. They see a world in the image of what once was, and despise the Church for the way in which it has closeted the secrets of the past. Holy Relics (Artifacts) are their most prized possessions, and the search for a greater understanding of their Gods drives them forward in an ever expanding attempt to rebuild and reunify the world.


Vrena is an Aristocracy, where the leader may be elected from the ranks of the nobility, whose breadth is decided by those families over a specific income, land-holding and, uniquely, cultural impact. As such, great artists, authors, musicians and various scientists are all quite often brought into the nobility by the Grand Architect and much importance is made of refinery, noble countenance and one’s knowledge in various fields of science and literature.


The University, led by Rector Vang Kolbec, is the home of both religion and knowledge in Stör Avida, the Capital of Vrena. It stores the Holy Relics, and welcomes worshippers to the Hall of Enlightenment, the most prestigious hall of Worship in the nation and many of the nobilities children go there to study War, Science and Literature, the 3 Pillars, as they are colloquially known.


Vrena wages what it considers to be a War of Barbarism against any it does not deem to fit its tight standards of development and enlightenment. Despite a refined aristocracy, it finds itself quite opposed to those who would not understand that its goals transcend their petty territorial squabbles. The Grand Architect is named as such for a reason. He sees the plan given unto them by the Outsiders, and will do what he must to achieve it..

The plebe are, to the nobility, tools of Advancement. The gates to nobility are not closed, but one must prove themselves worthy to pass through them. Notably, one of the Plebe may gain entry to the University through the General Examination, a yearly test which decides entry and is engineered to massively favor the nobility. An exception to this is General Ulrich Haraldson, one of the nations best Generals, and a dedicated natural scientist.





It is said that a long time ago, this was a place of learning for a people before recorded history. That the University once taught others. No one knows if this is true, but that is the story behind the University, and the city of Stör Avida, built around it.


A history built on the worship of knowledge, and those who knew it all, the Outsiders. Of slow growth, steady expansion, and a spark, an idea in the minds of those who led. The light at the end of the tunnel. A better world, for all.




General Ulrich Haraldsson: The son of a tinker in the slums of Stör Avida, Ulrich Haraldsson is what one might call an exception. At the age of fifteen, the mandated age for the General Examination, he was the single non-noble to pass them, after having stolen and worked to pay for access to an archive with the necessary books to learn.


He would continue to excel at the University, creating fierce enemies as he climbed, for the Nobility was not so forgiving of a peasant in their midst. Upon graduating, he went into the military as an Officer Cadet attached to the staff of one of the armies leading Generals.


Here again, he would clash for his new and disruptive ideas about the usage of artillery and the ways in which to use Infantry on the field of battle, culminating in the current-day (and still challenged) Haraldsson Bayonet Line, a strategy stipulating the use of 3 or 4 rapid volleys at 75 paces, before entering a bayonet charge. 


This idea is challenged by the more traditional Vanligt Firing Line, where the Vrenian infantry would use superior training to overwhelm the enemy with their relentless firepower.


He is now older (59), and a leading General, but still faces regular opposition at court, and has few friends amongst the nobility, holding his position by raw skill and the favor of the Grand Architect, above all else. His hobbies include Horse Riding, Playing the Violin, Fishing and Botany.





Astrid Gelarvsen: One of the top researchers at the University, she is a leading expert on most matters relating to the Outsiders and an avid natural scientist and archeologist. She graduated the University as the first of her year, giving her the Honor of being granted her Diploma and Letter of Rank by the Grand Architect himself at the ceremony. 


She went on to pursue a life of academia at the University, publishing a variety of papers on Outsiders. While her early career was met with incredulity and ridicule, she soon grew out of her ridiculous ideas, leaving behind such papers as "Why the Curse is the residue of weapons beyond our comprehension, and other explanations." and "An essay regarding the Outsiders, and why they have departed to live on the moon." 


Much of her oddities were attributed to her genius and she soon went on to more serious matters of study. She became a famed archeologist, so talented at finding Outsider relics that some said that she needed only look at a site to know where to find one.


Her work with outsider technology and in the field have left her hands so badly damaged by the curse that she must keep them constantly bandaged to prevent her blackened and leaking skin from sloughing off. She is great friends with General Haraldsson and often invites him to University events, despite resistance from her peers. 


