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Has the path to enlightenment finally been found? Shall this bring us to salvation? The Creator knows, and we shall know HIS design.

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Adreniel Elibar’acal wishes he could speak with Saevel, but he cannot , as he is locked in a cage in the sky. 

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The Eye returned back to Saeval empty handed, the scrolls he was commanded to deliver no longer within the grasp of his cold digits. 

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Finding its way deep within the slums did the golden scroll, soon to be placed within the digits of Bas. The bandaged figure taking his time to read over the many teachings of the opus. After doing such a grand act, he stuffed the scroll within a barrel. Whether it was to see the light of day again, unknown to even Bas. 

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Droch emitted some soft sigh, the remnants of a frown spanning his lips as he pondered over how far his friend had fallen. And, worst of all, this same friend thought himself to be enlightened.

The material realm is a cruel, deceptive place.

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Essential Guide to Japanese Monsters | Bokksu





A MOTLEY contingent of avowed sages and schoolmen, who harken to the peninsula of YULTHAR in the far, western reaches of the world, finding resolve in the quiet corners of the cosm, take relish in the chronicle. Their gnarled callouses charted the enchiridion's tanned, hide binding and sleeve; rilling up and about its spine. Though blind, they were, fleece unfurling o'er their pauldrons, to ward the wicked, rime's winter, condolence came to them as they prodded every inch and bout of the tome — decreeing its begrimed pages, and nigh festering jaundice a testament to the book's grit.


SUMMER betided the YULTHARAN litter, the gaggle having splintered and sundered; some driven to their death's throes; some, to lunacy; others taking to rout from the peninsula's tawny mountainside. Word of the pataphysical had turned their souls to stone:







Good stuff.


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An Oyashiman alchemist struggles with the inner desire to return to the Under Dark and gain more knowledge. . .

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A ̵c̴e̷a̶t̶u̶r̸e̴ t̷H̸a̶t̵ ̵w̴a̷S̸s̵s̴  ̷w̶r̷o̶t̸   ̶o̶f̶ ̵F̷ ̷ L̶ ̴ E̶ ̵ S̶ ̴ H̶ ̶ ̸A̷ N̵D̴ ̴ ̴B̷ ̴O̵ ̷N̴ ̵E̷ ̴ -- a product of the Filius Philosophorum -- returns to the World in dust and ash, having served its purpose to speak and ACT for The Spirit and for Saevel the Enlightened.

A Click! was the last thing the creature uttered after devouring its master and being vaporized by THE VOID.

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