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Cursed of the Void





To become the pinnacle of the void -- it is a mistake. Nobody should strive for voidal enlightenment, for you lose yourself in your path, no longer able to return to your once-mortal state; a vile blight that roams the land, conscious yet not, existent yet voidless. There is no light in the void, and to embody nothingness is considered heinous and should be avoided. However, the foolish that continue their mindless trek into arcane rituals will find themselves being hurt most by these side-effects.








“You are no dragon.”

Upon progressing further into the liturgies of horrors and voidal worship, you will begin to feel the sway of power, though it is faux. The void is nothingness, and so the descendant-soul will be dreaded by the destruction that proceeds. The void is untapped and unmatched. For this very reason, there are not many voidal creatures that are consciously sane, and it is the same reason as to why voidal mages are physically deteriorated. We are not made for the void.



“You are mauled by lions.”

You begin to realise the pain is unbearable; stitches and flicks of pain, as if your very-body wishes to be destroyed by whatever force of cynical prowess is used. Mages find this pain reluctant after overloading usage in mana, and the same will occur to those attempting to over exceed their limits.  The void is destruction, for it is the undoing of Creation. As descendant-souls are part of the Creator’s visage, it too will be undone by the puissant nature of the void.







“You lose everything.”

Progression is a goat, chewing away at strands of hay for winter’s barley, threatening your friends and family. You tap into your potential, drawing forth large walls of flames and streams of water, all using the prowess of the void. As you venture deeper into the roots of the void, you realise all is lost -- it is blighted, and no longer are you able to cast the magics you once had. The void is a threat, and as it drives false hope of power, you will lose it regardless. 

“This is not immortality.”

The very flesh on your skin is driven away in fear, and the organs that pulp and aerate will turn puss. As you watch your very eyes roll off your socket, and be consumed by an endless miasma of nothingness, you feel powerful. Yet, your cognisance fades, driven to the edge of insanity, necrotic and lifeless, blighted and spilling with taint. It burns, you cry. The void is all-consuming and all-destructive, and all bearers of the eldritch mark will be left with the same -- death. 










The first steps to destruction




As the path of the arcane is filled with both limitless potential but immediate danger, most rituals are cast away and mages tend to remain as steadfast casters of gentle, less-noxious forms of the void (i.e casting fire, or water). The many attributes and side-effects of treading further into the unlittered path are vile and egregious; it is the undoing of creation, and so should be assumed to be against that of the descendant-races.




SIGHTLESS - “Mortal ambition is beneath you, awakened with true sight.”

Ugr’sil do not lower themselves to the standards of mortal sight; they do not require colour, nor the sense of shape. For them, their sight comes from scanning the natural world for their part-self essence; the void itself will be their sight. All that is made of mana will be seen by their fruitful gaze, and that of the void itself cannot hide from their lackless eyes. They are, without fault, perfect in vision; they are also terrible in vision, as they do not recognise shape, and thus are unable to comprehend whether or not something large or small is coming after them. 



BODILESS - “The veracity of freedom starts with the loss of oneself.”

Ugr’sil are accursed mages of many mistakes, and the first is their body. Upon ascending higher into the hierarchy of the void, they begin to find their body is of no relevance; to embody a stasis of pure bliss, one must tether their bodies away and become skinless, organless, only to be left as a frame filled by a miasma of noxious and poisonous stream of the void. The Ugr’sil find themselves to loathe those weighted by a working body, likely out of self-pity or otherwise abhorrence of imperfection. The Ugr’sil are mistakes, and they probably do not see themselves as one. 



LIFELESS - “The void revels in our vacuity, pay no mind to the lack of mortality.” 

The void is nothingness, the complete lack of creation, the inability to live, the darkness that envelopes our universe. In order to become complete with the void, the first step is to embody an aspect of it -- being lifeless. Upon transference and reaching into the recess of the void, you will reach a comatose of lifeless paradise, to no longer feel the pain of emotions nor the fear of death, for those are concepts that are non-existent to you, nor of any partial relevance. The void revels in our vacuity, and so it is important for them to ignore the mortality of others, likely due to being the antithesis of creation itself. 



INSANITY - “You are not the being you were once before; adapt or capitulate.”

The Ugr’sil do not think the same way as mortals, as their mind is bent and shafted by the void; it is blighted and uneasy, slowly consuming them to the ever-black, forced into a state of pure melancholy. It begins to tear away the emotions, and though it starts subtle and uneasy, the concepts that once excited descendants no longer seem to interest them. They will no longer enforce a moral compass, nor will the idea of cruelty or malice seem to shock them in any capacity. To some, it could be called non-sentience, but it is far from it. 






Upon proceeding with the heinous ritual, either through accidental discovery or otherwise, the body is no-more. As listed above, the caretaker of the void - originally a normal mage - will begin to slowly and ruthlessly tear away, taking on the full capacity of the void. Though similar in appearance to necromantic skeletons, they are what should-be of those attempting to gain immortality through the void: organless, skinless and conscious creatures defiled by vicarious nothingness and vivaciously brought to life through the consumption of mana. 





Due to their skeletal remains, the body becomes frail and brittle, unable to comprehend the power of the void at its full capacity. They are weak and uncharming.



As they strive for power, those Ugr’sil achieve true immortality, yet relinquish themselves to the taint of the void, and thus must suffer a painful life. 



Upon their ascension to the highest echelons of the void, they are no longer able to see as normal mortals do. Their sight is limited to scanning mana, and they lack the ability to see colour.




No longer bound by the shackles of weight, their lack of organs and skin increases their speed heavily, allowing them to dodge and weave with more ferocity. This will be further explained below.

Though sickly and spewing voidal blight, the Ugr’sil still pride themselves as being immortal harbingers of the void, the end-of-end, the kindlers of the fierce nothingness. They are the embodiment of the ever-black and will still be able to stand their ground against other forces of nature. 




The body of an Ugr’sil is skeletal in full, taking on the key-characteristics of height from their old mortal coil. Due to being skeletal in nature, the Ugr’sil no longer feels pain from being harmed physically, likely due to their lack of responsive systems. 


Ugr’sil are considered more agile than most due to lacking much weight. Due to this, they are able to walk five blocks per emote rather than the usual four. This should not be used to powergame, nor can they dodge every in-coming attack. 


Ugr’sil are considered blind and are unable to see (regardless of the situation). This is not an aesthetic trait, and so the Ugr’sil must roleplay their blindness appropriately. Their sight is replaced by voidal-scanning, wherein they may see splotches of aura to indicate where people are (mana, life-force and so on) or trails to voidal sites. However, they are unable to see structures, items or obstacles in the way.


Ugr’sil are considered immortal by the standard that they are ageless and will return upon death. However, they may still be permanently-killed on event-team discretion and follow the standards of the current rules on death (i.e suicide is a PK).


Ugr’sil will droop a sickly bile or miasma of black-violet mana that covers their bone. This is an aesthetic of theirs and does not cause any harm. On the contrary, the Ugr’sil must roleplay this aesthetic for player recognition (and because they are not to be confused with necromancer liches). 


Ugr’sil are unable to be harmed by slashing or stabbing of swords (due to their lack of skin or organs, likely passing through them or getting stuck between bones). However, they will be easily battled against blunt force or trauma. Due to their bones being brittle (damage sustained from voidal corruption), they will only be able to take 2-3 hits from blunt weapons (unless wearing something otherwise to protect them).


Ugr’sil may wear light-plates though nothing exceeding this. Any heavy weight will likely cause them to collapse and turn into a pool of voidal blight. 


Ugr’sil must roleplay their personality correctly. As lifeless, non-existent embodiments of the ever-black void, their minds are warped and twisted, no longer heeding the same moral compass as others, nor taking into account criminality and selflessness, justice or punishment. They are unable to feel the proper emotions that most others would, such as shock, hysteria or otherwise, but may feign these emotions. Strictly, they are unable to romance and or find love in others, for they worship the antithesis of creation. 


Ugr’sil may not FTB/ERP. 


Ugr’sil holds descendant-souls, though it is corrupted, twisted and blighted by the void. This means they are unable to reverse their actions (i.e transform back into a descendant) nor are they able to have any other sort of magic or feat that is unrelated to the void in any capacity. 


Ugr’sil will take damage from items, spells or otherwise listed to harm creatures similar to voidal horrors, terrors, atronachs and other voidal machinations. This will vary depending on the spell and the listed effects.



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في البداية لم يكن هناك سوى النار. كان هذا نور الخالق نفسه. كانت قوية.


ألقى شاكرته في أعماق العالم. أعطيت جميع حيواناته الغرض ، لتحقيقه بدلا منه.






In ancient Hayawanism, the creation of the universe was foretold as the song of Ashra; the expurgation of the omnipotent lord. He carried seven chakras in his body, each with a different purpose; the Crown, the Eye, the Throat, the Heart, the Chest, the Sacral, and the Root. 


Once the omnipotent lord set his design into motion, His body split into a hundred segments and seven energies. The segments of the Creator came to be the Aengul and the Daemon, whereas the seven energies slept in the bowels of the cosmos.


Hayawanism spread across the world after the first awakening of the seven energies, causing their manifestation into the mortal realm. A story whispered unto a campfire turned into parables scribed by prophets, until the pantheon of Hayawanism culminated amongst pagan tribesmen. These pagan cultists painted murals and carved shrines to honour the great chakras. 