Her hobbies include reading, the creation and study of terrariums and insects, painting and reciting poetry. She once played piano, but can no longer handle it.


(Here seen on an early expedition to examine a Cursed tribe, before her hands degraded.)




Erlund Hellström: Once but a simple infantryman in the 2nd Division, 3rd Brigade, 2nd Regiment 'Berlund's Blackhats', Erlund distinguished himself in combat at the age of 19 by saving the life of his Captain in a minor conflict against tribals. He lost his left ring finger in the process and nearly died of the ensuing infection.


Yet fate would have a hand in altering his path after that. For one night, his Captain invited him to his home, upon their return to the town of Berlund. There, he saw his daughter playing the piano, and though the Captain mistook his enthrallment as that of a man in love, it was a fascination for the instrument that led him to sit before it after she had finished.

Despite his missing finger, he played back the piece to near perfection, and brought the small assembly to silence with the care with which he played each key. Soon, he was playing for the noblest of Berlund. Now, he plays for the noblest of Stör Avida, and many are those who say that they expect the Grand Architect to name his House one of Noble Blood before the decades end. For few create such beauty, and fewer still can enthrall the picky and snooty nobles of Stör Avida with their music. His hobbies include playing the piano and playing the piano.


Picture of Jeremy Irons | Jeremy irons, Actors, British actors




The Eriksson Machine: 

The pinnacle of Vrena technology, this floating blimp is able to transport up to 1000 men at once, and can reach heights that exceed any dangers. Announced as the herald of a new era, the EFM has a huge range, propelled by a steam-powered engine and propellers. It can be blown off course by storms and is not maneuverable at all. Can replace its hold of men with impact-triggered bombs in limited amounts. (7 province range)


Legendary Huge Zeppelin Airship On Stock Footage Video (100% Royalty-free)  33065377 | Shutterstock



Vanligt Infanteri:

Extremely well-trained and disciplined line infantry replacing normal infantry, the Vanligt Infanteri are renowned for their ability to fire devastatingly rapid volleys thanks to intense, daily drilling in rapid reloading. Their unflinching discipline allows them to maintain formation on the field of battle. They are distinguished from lesser units by the yellow feather atop their hat.


Swedish uniform - Armchair General and HistoryNet >> The Best Forums in  History | Swedish army, Napoleonic wars, Uniform

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‘The Nachzehrers’





Battle-Standards of the Legion





3rd Regiment of Foot, ‘The Rejects’, 2nd Battalion, 1st Division of Anflyn, 24th Expeditionary Legion





The Concordat’s entry into the Broken Coast through the passageways of Anflyn and Narhem.



To the far west, past the vast ranges of mountains, beyond the expansive deadlands where the rain sterilizes the earth itself, a nation stirred. The Concordat, a militaristic state with a covetous desire to advance its hegemony upon the world, looked forth upon the Broken Coast warily - not because of its feeble inhabitants, but rather it was its rival, the Sultanate of Kaph, that had begun its own inquiries into the region that caused such a disturbance within the Concordat. 


Not to be surpassed, the Triumvirs, as part of their initiative to deny any and all sources of growth for the Sultanate, issued the Edict of Assembly, organizing an entire new Expeditionary Legion to be deployed into the Broken Coast - a natural order of things as part of their jingoistic tendencies. 


The particular nature of this campaign required years of preparation, of which were used to produce and develop unique armaments and equipment never seen before. Weapons, clothing, tools, and more, all designed so that they could withstand the harsh environment of the Broken Coast’s borderlands. What came of this was a wholly distinct Concordat Legion compared to its counterparts elsewhere - a Legion which had to be supplied with manpower. 


It was decided following a minor convention of the Triumvirs that the lower dredges of their societies would fill its ranks, whom they saw as worthwhile expendable pawns to be thrown into the inhospitable wildlands - if the Legion required reinforcements, more undesirables would be simply sent. Regardless of these dubious upbringings, the militaristic nature of the Concordat lets no recruits be unfairly untrained - all receive the same attention and expertise necessary to manufacture the perfect soldier capable of advancing the objectives of the Triumvirs. 


Nevertheless, the 24th Legion, later known by their self-given nickname, ‘The Nachzehrers’, began their service with an exemplary record. The entire logistics of the Assembly would go without flaws, with the acquisition of resources overseen by a dedicated staff of officers, while public attention favored a new deployment to bring home further glory. 


