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Tianrui Ren looks over the sheet, tallying his numbers from his office with Del watching over his shoulder. With a few corrections here and there from Del, they behold his final score. "Negative five hundred forty. That is impressive. Back to lowering my score!"

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The Mali'thill sips her tea, looking over the papers "Good thing I left a long time ago... Is a score under -900 good enough?" She chuckles, leaning against her proto elven husband.  "Public affection is a hell of a thing.~"

Edited by Vaughn-Nera
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9 minutes ago, ComicD said:

An old elf looks at the sheet and then makes the math out of fun, looking into his past and current transgressions... Eventually just blankly staring into a paper in which he made such math. "...Well ****... minus three hundred and twenty eight... WELP! Not going there anytime soon!"

Another Elf looks to the piece with interest, glancing it over and calculating it with others with an awkward smile. "Negative one hundred and eighty five.. Is it possible to go down further?"

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A simple cook looks over the missive, as well as the point scale, before letting out a bellowing laugh that would ring out across the woodlands. "It's almost like the people in the highest powers of the Silver State are compensating for all their points. Perhaps they think it will actually get a decent woman to feel pity for them."

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Grabbed her candle. Lighting the paper ablaze "White, the color of death. I foresee death to come."

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Oijin, Oyashiman human, gets -80 something he'd quickly calculate and frown. Solana knew he was pure intentioned at least. . .

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A certain one-eyed elf of many past jobs totaled up her score as she sat upon a rock, close to a tree. A snake curled 'round her neck, and was given a peck on the head. "-165, damn, I need to at least get 200. Now where's being a homo at..." Questioned she to herself, as she leaned against the tree and rested. Her points may even be more!

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Mika Uialben, Renowned impure of every elven subrace imaginable takes the test as if it was a crossword puzzle in the morning, eventually showing the results to Alyssa with a chuckle "Would you look at that, -480 points for me, what do you think your score is?" he questioned with a slight smile as he passes over the sheet


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Tianrui Carla would let out a wheeze as she reads over this missive. "Oh wow... suppose it's time for a little math hm?" She'd muse to herself, taking a short sip of her tea before scribbling on some scratch paper for calculation. "...Assuming the 'insulting purity' stacks... At least negative two hundred & sixty six" She'd mumble out, scrunching a brow. "Not nearly low enough."

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Seraphite Viradiraar grins, letting out a sharp whistle before her eyes light a soft green, the missive catching fire before quickly becoming ashes. "They put this out, yet I still made council....interesting!"


She comments, remembering her points of negative 488.



i'll be honest, i didn't read the post


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Prince Amaesil frowns. He looks toward the eastern horizon with his Haelun'or-style telescope. "... What?"





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A particular DEAD Ashwood known formerly as Xavis "Igne" Ashwood calculates his score in the afterlife, has a stroke, dies again, and decides it's not worth it.




Beat me. If Im right about it, then I win this competition, ez game


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The elfess reads the sheet and racks up her points in her head, a sigh of relief escapes her lips as she realizes she is safe from needing to submit herself to state intervention. "Ahern ito nae'leh, I can live another day."

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Incognito, Sprinkles III travelled ever closer to Almaris's eastern shore. Each squeaking step, each honk of his bulbous nose was a demerit, a challenge to the perfidious Silver Elves: Face him in single combat for the right to his ancestral relic, or taste the cream pie of justice.

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"Isn't it rather ironic when they have a Kha amongst them?" Wren would comment to himself as he reads this

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      He heard Halt's deep sigh and knew he'd done it again.
      'Do you ever,' the older Ranger said with great deliberation, 'manage to ask just one question at a time? Or does it always have to be multiple choice with you?'
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      Halt said nothing. He raised his hands in a 'See what I mean?' gesture...
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