The followers of Hayawanism believe that the world is a playground set in a universal loop, to allow for His children to dominate and influence; the seven chakras are first sons and daughters of the omnipotent lord. 


As of the modern age, Hayawanism has become less profound outside of mere ancient shrines or invoked large statues, but the essence of the chakras have touched the world once again, and they have awakened for a second time. 



غنى الخالق مثله في الأعماق الفارغة ، حيث بدأ الضوء في التحطم في الكون.


ومع ذلك ، بدأ جسد الخالق في الانقسام ، إلى سبع طاقات مع قدرته المطلقة.




Song of Ashra


A voice mellowed into the depths of the cosmos, one sang by the omnipotent lord. He brooded for many days, contemplating his vast design. The lord creator thought of the design of man, and that of trees. He understood the height of mountains, but did not know how tall they should fall. The questions bequeathed by the creator were all sung in a gentle euphony that permeated His godliness into flickering stars and gusting winds. However, the energies of his chakra powered his true design. 


The Crown ensured stability upon the world He would make, and that it would be filled with people of love and affection. 


The Eye endowed all creatures with knowledge and wisdom, that of the all-knowing lord. However, this wisdom brought discord and strife into living creatures, who wanted to use it for their own demise.


The Throat ensured all would find innovation in trade, so that their gifts of architecture could be spread onto others. It brought the systems of economy, and that of politics. However, it powered voices, to speak on truths and lies, that of uncertainty and of myths. 


The Heart brought peace into all that lived, so that even the most vilest creature would be able to rest. It created vast illusions of the outlines of the world, to let people know that it was the working of the omnipotent lord.


The Chest ensured that all memories either prevailed or faded; everything would flow onwards, and never backwards. Histories would speak on the past, whereas mediocrity deigned into the future.  


The Sacral gave people the desire to speak of stories, so that the omnipotent lord could spread his name across all living creatures. He proposed adventures, so that others could understand the breadth of the world.


The Root sowed fear into the hearts of men, to ensure they feared the omnipotent lord; all creatures were filled with a greed to survive. 


Upon the eve of His creation, the omnipotent lord broke into segments that were of his nature; ruin, order, purity, nature, innovation and etcetera. However, the chakras of the omnipotent lord fled into the graves of the cosmos, to sleep until awakened by those who touched their energies.




عندما نزل الأول من الاثنين ، جاء أحدهما على شكل قرد والآخر على شكل فيل.


ومع ذلك ، فقد ارتكب أحدهما إثمًا على الآخر ، لذلك لعنه الأخ فخجل الأخ فطلب المغفرة.





Parable of the Elephant


As the light of the decaying lord was tethered by seams of energies, the first of the two chakras made their descent into the mortal realm, that of the Crown and the Root. They were mirages of shattered flames, one that withheld an omnipotence from the lord creator. For many years, the chakras manifested only as undetailed embers that were unable to extinguish. Old tribesmen formed shrines surrounding these two kindled flames, both that lacked idea or purpose.


Upon the second coming of the ages, the descendants knew how to build mighty kingdoms and how to secure food and land. The Crown was no longer a flame, but now stood as the apparition of a monkey, swinging across trees and gazing at the breadth of the world. He spoke to simple-minded descendants, and endowed them with emotions that were untouched. He slept upon a perch of peaches to bring nightfall, and moved the seas to give them better access to other wayfaring lands. 


Sadly, the Root did not understand the beauty in descendants, and saw to abuse his power. He came forth as a triumphant elephant, and trampled on those who did not befit his jewels and his power. In truth, he was fearful of descendants, and could only see greed in their eyes; those who desired to steal his omnipotent flame.


The descendants saw the Monkey as a tutor, who wanted to nurture them. He began to overshadow his brother, the Elephant, who people leered at with fear. As the Monkey slept on his divine perch, to blot the sun and bring nightfall to descendants, the Elephant bore a shroud of darkness and held a cutting-knife.


He chopped the Monkey into four pieces, and scattered them across the world, so that he could no longer influence the mortal realm. Thus, the first sinner was born. 


As fear culminated in the hearts of the descendants, the Elephant came to realise his divine mistake, and returned the Monkey to normal. In the heart of this brewing discord, another chakra awoke in the bowels of the cosmos. With decrepit movements, the Eye appeared from under the crust of the world, and manifested as the Owl.










Domains; Mind, Emotions & Words


Worship; The worship of the monkey is prominent across nomads, monks, and artists who explore the world. 


Depictions; He manifests as a monkey, adorning bangles and holding a golden staff. Normally, painted to be on trees, or on a cloud of gold. 




Domains; Fear, Greed & Disguises


Worship; The worship of the elephant is prominent across pranksters and actors, normally in the field of theatre. Furthermore, the elephant is a symbol of wealth in people who worship nature. 


Depictions; He manifests as an elephant, normally bare chested but humanoid in appearance, adorning baggy trousers. The elephant is depicted to carry nothing but its own weight; he is usually painted in savannahs. 




Domains; Wisdom, Prophecies & Discord


Worship; The worship of the elephant is prominent across seers, librarians, scholars and scribes. 


Depictions; He manifests as a hideous owl, bearing a golden cross over one of his eyes. Normally, the owl is painted to be draped in a rich half-cloak of mist, with its scenery matching the nature of the owl, either on top of a golden perch, or in the sky. 





Domains; Adventures, Belief & Folktales


Worship; The worship of the tanuki is prominent across pirates, adventurers, astrologers and story-writers. 


Depictions; She manifests as a keen tanuki, one draped in garments that match those of an adventurer. Usually, the tanuki is painted in decrepit ruins, to flaunt her sense of exploration. 




Domains; Past, Present & Future


Worship; The worship of the pig is prominent across those who traverse into other worlds, historians and politicians. 


Depictions; He manifests as an unsightly pig covered in noble garments. Lord Chest is painted around  a background of clock-works. 




Domains; Merchants, Treasure & Myth


Worship; The worship of the giraffe is prominent across treasure-hunters, merchants, salesmen, jewellers and mystical creatures.


Depictions; He manifests as a giraffe, sometimes depicted with numerous heads. Lord Throat is painted on thrones surrounding stalls, wearing a salesman's attire. 




Domains; Peace, Protection & Illusions.


Worship; The worship of the panda is common amongst knights, medics, and general heroes attempting to do good for the world. It is also common amongst illusionists and gardeners. 


Depictions; He manifests as a large panda, draped in gowns of silk. Normally, the panda is painted on mountains, carrying a bamboo-stick illuminating a fluorescent light. 

The nature of the Celestial Lords is mostly left undiscovered outside of the parables. Usually, both male and female chakras are referred to with the homage of ‘Lord’, as it is not common for them to discriminate within the followers of Hayawanism. In order to understand their existence, the ‘chakras’ are manifestations of the omnipotent lord, and appear in the world as animals. 



غنى الخالق مثله في الأعماق الفارغة ، حيث بدأ الضوء في التحطم في الكون.


ومع ذلك ، فقد ارتكب أحدهما إثمًا على الآخر ، لذلك لعنه الأخ فخجل الأخ فطلب المغفرة.





Celestial Lords


The Monkey and the Elephant descended onto the mortal realm. Whereas the Monkey helped others, the Elephant was too stricken by greed and power. In his envy, the Elephant cut the Monkey into four pieces, and scattered them across the world, before he was forgiven for his sin.


The Owl came from the discord of their fight, and broke out from the earth. He was witnessed by the Elephant and the Monkey. Whereas the Elephant accepted the Owl as a brother, the Monkey could feel something off about him, and knew that the Owl was up to no good.


The Giraffe appeared from the trades made by the three celestial lords, his neck winding out from a cosmic portal. He was neutral across all three, and only wished to enjoy the trade of mortal descendants.


The Panda manifested from the bandits that rose into the world, fighting to steal from the merchants under the Giraffe. He protected the merchants and took in all mortals, in hopes of ensuring peace lasted. And in his rest, the Panda slept upon grass, witnessed by unruly gardeners. 


The Tanuki was once a star, but was shot out from the skies and fell into the world. She existed after men began to hide their wealth that could not be looted by bandits due to the protection of the Panda. Her followers began to adventure the world, in order to find all long lost relics of old. 


The Pig was always, but he never knew when to step in. He existed in the past, the present and the future - but where would he land?



Lord Eye


As the Owl sat upon his golden perch, the celestial lord stared down at a travelling scholar. He flew down, and greeted the scholar. What begets you, to wander this world?”


In response, the scholar answered. Great Owl, I only wish to see the fruit of this world.” 


The Owl learned of mortal desire, and their wish to learn more. 


Lord Crown


The Monkey wrangled a peach from his sacred tree, seated cross-legged. However, the villainous Owl came to disturb his feast.  This tree is mine!”


With a whip of his golden staff, the Monkey sent the Owl plummeting off the tree. Find your own tree!”


The Monkey learned of his brother's nature, and the conflict that was surmised. 


Lord Root


The Elephant trampled over the sand, adorning a satchel of jewels. Upon his journey, the Elephant came across his brother, the Owl. 


He extended his trunk, and offered the Owl a red jewel. Brother of mine, take this as a gift.”


The Owl curved his beak into the jewel, and accepted the token. Thanks!”


The Elephant learned of brotherhood, and came to respect the Owl as his own. 