Despite being composed of such a motley combination of backgrounds, the soldiers were nevertheless eager to prove the Concordat’s might to the nations of the Broken Coast, with the added benefit of expeditionary pay. With the staging grounds set, locomotives ferry troops to their deployment zones, and say their goodbyes - the armies begin their march past the twin-citadels of Anflym and Narhem, continuing eastward.


And so, in the year 3251, the Concordat struck first in the grand schemes of geopolitics, breaching through the Manerrim Mountains and into the Broken Coast - commencing the formal presence of the Concordat in this region of the world.





The average Nachzehrer infantryman - clad in a breathing apparatus, acid resistant clothing, and waterproof cartridge muskets.




The Expeditionary Legionnaires [Medium Line Infantry]

Concordat trained and equipped infantry - already a superior alternative to whatever the Broken Coast can provide. However, an immediate issue arises in that they can only be trained and equipped in the Concordat homeland, as the Triumvirs does not allow for the native population of the Broken Coast to be raised to the ranks of the Concordat, leading to the occasional shortages of manpower for its Expeditionary Legions. 


The 24th’s Legionnaires are uniquely outfitted, designed to handle the hardiest of weather, along with advances in musketry that can fire more accurately and faster than the local alternatives - such progress in technology that was not conventionally achieved, but perhaps derived from left-over knowledge of the Outsiders. Furthermore, within every Regiment of the Legion resides a Battalion of Pioneers, combat engineers capable of designing the battlefield to their likings through entrenchments, and other constructive measures - a rather skewed ratio of engineers to infantry, but done so nonetheless at the behest of Marshal Durham.


National Idea

Might of the Concordat

Roll for a sheet of resources transported from the heartland every 1-2(?) turn.





Marshal Alexander Durham


An upstart Marshal who made his rank by currying the favors of the Triumvirs - such is what his opponents would gossip among themselves. Young Durham entered the Army as a commissioned officer of the Concordat, his affluent father having bought him the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel for a tremendous cost that seemed to have caused no dent in the family funds. 


Of his combat experience, little could be said, as he never saw much of any. Rather, his success came through his uncanny ability to charm and manipulate others to his liking. In this regard, Alexander is a man of vanity, seeking higher stations in life to satisfy his own concealed narcissism - finding a disturbing amusement in being in command of increasingly more individuals. 


However, he is not entirely useless, for in 3246, young Durham positioned himself to a position of acclaim within the circles of officers in the Concordat, having stifled and arrested a mutiny of great proportion before it could have even begun. It was during this event that Alexander and Charles met, and became collaborators in various affairs of political subterfuge - despite Charles' discovery and disdain of Alexander’s true character.


Following his popular rise, Durham overstepped a boundary during an attempt to flex his influence to achieve a rank out of his reach. It was at this moment that the officer truly felt fright, as a Triumvir personally descended upon him, instructing the man to be wary of his surroundings. Nevertheless, Durham did receive his promotion, though was deployed to the formation of the 24th Expeditionary Legion, the forlorn hope into the Broken Coast.





Brigadier-General Charles Gibbons


The moral bedrock of the Expedition. Sir Gibbons is a man of exemplary talents, beloved by all, his peers, superiors, and inferiors. One of the few men to uncover Marshal Durham’s strange behaviourism, and even come to terms with it - dedicating himself to the Expedition as the restraint to his superior’s narcissism. A peculiar sort of companions.


Gibbons bought his commission through the family inheritance, becoming a Captain of Lancers within the 3rd Legion - a uniform he has managed to maintain despite his continuous promotions. The man had become a war drunk fool during his service, finding revelry in battle, and enjoyment on the march.


Though such would change with the introduction of Alexander, as he found himself roped along by his various schemes - which would culminate in his less than favorable deployment to the Broken Coast.





General William Alten


The senior commander of the Legion - acting as mentor to the aloof Marshal, and popular Gibbons. General Alten sought a comfortable retirement, but was instead deployed along with the 24th Expeditionary Legion to the Broken Coast - as a final act of damnation by one of the Triumvirs. 


A secretive kind of man, rarely speaking of his past to others, but clearly learned in the affairs of the military.

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