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To Father Paul


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This letter would only be seen by @Narthok, unless shared with others.

To Father Paul, Bishop of San Luciano,

I hope that this letter finds you well. After making my second visit to San Luciano, it came to my attention that the church under your diocese, the ‘Basilica of St. Pontian III’ is incorrectly named. While it was most likely the result of miscommunication, the former High Pontiff Pontian III has not been canonised. If you were to refer to the second volume of Legenda Sanctorum, you would read that Pontian III is in there insofar that he was declared Venerable but nothing further. To avoid possible confusion, it would be ideal if the basilica may be renamed. I have attached the two volumes of Legenda Sanctorum that you may use for future reference.



On a separate note, I would like to offer my thanks for your insistence upon the sacramental wine. You have enlightened many eyes, including mine own, to the point where I think it to be beneficial to introduce the sacramental wine. You have inspired me, and have therefore inspired all those in my flock. I have begun looking into introducing the wine of sacrament to the Ruskan Rite, and for your help I am truly grateful.


Anders Cardinal Jorenus, 

Patriarch of Jorenus, Prelate of the Priesthood


19th of Wzuvar ag Byvca, 390 E.S.


Attached with the letter would be a tome, containing both volumes of Legenda Sanctorum.



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Brynja, with her heavily scarred face and singular eye, looks to the sky. The dark haired woman of, perhaps, unknown origin signs the Lorraine and reflects back on all of the pontiffs that had come and gone in her life so far. A singular tear falls from her one good eye as she thinks of Pontian III after reaching the Savoy church"The last uncorrupted pontiff in this theatre of jesters playing at being good men of god." She muses this aloud to her beloved dog, Tiberius: a gangly mutt, brown in color and unremarkable in every way, before continuing on her way to collect herbs.

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A young woman picked up the mail in the mailbox, tired from horse sales she glanced to the mail, and assumed it was letters from suitors for her brother.  A sigh escaped the child as she tossed the love letters for Father Paul and accidently the letter from the church into the fire.  Before running up the stairs.  "No mail today!  Dinners is ready however, come on Paul!"  



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14 hours ago, Burnsider said:

Someone coughed, "It's also not a basilica..."


Guenda hoped that this certain someones cough got better. The flu can be a death sentence, after all!

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