Lord Throat


The Giraffe leered at the price of a merchant’s jewel, as he then deigned to a trade. How about this, for that?”


He removed another two jewels that seemed to be slightly worn out. The merchant examined the two jewels, and then looked at his singular one. Lord Giraffe, I accept your trade.”


With a smile, the Giraffe exchanged the jewels for his own, and wandered off into the distance. 


The Giraffe learned of mortal nature, and on how to win their hearts. 


Lord Heart


The Panda surveyed the scorching desert, covered in a thick fur of sweat. He used his bamboo-stick to walk around the treacherous path. 


On his journey, the Panda came across a pleading man who thirsted for water. Please, give me something to drink!”

In order to help the man, the Panda brought the tip of the bamboo-stick towards the lips of the man, as water began to gush out from it.


The Panda learned to help others, and that the world was filled with hardship. 



Lord Sacral


The Tanuki held a treasure-map in her fluffy palm, being followed by other like-minded adventures. She noticed a cross on the sandy floor, and conjured a shovel to dig. Dig with me, everyone!”

As all the adventures began to grove the sand away, the shovel of the Tanuki landed onto a wooden surface. She ripped the treasure-chest out, and pried it open to find numerous jewels and riches within. She divided the plunder amongst them. 


The Tanuki learned of the secrets in the world, and that sharing was a part of the adventure.


Lord Chest


The Pig opened a rift into the history of a dreaded war, and stared at the bloodshed. He wanted to change the history of these unfortunate people, and so delved back further, to speak to the King of the past. “Hey! Be careful of those guys! They’re going to war you in a few years!”


As the king listened, he began to prepare for the war, and he won. The Pig moved back into the present, only to find that a different kingdom entirely had vanished, one who lost to the kingdom he warned. “Oh no… what have I done?”


 The Pig learned to grieve, and that tampering with time was but a fool's act. He called for the Monkey and the Owl, who used their powers to reset time to how it was. 

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The captain, a grizzled old man with a salt-and-pepper beard, howled orders from on top of the deck. As crewmen scrambled to follow the demands, the roaring storm barked louder and overtook his words. Sown by harshened ropes, a net captured hundreds of flayed haddocks, blighted by a venomous miasma. 


Waves pounded the starboard of the small fishing vessel like a thousand beating drums, chipping away at fragments of flimsy wooden panels washed ashore in the heat of the burning ocean. The pattering of rain slithered over the crew men's skin like acne, popping and bursting their flesh. Instantly, the ragged old-captain ran into the frontier of the ship and down a small latch, as his crew-men above were left to be consumed by the eviscerating storm. 


Broiled by fear through sweat, and encumbered by his own piddle between his legs, the captain stood. He noticed the tranquillity of the bright storm, illuminating the sky layered in shades of deep grey. With a final survey of the area, he came to notice: all of his crew-men were gone. Clubbed puckers of a wide tentacle strangled the boat, drawn at its farthest end.


The legendary behemoth of the deep-sea, a creature born of the nightmares of Dresdrasil, one of fearsome repute yet not seen as anything but a figment of folklore. Its eyes were deep and rooted by unblinking light, besmirched of sea-weed and coil. 


“C. . - closer…” 


“Burbling. . in the depths. .”


His eyes were illuminated by a shade of turquoise, as tendrils succumbed around his body like a child within a cradle. Ah! Worthy is the captain of the tide, blessed in the cavernous temples of the ocean mother. To be embraced by the love of Dresdrasil, goddess of the deep-sea, parent to all creatures dark and horrendous in the eternal maw of water. To be loved by the mistress of waves.









Thallassos is sourced by the potent force of the ocean mother, an Old One by the name of Dresdrasil who roams the coastal expanse of the cosmos. She lavishes her gifts of power by means of ‘brine’, as later explained, and roots corruption into the hearts of descendants to muscle them into a state of metamorphosis. 


Those first to receive the gift of Thallassos, from Dresdrasil herself, act as mentors to spread her sea-treacherous influence to others deemed capable and worthy of the deep-sea. It is completed by a potent ritual that is gruesome and vile, yet those who come out are different - taking on the appearance of different vertebrates and sea-dwellers. 


Inherently considered a dark-power due to feeding into corruption of the soul, those who fall into the tendrils of Thallassos are not of pure-evil. Each befits a purpose of their own, either to languish in their power, or to live in seclusion. This makes them susceptible to aurum and other methods of detection. 


Upon learning this marine-esque sorcery, they are unable to lose the power of Thallassos, and cannot learn anything aside from it - their souls, now known as the Pelagia, unable to hold other powers. 


‒ Thallassos is a five-slot dark-magic.

‒ Thallassos makes users incapable of learning feats that are not knowledge-based or redlined to stop dark-magics.

‒ Thallassos is considered a deific dark-magic, being sourced from Dresdrasil. 

‒ Thallassos is incompatible with other magics. 

‒ Thallassos will be afflicted with excruciating pain when in touch with aurum and other aurum-esque materials. 

‒ A user of Thallassos cannot FTB whilst afflicted by it at any stage. 



Brine - A sea-esque miasma known as brine, replacing the fundamental term for ‘mana’, which actively generates overtime in their blood. It makes the blood take on shades of blue, green or turquoise. Brine regenerates over the course of (1) OOC day. 

Pelagia - A state of corruption upon the soul which occurs overtime from usage of brine. It explains why those who use thallassos cannot partake in other magics.

Tidesage - A name to classify users of thallassos. It is the blanket term for the lore-piece and is not enforced by lore. 

Drowned - A name to classify semi-undead descendant users of brine that serve the Thallassos. Please look below for more information.

Shoal - A name to classify a group of thallassos users. It is the blanket term for the lore-piece and is not enforced by lore. 

Dresdrasil - An old god, patron of Yyr, who was known for the creation of sea-monsters that currently ravage the world. She is the main source of thallassos.









Those tutored in time to be chosen as the ocean's habitants, known as the Tidesage, eventually undergo a gruesome ritual where one begins metamorphosis. First, an existing user of thallassos who understands the ritual of creation will find a plot of land or a structure filled with enough water to submerge a descendant. One must begin to channel their brine into the existing waters, polluting it with a verdant, blue or turquoise glow. Eventually, the chosen must be straddled into lurid water and drowned to suffocation. Upon arising from the waters, the chosen will be filled with brine to the point of pelagia in which their soul alters overtime. The user will begin to find small signs of alterations that grow overtime. 


‒ This ritual is closed-knowledge to existing users of thallassos with a written and approved teacher-application, who learned the ritual in-roleplay.

‒ Those transformed must be listed in the teacher's existing application until reaching the last stage.

‒ Please look below at the tier-system for appearances. 



Metamorphosis - A tidesage will begin to manifest changes over their bodies, usually of a chosen aquatic vertebrate. For example, one may notice the slow appearance of gills, and patches of scales, or loss of hair. In this stage, most appearance changes are very minimal - it can be one of many sea-esque aesthetics.

Mentality - A tidesage will begin to suffer from signs of depression, insomnia and isolation-dependency when on land. However, this is quite small and builds up overtime. They will begin to detach from social conventions, but it may not be immediately noticed. These mental indifferences seem to vanish when in the presence of coasts, in water, and doused with other sea-esque interactions.

Pelagia  - A tidesage has been newly corrupted; a slow process of brine spreading across the soul and their blood.

Brine  - A stage-one tidesage is capable of using five units of brine.



‒ The aesthetic must be sea-esque, but at this stage, it is quite minimal and scarcely noticeable. At this current time, the aesthetic provides no advantage. 

‒ The mentality is up to the user, but should surround a negative correspondence when on land.

‒ If a magic allows the user(s) to be cleansed of corruption, they may be reverted to a descendant and lose their magic. 

‒ It takes (1) week to get to stage 2.



Metamorphosis - A tidesage will begin to manifest more drastic changes over their bodies, with the increase of scales or slime, and the appearance of their chosen aquatic becoming clear. For example, their gills and fins are more apparent and open, or the bone-structure of their faces has begun to shift and change.

Mentality - A tidesage will begin to suffer from more significant signs of depression, insomnia and isolation-dependency when on land. They will begin to detach from social conventions, and people will start to notice. These mental indifferences seem to vanish when in the presence of coasts, in water, and doused with other sea-esque interactions. 

Pelagia  - A tidesage has been rooted by corruption, infesting half of their soul. 

Brine  - A stage-two tidesage is capable of using ten units of brine.



‒ The aesthetic must be sea-esque, and can take more apparent changes. For example, their jaws might spread to allow ease of access for tentacles that have yet to appear (if taking on the appearance of an octopus, jelly-fish, and so on), or the apparent change of skin-hue with fish-esque scales, fins and gills. At this current time, the aesthetic provides no advantage.

‒ The mentality is up to the user, but should surround a negative correspondence when on land.

‒ If a magic allows the user(s) to be cleansed of corruption, they may be reverted to a descendant and lose their magic. However, it will require two user(s) of the magic to do so.

‒ It takes (1) week to get to stage-3. 



Metamorphosis - A tidesage will finish their state of metamorphosis. Their appearance will no longer resemble a descendant, but that of an aquatic vertebrate. For example, one may have the head of a fish, with puckered lips and honed-eyes, whereas another may bear the head of a large octopus with tentacles escaping their jaw, lashing pulps and burbling water. 

