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Haelunorian Wickedness

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Prince Amaesil reads the missive with a frown. As he completes it, he folds the parchment and sets it at the edge of the table. "Let this be the rallying cry. I pray my kin of the Silver State — those that are ne monsters — find the path of righteousness."

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Robert Ludovar smiled at the missive, for it exposed the truth behind the dreaded Silver State and those who still call their loyalty to Haelun'or. He knew that soon was the time to take proper action to take on those who wished to take refuge from the Sour State of Haelun'or. "May Godani have mercy on their souls, for they will receive proper justice in life and afterlife." Robert looked to his butler and simply said "Call the Banners"

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Fionn Castaway read the missive in his office, an arrangement of empty bottles, mostly carrion black, littering his desk and even the floor. He'd finish reading the missive and give out a tried sigh "Soon." he muttered to himself as he wiped his face with his palms and leaned back slightly on his chair "This'll be over soon, and then I can rest."

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Reared in the Haeseni Prikaz as he was, Sigismund often lacked a thorough understanding of the wider world.


He knew of Orcish cultures and customs, but was still baffled whenever he saw them in Karosgrad; he knew of Elven lifestyles and religion, but could not fully comprehend it; and he had heard the propaganda of what goes on within the Silver State, but he had never really believed it.


That was until last night, of course. Last night when he had sat at the table of Ellisar & Aestenia Aevaris, the grey twilight distorted as it shone through the rain-streaked window, and the fire burning low to echo the tone of the room as they told him of the horrors that had ousted them from their home.

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“At least there’s niet any sand there..” Kaustantin murmured as he prepared to leave Valwyck with his uncle, cousins and the Greyguard. “How long do vy think it will for us to finish this, Aedypapej?”

He bit his lip, the ill prepared teen was certainly not ready for another conflict, one that would probably damage his mental health.



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Even despite the Lord Marshal's bedridden sickness, a smile cracked to his lips at the bars spit upon the missive which lay in his hands.

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The newly-knighted Marian Dame of Haense couldn't help but to indulge herself in a long glance set upon the missives spread across Karosgrad, the Kongzem, and beyond; a smirk curled on her heart-shaped lips. "Boom" The sonorous word softly wafted out of her mouth, as a sense of relief availed her - everything was proceeding smoothly, and the Silver-State was soon to suffer. 

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Eleanora Baruch frowns at the long list of the various crimes the Silver State has committed against it's own people. "Ea pray that Godan will protect the honorable and righteous High Elves still trapped within their home." The young woman would swiftly sign the Hussariya before heading off to find her cousin, Kaustantin. @Herod

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Ehier Telos Andria'liene tilts his head upon reading the words, a sigh escaping his mouth. "Do not drown in falsities," The ex-Tilruir'maehr said to no one in particular. Later that day, he returned to his own writing. His actions were restless, most of the paper destroyed, sent to the void never to be retrieved. Eventually, something worthwhile would come out. At least so he told himself.

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Annika Anastasija would look over the missive with a smug look on her face. "Exposed for what they truly are...heretics." She said. 

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Kosher sets down his bottle, in awe of what he just read. "It seems there are unknown forces scheming," He says, lost in thought, not paying attention to any around him.

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Peralien somehow get's her hands on this all the way from Rozania. "Well ****" She said out loud to herself, thankfully nobody was around to ask what happened.

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"Oh, I almost thought they forgot about us again." Haskir laughs, "Pretty much all of that is true save for any of the dark magics non-sense. It's been known for ages. Why care now all of the sudden?"

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An exhausted Okarir, who had been slaving away to repair the voidal blights exhaled a long sigh. 

“This is going to prove troublesome. Aren’t they aware of the dangerous voidal blight left by the reckless magi of Ando Alur in the wake of the city’s fall? Ultimately I wouldn’t not care if I and many others were not in the process of trying to solve a situation that many to believe highly dangerous.”


Valindra threw her arms up in frustration, the diplomat, now sporting telltale signs of fatigue shifted her attention to her various papers, jotting in an item on her excessively long to-do list in bold capital letters.


”Cleansing anything will be considerably more difficult with a gaggle of angry Haensemen around every corner.”

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