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An artist’s depiction of the baptism of William Buckfort and his council by Everard VI, c. 1836.




Pontifical couriers would spread throughout the Canonist nations, leaving bulletins on Church notice boards for all to see.


“To all Our faithful,


We are pleased to announce a new member to Canondom, the Duchy of Rozania. Duke William Buckfort and members of his council were baptized by Us at a ceremony in Corazon, witnessed by Vladrick Cardinal Nescia and the Lord Commissioner of Savoy, Lomiei. All freely confessed to sins committed before their conversion, and then were baptized in the Holy Waters of Gamesh. We are excited by this expansion of Canonism, and hopeful that faith will continue to spread through the good works that Duke William will do in the name of God.


We are, however, aware of accusations that the Duke is undead. Let Us put these to rest here and now. The Duke is niet undead, nor should he or his people be treated as heretics and pagans. They are Canonists, brought to the light by the Holy Scrolls, the Exalted, and all the Saints in the Seven Skies. Any further aggression against them shall be viewed as a disruption of the peace between Canonists that God demands, and shall be treated as such.






HIS HOLINESS EVERARD VI, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD


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William I prays to God that Rozania and her people will be left alone after this missive goes public...

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Mellow basks in the Holy Light of GOD, for he hath become saved. Three prayers minimum would be needed to give thanks for such kindness from His Church.

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Rebeka la Waevra reads this, a grin upon her face, "It is finally public, may we be left in peace by all, and may God watch over us." 

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A certain dwed would snort loudly as the missive was delivered to him in the golden hall.

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"Spurned by the light of fear. A political gesture to the reflection of the light off the edge of a steel sword. Is this it - is this faith ?" The Schoolman wondered. 

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Father Paul would laugh upon receiving the missive "My brethren what is this if not a vindication of our holy mission. What can any nation do but submit before the power of God." clicking his tongue then wincing at the still throbbing wreckage of his face below his iron mask he would continue "Brothers it is deeply unfortunate that the Pontiff has both trespassed upon the jurisdiction of the princes of Savoy and Sedan, having gone behind their backs to install a different man on the throne. It is even more dissapointing that the Pontiff was so deceived by this undead pretender and by the lord Commissioner of Savoy Lomiei. Each of you have accompanied me on my many investigative trips of Rozania. What have we found there? We have found fornicators, blasphemers, atheists, interracial marriages, black sacraments being performed by erroneous priests. We have had our holy brothers threatened and trapped by this necrotic freak who has somehow managed to deceive our beloved Vicar. These crimes each in turn performed and tolerated AFTER  this black baptism prompted by 'Lomiei'. How can this conversion be trusted when Rozania has descended even further into sin following the black baptism. This 'William' creature makes a mockery of God. Such behaviour cannot be allowed to stand my brothers. Let us rectify these crimes in the name of God. With that Father Paul would retreat into the Monastery of the Beloved Godfrey and begin sending letters, various acolytes and monastics furiously sprinting about the monastery as the Cathedral of Pontian would explode in a fervor of administrative activity. 

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Eliza prayed that the community would be safe and could finally live in peace. She then sent couriers out with copies of the missive to ensure the knowledge spread. 

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"Oh? Was this the man he met the other day? Yes, a most faithful servant.


He was rather helpful in assuring Canonist law was followed in his Church, I thank him for his support" Minuvas would remark, unsurprised by the missive 




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Malakai la Waevra would read the missive. "I'm happy God will keep us safe now!" He smiled warmly up to his mother as he read this.

Edited by Roria
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35 minutes ago, Narthok said:

Father Paul would laugh upon receiving the missive "My brethren what is this if not a vindication of our holy mission. What can any nation do but submit before the power of God." clicking his tongue then wincing at the still throbbing wreckage of his face below his iron mask he would continue "Brothers it is deeply unfortunate that the Pontiff has both trespassed upon the jurisdiction of the princes of Savoy and Sedan, having gone behind their backs to install a different man on the throne. It is even more dissapointing that the Pontiff was so deceived by this undead pretender and by the lord Commissioner of Savoy Lomiei. Each of you have accompanied me on my many investigative trips of Rozania. What have we found there? We have found fornicators, blasphemers, atheists, interracial marriages, black sacraments being performed by erroneous priests. We have had our holy brothers threatened and trapped by this necrotic freak who has somehow managed to deceive our beloved Vicar. These crimes each in turn performed and tolerated AFTER  this black baptism prompted by 'Lomiei'. How can this conversion be trusted when Rozania has descended even further into sin following the black baptism. This 'William' creature makes a mockery of God. Such behaviour cannot be allowed to stand my brothers. Let us rectify these crimes in the name of God. With that Father Paul would retreat into the Monastery of the Beloved Godfrey and begin sending letters, various acolytes and monastics furiously sprinting about the monastery as the Cathedral of Pontian would explode in a fervor of administrative activity. 

Lomiei Vinelli laughs heartedly at the capacity of the man to exceed limits of incompetency never before seen by the lord commissioner. "True colors are shown here, finally. How could a man claim to both be a pious servant of God, while also belittling and contradicting the words of his sent vicar? HAH! Not to mention the outright support of slaughtering 70 innocent civilians." He shakes his head "Mister Paul's mind is as far from reason as Norland is from the Oasis... 'mockery of God'" He repeats, rolling his eyes as the laughing slows down only slightly "I suppose he will next claim to be the de-jure Emporer or Oren as well? Spurious claims to the right of determining titles and rightful land ownership is common among the ilk of selfish men and know-nothing signalers of virtue."

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3 minutes ago, Lomiei said:

Lomiei Vinelli laughs heartedly at the capacity of the man to exceed limits of incompetency never before seen by the lord commissioner. "True colors are shown here, finally. How could a man claim to both be a pious servant of God, while also belittling and contradicting the words of his sent vicar? HAH! Not to mention the outright support of slaughtering 70 innocent civilians." He shakes his head "Mister Paul's mind is as far from reason as Norland is from the Oasis... 'mockery of God'" He repeats, rolling his eyes as the laughing slows down only slightly "I suppose he will next claim to be the de-jure Emporer or Oren as well? Spurious claims to the right of determining titles and rightful land ownership is common among the ilk of selfish men and know-nothing signalers of virtue."

Though William's not there in person, he stands behind Lomiei' statement in spirit!

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Theodora Lucille prepares her weaponry, for she knows no pontiff, only the Creator, Godan, in the Seven Skies above. 


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