Mentality - A tidesage will begin to suffer from more significant signs of depression, insomnia and isolation-dependency when on land. Their detachment from social convention will now fall into communication with sea-dwellers. These mental indifferences seem to vanish when in the presence of coasts, in water, and doused with other sea-esque interactions. 

Pelagia  - A tidesage has been fully rooted in corruption and it has taken over their soul, altering it with an ichorous sea-like substance. 

Brine  - A tier-three tidesage is capable of using fifteen units of brine.

Lifespan  - A tier-three tidesage has morphed to the point of no longer being considered a descendant, with their life-span being set to 400. 



‒ The aesthetic must be sea-esque, and has taken full changes. It becomes inherently clear in face and body that they are no longer descendants. Either adorning the scalp of an aquatic creature, or their limbs seem to be replaced by crab-like shells. It must fit a specific type of aquatic creature, i.e. one cannot have an octopus-head with crab-like claws on their hand. 

‒ The aesthetic provides no combative advantage. 

‒ The only advantage that can now be used in combat is their ability to breathe underwater. They can still walk and breathe on land. 

‒ The mentality is up to the user, but should surround a negative correspondence when on land.

‒ A tidesage can no longer be cured. 





The transformation into a user of Thallassos comes with many boons, yet at the same time, the drastic change into one begins to cause numerous alterations to their soul - becoming more susceptible to holy-magics and sources that would not harm them as much before. 



‒ Thallassos users are weak to sources of light and fire. Light will be an active deterrent and they will attempt to get away from it, but it does not cause actual harm outside of inflicting pain to their eyes. On the other hand, fire will be twice as effective against a user of Thallassos (i.e. if a descendant gets 1st degree burns, a user of thallassos may get 2nd degree burns).

‒ Thallassos users are weak to spells related to holy-magics, i.e. paladins, and templars. Spells that harm darkspawn will also harm them if listed in their lore to do so. 

‒ Thallassos users have dietary requirements of sea-cuisine (i.e. raw fish, sea-weed and so on). If they are fed on-land cooked meats, it will cause them to violently puke.

‒ Thallassos users are weak to areas prone with high temperatures, such as the desert. After (30) emotes in a region with high temperature, they will become exhausted and collapse from dehydration. However, this does not apply whilst in (deep-dive) form as it keeps them refreshed in this non-evaporating brine-liquid appearance. 

‒ Thallassos users are weak to areas prone to low temperatures, such as ice glaciers, snowy mountain-tops or a strong winter. This causes them to have a (+1) on an emote-count. 





Once reaching stage-three of thallassos, the method of revival for the user is different. Upon dying, the body of the thallassos user will bubble and turn into a pile of glowing, disgusting brine - leaving only their old attire and items on the soil. The brine will begin to retreat towards the direction of an open-body of water.


After (24) hours, the brine will return into the water, and begin to coalesce to reform the body of the thallassos user. 



‒ This revival mechanic only matters to stage-three users of thallassos. Other users of thallassos will simply die and respawn via cloud-temple, as they are still considered descendants.

‒ After dying, the stage-three user of thallassos will splatter and melt into a pool of brine - this must be emoted properly (i.e. verdant, turquoise or blue ichorous liquid glowing). The clothes and items will be left on the scene.

‒ The stage-three user of thallassos will reappear in an open body of water, fully regenerated (if they do not wish to keep their scars). If they were not asked to d20, they can have their items go with them. 

‒ A stage-three user of thallassos cannot play their character for (24) hours immediately after their death. 








Brine is an ichorous, sea-esque miasma that replaces the fundamental usage of ‘mana’ by normal descendants; it is bent and manipulated to create spells or cast rituals in a certain proximity. Brine flows through the genus of a user of thallassos and will also inherently corrupt their soul, warping it under the tight grasp of Dresdrasil. 


Usually, excess brine is shed from the body as a gluttonous turquoise, green or blue glowing fluid that escapes the pores. A prominent tell for someone using brine is their flesh appearing as if it’s burning or glowing - and brine is also the reason a normal descendant transforms to look akin to a hideous sea-creature.





Philios are creatures raised from the depths of the sea, normally taking on a humanoid characteristic similar to the tidesage. However, a philios is much larger in size and can be commanded by the tidesage for their purpose. 


A philios can take on the appearance of a variety of humanoid fishes: fish-heads, shark-heads, octopus-heads, and so on. They cannot arm themselves with shields, armour or mortal armaments but have large claws, pincers and tentacles to replace this. 


Intelligence - The summon is capable of speech and will react appropriately to danger. 

Strength - Philios have olog strength, but have human-flesh durability.

Weakness- Philios are weak to aurum and weapons with similar properties. 

Speed - Due to their size, they are as slow as ologs. 

Size - Philios can be as tall as eight to nine feet in height.

Genus - Philios have 4 units of genus. 


When commanding a philios, a tidesage will be incapable of using their other abilities outside of giving actions to their wretched creatures. 



‒ The appearance of the summon must remain simple. It can be a creature wildly angler with great canines and claws, with a fish-esque head. They cannot have numerous arms or limbs to offer advantages. Their claws are sharp enough to pierce flesh, but not enough to rend through iron-armour.

‒ A tidesage can only summon (1) Philios as will be detailed below. Upon the death of the Philios, the ritual must be completed again to create it. 

‒ Using a summon means a tidesage can only focus on using the summon in question.

‒ If a philios is not emoted to be with the tidesage in combat already, they cannot be summoned.


Philios Summoning - [5 units of brine] [4 emotes] [Non-Combat]

A tidesage must enter a large aquatic body, normally a sea or an ocean, and begin to spread five units of brine over it. Upon success in calling out towards the summon, the philios will appear out of glowing turquoise, blue or verdant hues permeating from the water. 



‒ This takes (5) units of brine.

‒ This takes (4) emotes to complete.

‒ This ritual has a cooldown of (1) OOC week after the death of the summon. 

‒ The user may only summon (1) Philios.

‒ The appearance of the Philios must be represented via an item signed by the story-team to ensure the user is not powergaming and adding more onto the Philios. Once the Philios is dead, the item must be scrapped. 



[1] Bob stares out towards the ocean expanse, as tentacles lashed out from his octopus-esque head, puckering violently. His wet beady eyes fixate into the water, as a verdant-like substance begins to escape his slime-besmirched hand.

[2] The ichorous sea-like miasma undulates into the ocean, and causes it to glow with a bright verdant glow.

[3] Slowly, the water begins to burble, and waves begin to crash over the verdant glow. Bob cackles, his puckers splotching ink from his maw. 

[4] A large silhouette trudges out of the water, covered in sea-weed and moss, bearing the scalp of a great carp - its maw ingested by canines, and its hands replaced by sharp pincer-like claws.


Philios Command - [2 units of brine] [2 emote] [Combat]

A tidesage will channel brine into the philios, forcing it to become subservient and to better command tactics. All commands are vocalised in a burble, gnap or popping sound akin to fish. During this time, a tidesage may still move around freely.



‒ This takes (2) units of brine per combat encounter. After (2) brine has been used to initiate commanding in combat, the other commands do not use up any brine. 

‒ This takes (1) emote to prepare commanding the philios, and then takes only (1) emote each time to command it after preparation has already been completed.

‒ A tidesage may not use other abilities outside of those listed with ‘Philios’ in the name. 

‒ A tidesage can still move around whilst offering commands. Similar to necromancy, the creature acts as a summon. 

‒ A tidesage must be in #RP distance of the philios to command it.

‒ A tidesage cannot command a philios if: their mouth is restricted and the philios is not in clear sight of them



[1] Bob extends a hand out towards his Philios, that ventures towards his flank. A turquoise-like substance gushes out, its entrails beginning to surge into the summon. Instantly, the wet beady eyes of the Philios burn a bright green, as its head yaps and flails in anguish - before growing subservient to its master.


[2] Bob gnaps his maw, as the sound of popping and burbling water resonates out. “Punch!”, he commanded. The Philios brought its claw into a clench, and hooked it out towards the paladins with brute-strength. 


Philios Forfeiture - [2/5 units of brine] [2/4 emote] [Combat]

A tidesage must claw into their polluted flesh to extract two units of brine, dousing the philios with such to wilfully disrupt the essence within it. Upon success in ‘drowning’ the summon’s innards, the philios frantically erupts in sea-like gore, leaving a brine-rich corpse behind.


In the case that three additional units of brine are compelled into the summon, the philios violently implodes (leaving no reusable remains) up to five blocks away from its body in the same fashion. Victims struck by the explosion are doused in the vile essence of the deep-sea, inflicting heart-wrenching burns on flesh. 



‒ This takes (2) units of brine and can only be used once per encounter.

‒ This takes (1) emote to create an injury on oneself, and then takes only (1) emote to forfeit (kill) the philios. If (3) more units of brine are used, the count is amped up to four; taking an additional 1) emote to disturb the recently forfeited philios, and then another (1) emote to make it explode violently.

‒ The philios dies after completing this spell, requiring a tidesage to summon another.

‒ Upon death, the eruption of the philios cannot harm anyone. If (3) more units of brine are used, the explosion causes second-degree burns on exposed flesh. This second explosion cannot affect plated individuals, but it may break through cloth easily. 

‒ The brine-rich remains can only be repurposed for the spells Tidemaking, Entanglement, and Dread. Only one of these may be cast after this spell has been used.

‒ A tidesage can still move around whilst forfeiting their summon.

‒ A tidesage must be in #RP distance of the philios to forfeit it.



[1] Bob


[2] Bob


Tidemaking - [1 units of brine] [2 emote] [Combat]

A tidesage will exert minimal brine into the corpse, triggering the residual essence cradling within to detonate and loosen an impressive tide. Barriers, blockades, or even cages may take form in this powerful torrent–as long as they are no larger than [REDACTED].



‒ This takes (1) units of brine and can only be used after forfeiting one’s philios.

‒ This takes (1) emote to sacrifice a unit of brine, and then only takes (1) to disturb the residual brine inside the deceased philios, instantly summoning a tide (barrier, blockade, or cage).

‒ A tidesage may either create a barrier wherever the corpse, a blockade to cover pathways such as the opening of a cave, or cages precisely around the corpse to encase whoever is in range.

‒ The brine-rich tide can only be destroyed through fire in five emotes, turning somewhat elastic when struck with physical armaments to repel the said. Holy sorceries may also disturb the tide by cleansing it in four emotes while magical flames (Voidal, Dragonsflame) achieve the same goal in three emotes.



[1] Bob


[2] Bob


Entanglement - [3 units of brine] [3 emote] [Combat]

A tidesage will channel enough brine into the corpse, engorging its residual essence to burst out in grotesque, sea-like veins that latch on the closest victim. Upon success in binding the target, the appendages pull inward for two emotes, immobilising them for this duration. At the end of the spell, the victim finds their body to be poisoned with corruption and malformations.



‒ This takes (3) units of brine and can only be used after forfeiting one’s philios.

‒ This takes (2) emotes to extract one’s brine and force it into the deceased philios, and then only takes (1) emote for the residual brine to take form and burst out in sea-like veins. 

–Only one target can be entangled at a time. The sea-like veins may latch onto whatever part of the victim’s body like an arm or leg, and they can only extend up to five blocks away.

‒ If any item on the victim’s persona is on fire, it will be snuffed out by deep-sea corruption.

‒ Nephilim caught in this spell are syphoned from (1) unit of Dragonsflame if immobilised for the complete duration of the ability.

‒ Victims are immobilised for (2) emotes after the casting of this spell, unable to break free without external help (involving sharpened tools like knives). 

‒ Victims struck by this spell are corrupted, having their body grow bulbous warts and barnacles that stiffens movement (while unaffecting combat). This can only be cured through homoeopathy treatment.



[1] Bob


[2] Bob


[3] Bob


Dread - [2 units of brine] [2 emote] [Combat]

A tidesage will infuse the corpse’s residual essence with additional brine, forcing it into the ground. Upon success in drowning the area with deep-sea corruption, it begins to display ensembles not unlike those found on a tide sage's body or sea-dwelling creatures. Victims found within the cursed land are encumbered with visions of the ocean’s depths, inhibiting focus.



‒ This takes (2) units of brine and can only be used after forfeiting one’s philios.

‒ This takes (1) emote to infuse the necessary units of brine into the deceased philios, and then only takes (1) emote to force the residual brine into the ground, immediately cursing the area in deep-sea corruption.

‒ Dread can affect as many victims as the cursed area can fit. Victims found within have their focus reduced, unable to call upon any magical connection for as long as they stay inside the spell’s influence.

‒ Dread lasts for five emotes, after which the area returns to normal.



[1] Bob


[2] Bob







Brine manipulation is a collective of spells used by those under the heraldry of Dresdrasil as full-fledged Thallassos users. This must be taught over time by a progressive teacher who explains each spell, how to manipulate the brine, and how to focus it into different spells. Unlike the drowned, users of Thallassos have a higher capacity and capability with brine. 


Deep Dive - [2 units of brine] [2 emote] [Non-Combat]

A tidesage is born with ease to coarse the deep-sea, taking after their old god and ocean mother. This affinity can translate to common day use if and when a tidesage conveys a direct tether with the brine found within them, discombobulating their body as it liquifies into a darkened pool of water over the ground.



‒ This takes (2) units of brine and can only be used outside of combat. If engaged into combat, a tidesage immediately reverts to their physical form in the same emote as their attack or defence. 

‒ This takes (1) emote to establish a tether with the brine inside them, and then takes (1) emote to agitate it and liquify the tidesage’s body in return.

‒ Philios summons may accompany tidesages while in this form, though may likewise be unable to engage into combat until reverted back to physical form.

‒ In this form, a tidesage perceives the world from under the pool of water that their body had just turned into–like they were submerged deep in it. They may watch, hear, and even touch, though smell and taste becomes null. 

‒ In this form, a tidesage moves quite fluidly. The pool of water that their body had just turned into is capable of transporting itself great distances very swiftly and rather unnoticed, seeping through cracks in wood and stone to avoid being seen. This does not imply that the tidesage cannot be discovered in this form. 

‒ The purpose of this ability is to allow a tidesage to infiltrate and interact with descendants in a rather subtle approach, as disguising is not possible. Compare it to a phantom’s invisibility.



[1] Bob


[2] Bob


Transmutation - [3 units of brine] [2 emote] [Combat]

A tidesage will enroot another tether with the brine churning within them, forcing it to seep into and through every vein in the body. Upon succeeding in completely drenching their bloodstream with this deep-sea essence, the next attack–melee or ranged–will fail to land, swinging right through like water.



‒ This takes (3) units of brine per combat encounter.

‒ This takes (1) emote to establish a tether with one’s inner brine, and then takes another (1) emote to let this brine transform the body into a viscous essence.

‒ In this form, a tidesage can evade the next turn of attacks (melee or ranged), weapons and bolts slashing through their body without dealing harm. If no attacks are delivered within (2) emotes, they are reverted back to their physical self.

‒ Magical attacks of any kind will land on a tidesage despite the casting of Transmutation.



[1] Bob


[2] Bob


Echoes of the Deep - [1/3/5 units of brine] [1/2/3 emote] [Non-Combat]

A tidesage is one of many creatures birthed in thanks to an old god’s avarice–the ocean mother–and thus all seem to belong to the same shoal. It is their right to seize the same putrid brine that dwells in them, and to then use it as a means for exerting sheer will over another creature of the vast sea. All who attempt to perform this ability must follow these regulations:


[1 units of brine - 1 emote] - Creatures from giant clams to crabs, squids, jellyfishes, and other small-sized fishes can be communicated with, with ease. Commands may vary from simple orders to regroup or scatter.


[3 units of brine - 2 emote] - Creatures from dolphins to sharks and large squids and octopus, and other medium-sized fishes can be communicated with, with slight ease. Commands may vary from vague orders to appear or leave, or allow a tidesage to mount them not unlike a steed.


[5 units of brine - 3 emote] - Creatures from whales to giant squids, and other large-sized fishes can be communicated with, with a bit of difficulty. Commands are not possible and a tidesage can only transmit emotions, such as letting a deep-sea monster aware of their intentions to either harm or defend it. 



‒ This takes (1), (3), or (5) units of brine depending on which threshold is used. 

‒ This takes (1), (2), or (3) emotes to complete depending on which threshold is used, consisting in a tidesage coalescing brine at the throat to make their next words known and loud to the targeted sea creature.

‒ A tidesage can only attempt to communicate with a sea creature while not engaged in combat, to the exception of event encounters whereat the host will decide whether the ability can be used, or if it succeeds.

‒ Creatures that are communicated with cannot be ordered around like they were pets or sentient service. They may not be commanded to attack, defend, or interfere with combat in any way.

‒ Creatures that are communicated with will never answer coherently as the mere presence of a tidesage unsettles their being, to the exception of event encounters whereat the host will decide what the sea creature replies.



[1] Bob




[1] Bob


[2] Bob




[1] Bob


[2] Bob


[3] Bob


The Sea Takes - [3 units of brine] [4 emote] [Combat]

A tidesage will channel their brine for nefarious purposes such as extracting all of the liquid contained inside their victim, pulling it forth as bouts of water, vomit, and bile. During this time, the tidesage may not move, lest the spell will break. All victims affected by this ability have their effects worsen depending on the tidesage’s stage as follows:


[Stage One] - The victim begins to profusely sweat in most parts of their body such as armpits or behind the legs, as well as uncontrollably drooling from the mouth. 


[Stage Two] - The victim experiences the same effects from the previous stage, now also having their eyes, noses, and ears expel body liquid the same way their own mouth has been drooling. 


[Stage Three] - The victim experiences the same effects from the previous stage but with higher severity, violently exuding water from every orifice in their face and through the skin as sweat.



‒ This takes (3) units of brine per combat encounter and may not be used more than once on the same victim.

‒ This takes (1) emote to extract brine from oneself, and another (1) emote to channel it to take the shape of an angler’s rusty chain. From this point, the tidesage cannot move and must continue to refine the brine chain in another (1), to then latch it onto their chosen victim in another (1) final emote. 

‒ Once the brine chain has latched on a victim no farther than (15) blocks away, said victim will immediately suffer the effects of the ability–the severity of such varying on the tidesage’s stage.

‒ Only one victim can be affected by this ability and this is by no means lethal. It will simply leave the target disoriented for the next (2) emotes at Stage Two and for (3) emotes at Stage Three, as well as severely dehydrated. Effects are mostly aesthetic and incapable of affecting combat at Stage One.



[1] Bob


[2] Bob


[3] Bob


[4] Bob


Augury - [1 units of brine] [2 emote] [Non-Combat]

Tidesages are tormented by the deafening voices and sounds of the sea’s depths. With malice, these laments from deep under the ocean can be harnessed through manipulated brine. This allows a tidesage to recreate these cries and attribute them with a supernatural sense of chord within their own throat. All sorts of poisoning melodies that a tidesage may sing with these profane noises are as follows:


[Epoulos] - A melody and chord which invokes a dreadful feeling of paranoia, forcing one to believe that whatever crowd they are in is dangerous–falling under the delusion that someone or something is out to get them. This may condition individuals to scatter and disband crowds, sounding not unlike an eerie lullaby made from heavy and distant clicks, whistles, and pulsed calls similar to a blue whale’s own. 


[Katra] - A melody and chord which invokes desperate fear, making one feel as if the crushing weight from the ocean were affecting their body. This may condition individuals to stop and be somewhat paralyzed, lost in a trance of dark thoughts and extreme anxiety, sounding not unlike multiplied voices in which a tidesage spoke, brash and heavy upon hearing while also guttural and gravelled. 


[Kano] - A melody and chord which steals any inkling of courage and makes one feel as if they are rapidly ageing, while others such as undead forcibly sense like they are prey to some impending threat. Deific users ultimately feel abandoned by their respective deities and/or spirits. This song sounds rather mundane with the exception that any nearby philios summons and sea creatures will bubble, growl, and chitter in unison.


[Polemus] - A melody and chord which invokes a feeling of enchantment and bewilderment, forcing one to hear and sense an uneven, rough storm within themselves which was focused upon luring and perseverance. This may condition individuals to drift away from their current tasks and move towards the nearest body of water, preferably the sea, sounding like an errant voice able to take up almost multiple timings, in which it could form songs from. 



‒ This takes (1) units of brine and can only be used outside of combat. If engaged in combat, the song immediately stops in the same emote as a tidesage’s attack or defence.

‒ This takes (2) emotes to complete, consisting in a tidesage channelling a minimal amount of brine into their throat to begin singing different chords. 

‒ A tidesage is able to use Augury while in deep-dive form or underwater, every song transmitting quite clearly. 

‒ Augury may have more aesthetic effects beyond those listed, having no combative, forceful, or beneficial effect.

‒ Augury’s effects force nothing upon those who hear, meaning one cannot be forced to be paralyzed by fear or completely enthralled/entranced. 

‒ A tidesage may not use this ability if they do not have the ability to speak or hum. 



[1] Bob


[2] Bob


[2] Bob


[2] Bob


[2] Bob


Call of the Siren - [6 units of brine] [5 emote] [Combat]

A tidesage will poison a nearby body of water with several units of brine, disturbing the waters contained inside to then form some hectic tendril over time. Upon succeeding in forming the large tendril, it may either slam or swing at a chosen location or victim.



‒ This takes (6) units per combat encounter and may only be used on a body of water as big as five blocks in every direction, or bigger.

‒ This takes (2) emotes to corrupt the body of water with the necessary brine, and then another (1) emote to begin disturbing the water. It then takes (1) emote to form the tendril, and then another (1) emote it to either make it slam or swing at a chosen target.

‒ The large tendril can only slam or swing at a chosen target, location or victim, if it is within a range of five blocks. 

‒ A tidesage must be in #q distance of the tendril to control it accurately.

‒ The large tendril may break through gates, rubble, or any other mundane obstacle no larger than five blocks in height or width. It may slam against a victim and render them unconscious, or swing at up to three different victims to push them back (4) meters with a few broken bones.

‒ After slamming or swinging at a chosen target, the large tendril dissolves and the body of water returns to normal.



[1] Bob


[2] Bob


[3] Bob


[4] Bob


[5] Bob


[6] Bob


Resonance - [3/6 units of brine] [4/5 emote] [Non-Combat]

A tidesage will churn numerous units of brine at the mouth to regurgitate them as a high-pitched sound that resonates deeply off every wall, though is by no means deafening or painful. Upon succeeding in releasing this sonar wave, the potential depth of whatever structure lies ahead is revealed–if there are objects or individuals that move during the casting of this ability, their presence will be vaguely noticed.



‒ This takes (3) initial units of brine and can only be used outside of combat. If engaged in combat, the sonar wave suddenly stops.

‒ This takes (4) initial emotes to complete, consisting in a tidesage concentrating enough units of brine at the mouth before releasing them as a sonar wave to find any hidden passage or the complete infrastructure of a building.

‒ If the chosen building is bigger than a two-story window, a tidesage must spend a total of (6) units of brine, and (5) total emotes to complete the ability.

‒ Objects or individuals moving inside a building that is being resonated will never be fully revealed–a tidesage will only be aware of some presence within the structure. In events, this ability may relay detailed information of either objects or individuals depending on what the host wishes to reveal. 

‒ Resonance cannot be used to metagame the location of individuals or important lore structures. It can only offer an inaccurate depiction of a building’s infrastructure, at best revealing hidden passages.

‒ Resonance cannot find hidden passages that operate on redstone mechanisms unless these have already been found mechanically. 



[1] Bob


[2] Bob


[3] Bob


[4] Bob


[5] (Additional) Bob


Lament of the Deep - [4 units of brine] [2 emote] [Combat]

One of the ocean mother’s last gifts is the ability for a tidesage to unleash a nefarious form under their current aquatic husk, transmuting the said into an aberrant beast not unlike those found in the depths of the deep-sea. In this grotesque form, an immobilised and/or willing victim in grave state will be executed in a gruesome fashion–the tidesage’s monstrous body growing a prickly maw to shred and devour the victim. 



‒ This takes (4) units of brine per combat and may only be used if the victim grants OOC consent, assuming they are either severely wounded or incapacitated.

‒ This takes (1) emote to channel brine into unleashing a tidesage’s ‘true’ form, and then takes another (1) emote to devour the chosen victim.

‒ Dying to this spell does not enforce a PK on the victim.

‒ Other aesthetic approaches may be taken as long as the main theme of the ability is taken into consideration.



[1] Bob


[2] Bob







While some people claimed by the tyranny of the sea are blessed with ancient sorceries, others succumb to misfortune. As the grey-bearded captain left his crewmen to die above the hulk, it was not death that only awaited them. The rolling clouds above them heavily poured down rain, and the winds swept each from tattered oaken planks wayfaring across the ocean. Surely, death would fall upon them all but what is a captain without his crew?


Anguish cradled in the eyes of every pirate, each yielding to a bitter darkness that suppressed their notion of mortal-hood beneath the deep-sea; surrendering will and soul to what some assumed to be the Caretaker or even devils far from this plane–these speculations led nowhere. Dresdrasil had collected these lost wayfarers and while the ocean was not kind to strangers, her divine intervention forced all to feel the crushing pressure of the god’s waters upon their torn bodies. Skin was scarred with sea-weed and wrinkles of purulence, oozing verdant and black from porous wounds; a sickening glow surged from deep within their bodily husks–one that sought to consume them and spread. In the end, the sweet bliss of death failed to lay its grasp upon the crew but at what cost?


“This story is about mistakes. Mistakes made by all those who turn their ears away from the warnings of the sea and thus suffer the consequences.”









The Drowned are classified as undead creatures and are born of the powers of Dresdrasil herself. Their transformation is marked by a gradual surrender to the ocean's unfathomable depths as their once-vital bodies succumb to the life teeming within. The transformation leaves the Drowned bearing only a grim reflection of their former selves, with features like eyes, hair, and skin appearing pale and lifeless. Their physical form also begins to rot, with chunks of flesh and decaying skin giving way to the relentless harvesting of sea life, until they ultimately become one with the briny deep.


Once brine is fully infused into their bodies during their creation, the Drowned will feel a sense of empowerment with their brine giving them new physical attributes, the most important of which is the acquisition of average orc strength. Drowned do not become physically drained through extensive combat, but they will grow weak through losing their brine. They lack muscle structure and "natural physical endurance" as they are powered by said brine. As the Drowned stand against time, their bodies become worn. The oldest of the Drowned hardly resemble themselves at all, while the newer ones often look as if they were unfortunate victims. 


The body of a drowned creature consists of a thick collection of the substance known as brine, with each one individually possessing a total of 10 counts of it that courses throughout their form. Due to this, a faint glow radiates from their form, which is the selected color of their brine, and often seeps out from their airways, eyes, cuticles, and wounds.


‒ Drowned are Undead Creatures and are susceptible to Holy Magics; Templarism & Paladinism, Severance Alchemy, and Fire.
‒ They are immune to feeling pain from physical wounding or exertion , however it will still alter their undead body.

‒ They are immune to fire, poison, natural disease, lack of air, and may not be drowned.
‒ They can not eat or sleep.

‒ They are as strong as an average orc.

‒ They have unlimited endurance in regard to physical exertion.
‒ They can not learn deity magic, voidal magic, nor can they take up any other CA or soul altering feat / magic.
‒ Brine glow will not show through clothes, however it will show on exposed flesh as it ripples through their bloodstream.



The mentality of a drowned person is a rather cruel and harsh one. As they are undead creatures bound to the servitude of the Ocean Mother, Dresdrasil, and her abyssal realm, they carry slivers of the unknown with every thought. Often, the drowned will find themselves experiencing something akin to post-traumatic distress in regards to the event of their drowning. This includes visions and flashbacks of them being locked or stored away in a body of water as brine replaces their life force.


When casting, the effects of their cursed mentality worsen. They will experience low tones that buzz within their ears as if they were thousands of feet beneath the ocean's surface. An unknown language would whisper in their ear and often seep into their own words as if they had become possessed, and it would sound something akin to static frequency—a result of their direct connection to Dresdrasil. Their body would feel as if it were swaying, and flashbacks and memories would flood their mind. The further a Drowned delves into their powers and abilities, the harder it gets to bear the mental effects.


As their bodies and minds descend into madness each day onward, the Drowned will begin to lose more of their past selves. Emotions they might have experienced in the past, such as happiness, joy, pride, and so forth, would scarcely occur again, if at all. As time passes the mind of a Drowned falls deeper into madness. In an effort to stave off their inevitable descent, the Drowned seek out knowledge, assistance, and aid from wise and experienced beings, but the relief they find is often fleeting, as they remain forever tethered to the murky depths of the abyss.



‒ Memories/Flashbacks do not reveal faces or distinct characters involved in the creation of a Drowned.
‒ Mental strain and effects must be emoted when casting and casually during roleplay.

‒ Drowned may play any type of aligned character however they have core negative mentalities that must not be ignored.






—Insert paragraph stating drowned may also access Echoes of the Past– 


Sea Maiden - [Passive] [Combat] 

A drowned is encumbered by the gift of the deep-sea, brine consuming bones and skin to resemble the old-god’s deviance; scales replace flesh while gills and crooked fins sprout anywhere in the body. These physical mutations grant a drowned the ability to not only withstand mundane injuries that would otherwise incapacitate or kill most mortals, but also traverse the sea and its depths with ease, needing only to refresh themself with water every now and then while on land:


[Scales] - Drowned may withstand as many blows as an orc would be able to receive despite one’s racial strength. This to say that humans, elves, or dwarves that have been returned as drowned will be capable of resisting as many attacks as an orc would before death, while being locked to their average strength. Orcs turned into drowned will have the same resilience as their past self.


[Gills] - Drowned may withstand warm temperatures and be away from the ocean for a maximum of (3) OOC hours, needing to refresh themselves with water either through submerging or direct consumption. Ignoring this necessity would irritate the drowned to a point of extreme hostility, prompting them to lash out at whoever is near.


[Fins] - Drowned may withstand the crushing weight of the sea’s depth, their fins despite appearing crooked being somewhat efficient in allowing them rapid travel through ocean waters. This is completely aesthetic and cannot offer any combative advantage in any capacity.



‒ This is a passive ability that every drowned possesses.

‒ None of these mutations can be disguised other than through thick clothing, illusions and the like failing to cover said corruption. 

‒ Scales will appear across the whole body, forcing a drowned to conceal their skin completely. Their faces may not possess as many for the sake of allowing social interactions.

‒ Scales simply make a drowned more resilient, meaning that one would have to deliver as many blows as it would take to kill an orc. This does not imply that drowned are stronger than their racial average or as strong as an orc. They are simply more resistant to pain and strikes.

‒ Gills will always be located on the upper section of a drowned’s body, commonly near the neck and shoulders. These allow drowned to breathe on land but they must be submerged or drenched in salt water every (3) OOC hours to avoid them dehydrating, and turning the drowned mad. 

‒ If (3) OOC hours have passed since a drowned has refreshed themself, they will enter a (10) emote count by the end of which they will be feral, seeking to either bathe themselves in the blood of any nearby victim and/or flee to wherever the closest coast may be located. 

‒ Fins will always be located on either upper or lower body limbs like arms and/or legs. In some cases they may also appear on the back or head. 

‒ Fins are crooked, meaning that they may not be used as an extra appendage and/or tool in combat. However drowned may employ them aesthetically and entirely narratively to traverse the sea like a shoal of tidesages would. 



[1] (Scales) Bob


[1] (Gills) Bob


[1] (Fins) Bob


Rearrangement - [1 units of brine] [2 emote] [Combat] 

A drowned will exacerbate the corruption contained by their body, distorting minimal amounts of brine within them to warp either an arm or leg into a sea-themed weapon of their choosing. These weapons are sickly green, holding an ensemble not unlike the one associated with the ocean mother and her deep-sea monsters.


[Sword] - Drowned may warp one arm or leg with brine into an elongated blade, sharpened and made from what appeared to be glowing coral–verdant, turquoise, and black in colour. This alteration seemed to behave as a normal sword with the durability of gold, resisting up to (2) emotes of combative engagement before shattering. 


[Hammer] - Drowned may warp one arm or leg with brine into a heavy mace, pumping their limb with corruption as it bursts and expands in a fashion similar to a pufferfish–even growing spikes at the end. This alteration followed the same colour palette and seemed to behave as a normal blunt weapon with the durability of iron, resisting up to (3) emotes of combative engagement before shattering.


[Shield] - Drowned may warp two arms or legs with brine into a large barrier, locking themselves in place while their limbs change into a durable shell–or giant clam–to fend off the next round of attacks. This alteration comes across as either a tortoise’s shell or a large clam, either following the same colour palette, and seemed to behave as a normal tower shield with the durability of steel, resisting up to (5) emotes of combative engagement before shattering.



‒ This takes (1) units of brine per weapon and one may only warp the same limb once. This is to say that if an arm has been turned into a sword, after it has reverted and/or been shattered, a drowned will not be able to warp it again for the rest of the encounter.

‒ This takes (1) emote to reach out to the brine residing within oneself, and then takes another (1) emote to rearrange it and warp either an arm or leg. 

‒ Weapons cannot be conjured whilst casting another ability, nor when they are being actively used. 

‒ Swords cannot penetrate through plate armour but may pierce flesh.

‒ Hammers may heavily dent plate armour though are somewhat useless against chainmail.

‒ Shields cannot be penetrated by anything other than a bolt blasted by an arbalest. A drowned may not move while the shield is being actively used.

‒ These weapons can be dispelled in (1) emote unless they have been destroyed, which causes the drowned’s limbs to revert and fall limp for up to (2) emotes.



[1] Bob


[2] Bob


Angling - [3 units of brine] [3 emote] [Combat] 

A drowned will extract the deep-sea essence inside them, drawing it forth in a solidified form–crudely shaped as a prickly harpoon. If and when thrown at a chosen victim, the hardened brine will perforate cloth and skin to lodge itself into the target’s body. Upon succeeding, this expelled brine is recalled and thus the victim is swiftly pulled into the drowned’s immediate range.



‒ This takes (3) units of brine per combat encounter.

‒ This takes (1) emote to establish a tether with one’s inner brine, and then takes another (1) emote to launch the brine at an individual. It then takes another final (1) emote to reclaim their brine and pull the target in front of them if hit.

‒ Drowned move half as fast during this ability and may not cast any other spell.

‒ The brine harpoon can only travel up to (15) blocks away from a drowned and it will only pull a struck victim up to (4) blocks towards the caster. 

‒ If a struck victim has not clung into something nearby like a pole upon the third and last emote, they will be pulled–a pull from which they may not break free unless grabbed by another of average human strength.

‒ The brine harpoon leaves a (2) inches wide and deep wound afterwards, counting as a stab or laceration. A struck victim may also attempt to immediately remove the barbed harpoon before being pulled by forcefully pulling it from their body, instead provoking a (3) inches wide and deep wound afterwards.



[1] Bob


[2] Bob


[3] Bob


Abundance - [Passive] [Non-Combat]

When out of combat, Drowned are capable of passively healing themselves by emerging their bodies in water. When submerged, flesh wounds on their bodies would heal at an exceedingly fast rate. This does not heal removed limbs or body parts, bones, or fatal wounds.



‒ Does not replace limbs.

‒ This cannot be used whilst in combat.
‒ This cannot save someone on the brink of life.
‒ This will not repair bones



[1] Bob


Boil - [3 units of brine] [3 emote] [Combat] 

A drowned will regurgitate brine at the throat, heating the said before releasing it as a bubbling wave of corrupted and searing water. This spewn blast is extremely pungent and burns through cloth and skin easily, leaving second-degree burns on exposed flesh. However outside of combat and/or during events a drowned may opt to utilise this ability as a means to corrode wood, stone and similar materials like obstacles or gates.



‒ Redline



[1] Bob


[2] Bob


Embrace of the Deep - [5 units of brine] [3 emote] [Non-Combat]

A drowned is forever claimed by the avarice of an old-gold, of the ocean mother, and may opt to fulfil their innate purpose–to welcome the sea and carry its crushing influence–by giving up their mortal form and sentience as they know it. This action is irreversible as one is completely warped, engulfed by Dresdasil’s essence and turned into what most know as a Shuul.



‒ This takes (5) units and can only be used outside of combat or during sea-based events.

‒ This takes (3) emotes to complete, consisting in a drowned submerging themself in a deep body of water and letting a large part of their inner brine to leak–consecutively transforming them into a shuul of any type.

‒ Performing this ability constitutes a (PK) whether it is used outside of combat or during sea-based events. Afterwards, the story team may be offered to make use of the drowned character–now shuul–for future events. However this is by no means mandatory and one may not demand the team to recycle their persona.



[1] Bob


[2] Bob


[3] Bob









Rituals are open to both users of thallassos and the drowned; a collective use of brine creating a large and long-lasting change, or to power a greater spell to accomplish their sea-faring goals. In most cases, rituals cannot be done alone and must be in a group: a designated site, a designated lead, and so on.


All rituals listed below have a listed requirement before they can be completed: a number of people, a certain region, or a cooldown. Of course, rituals can be interfered with or broken during the process as redlined appropriately below.


One user of thallassos is worth two drowned in a ritual for the sake of accuracy. 


Rite of Transportation [Aesthetic Ritual]

Requirement - 5 users of thallassos (stage-3) or with alternative (drowned).

Region - An area of large open water (ocean, sea).

Emotes - 10 emotes. 

Brine - 20 units


A tidesage shoal can enter an area of vast open water in order to initiate the rite of transportation. They must seep an excess of twenty-units of brine (split however between the users present); from the depths of the ocean, a great sea-monsters of Dresdrasil will answer their calling - to be used as a permanent alternative to ships.



‒ This takes (20) units of brine, and can be split between the 5 users of thallassos.

‒ This takes (10) emotes to cast but the ritual aesthetic is free-form as long as the brine tells are utilised in some capacity.

‒ This can only take place in the roleplay-range of a large body of water (ocean, seas). It will not work in rivers or small lakes. 

‒ This ritual must be completed by either five users of thallassos at the last stage, or (x) amount of thallassos and (x) amount of drowned.

‒ As explained above, the rite of transportation causes a sea-monster to rise from the water to be used as a means of transportation.

‒ In other words, a group of thallassos-users can aesthetically utilise sea-monsters instead of ships. Of course, this does not grant them any advantage outside of having a sea-monster as a boat. 

‒ A build is required to represent this, and the aesthetic of the sea-monster in question should be discussed with a lore manager beforehand. 

‒ There is a cooldown of 2 OOC weeks before it can be re-attempted (should the sea-monster die). 


Rite of Flooding [Area Ritual]

Requirement - 5 users of thallassos (stage-3) or with alternative (drowned). Ritual site built.

Region - A region near open bodies of water. 

Emotes - 10 emotes. 

Brine - 20 units


A tidesage shoal can enter an area of vast open water in order to initiate the rite of flooding. After seeping an excess of twenty-units of brine (split however between the users present), great tidal waves or a considerable tsunami will plunge ashore and drift towards a certain area, beginning to flood it over a span of 4 OOC days.



‒ This takes (20) units of brine, and can be split between the 5 users of thallassos.

‒ This takes (10) emotes to cast but the ritual aesthetic is free-form as long as the brine tells are utilised in some capacity.

‒ This can only occur in regions near open bodies of water.

‒ The ritual-site must have a visible tell (i.e. glowing with brine, with an ST signature to state where it has started). A ritual site does not have to be massive in size, and should fit the sea-aesthetic, i.e. a monolith infested in sea-weed. 

‒ If this is being done towards a lair, settlement or nation, it requires PRO consent. 

‒ The rite of flooding lasts for 4 OOC days, however if agreed upon, can last for longer or shorter. 

‒ A region that has been flooded requires the appropriate text to state it when entering the region. Depending on the agreement with the nation, it could cause destruction of land or property for certain buildings or areas, and may have a mechanical representation of water.

‒ The rite of flooding can be dispelled via 3 T-5 holy mages upon the ritual site. 


Rite of Faith  [Normal Ritual]

Requirement - 2 users of thallassos (stage-3) or with alternative (drowned).

Region - An area of large open water (ocean, sea).

Emotes - 5 emotes.

Brine - 8 units.


A tidesage shoal can enter an area of vast open water in order to initiate the rite of faith. After undulating an excess of eight units of brine (split however between the users present), they will be offered a blessing of prophetic visions from the Ocean Mother, Dresdrasil. 



‒ This takes (8) units of brine, and can be split between the 2 users of thallassos.

‒ This takes (5) emotes to cast but the ritual aesthetic is free-form as long as the brine tells are utilised in some capacity.

‒ This follows redlines of normal prophecies (via forum-post or otherwise). 

‒ This can also be used for event purposes should Dresdrasil make deific intervention or wish to provide a vision. 

‒ The prophecy or vision can be reflected in the water, or the user can fall into a state of comatose and dream of the vision. 


Rite of Corruption  [Area  Ritual]

Requirement - 2 users of thallassos (stage-3) or with alternative (drowned).

Region - A small area of water (4x4 - 15x15).

Emotes - 3 emotes.

Brine - 8 units.


A tidesage shoal can enter a small area filled with water in order to initiate the rite of corruption. After sparing an excess of eight units of brine (split however between the users present), all sea-life in the specific pond (or equivalent water source) will begin to die, as a verdant, turquoise or blue glow permanently escapes the pool with odious fumes; significant tells such as bubbling will be seen. All who attempt to dip their body into the waters will see the following results:

[1-2 emote] - A person with any body-part dipped in will begin to feel a significant rush of pain attempting to dissuade them from staying inside.

[3-4 emote] - A person with any body-part dipped in will begin to see their skin bubble and pop, leaving them with 2nd degree burns.

[5 emote] - A person with any body-part dipped in will begin to see their skin melt, beginning to show significant parts of bone.

[6 emote] - A person will die, melting into the corrupted waters.


If the rite of corruption is used on an existing and active paladin sunwell, nephilim drakeshrine, frost witch altar , the site will begin to fumigate a noxious verdant, turquoise or blue gas. The light of the sunwell will instantly vanish, and twines of brine will latch around the sunwell in its inert state. 



‒ This takes (8) units of brine, and can be split between the 2 users of thallassos.

‒ This takes (3) emotes to cast but the ritual aesthetic is free-form as long as the brine tells are utilised in some capacity.

‒ There must be a story-team approved sign placed outside of the waters. It should also have a corresponding sign linking to the lore. 

‒ This does not require PRO consent due to the insignificant size of the water-source.

‒ If the rite of corruption is used on a sunwell, a sign must be placed to show that it has been corrupted. Upon it being corrupted, the sunwell does not work until it is purged. If a sunwell is being used to create a large sunbreak (permanent light over an area), it will do the opposite and cause the area to be thrown into a permanent darkness until purged. 

‒ If the rite of corruption is used upon a drakeshrine, a sign must be placed to show that it has been corrupted. Any nephilim who spawns from the drakeshrine will be reborn with full units of corruption. However, the drakeshrine may be returned to normal via a nephilim exerting dragonsflame on it.

‒ If the rite of corruption is used on a frost witch altar, the ice upon the altar will spread with thick, veiny black lines. This means that the altar can no longer be used for rituals and sabbaths. However, the frost witch altar may be returned to normal via a frost witch using resonance. 

‒ The rite of corruption can be healed by druidic blight healing, paladin purging, or shamanic purging. Furthermore, any alchemical potions listed to be capable of purging corruption or blight from land may be used as this is not a powerful rite of corruption in comparison to necrotic or voidal blight / corruption. 


Rite of the Deep  [Normal Ritual]

Requirement - 5  users of thallassos (stage-3) or with alternative (drowned).

Region - A lair-sized region in an open body of water. (lair rules)

Emotes - 5 emotes.

Brine - 20 units.


A tidesage shoal may enter an open body of water and begin to coalesce twenty units of brine (split however between those present) into a standing obelisk. This obelisk must be represented via a build with a sign placed. 


All obelisks must be filled with (4) units of brine per (1) OOC week in order to keep it active and running. The obelisk provides the users of thallassos a way to create pockets of air in deep-sea to build great structures for lairs (so items placed inside of the building do not float away in the waters). People inside of the lair who are incapable of breathing underwater will be temporarily granted the ability to do so, until they escape the region. 



‒ This takes (20) units of brine, and can be split between the 5 users of thallassos.

‒ This takes (5) emotes to cast but the ritual aesthetic is free-form as long as the brine tells are utilised in some capacity.

‒ This can be completed after the acceptance of a lair.

‒ This ability allows for users of thallassos to make structures under the water (such as a city) to be used by them. It also allows for other non-thallassos users to visit it without drowning.

‒ The obelisk must be represented in the build with a clear story-team approved sign.

‒ The obelisk requires (4) units of brine per (1) OOC week to keep it running. This must be logged in a document if requested by the story-team for proof. 

‒ The obelisk is as durable as stone and can be broken. If the obelisk is broken, non-users of thallassos will no longer be capable of breathing under water in the region of the lair, and certain small objects will begin to drift afloat. However, the main structure will keep standing. 


Rite of Drowning [Creation Ritual]

Requirement - 2 users of thallassos (stage-3).

Region - A closed body of water. 

Emotes - 5+ emotes.

Brine - 10 units.


Users of Thallassos can create a lesser variant of creature in the name of Dresdrasil - the Drowned. Drowned are created through two tidesages coming together and submerging the body of a recently perished descendant into a closed body of water. After doing so, they must channel their brine into the body of water in which it will replace most of their body’s matter and serve as their new “life force.”



‒ The body of water must be large enough to submerge the descendant in question. 

‒ This requires OOC consent..

‒This requires an accepted CA after the roleplay has occurred.

‒The body must be intact.


Rite of Ascension [Creature Ritual]

Requirement - 3  users of thallassos (stage-3).

Region - An open body of water. 

Emotes - 5 emotes.

Brine - 15  units.


A drowned must enter a body of water in the presence of a tidesage shoal. After entering, the tidesage shoal must exude an excess of fifteen brine units (split however between those present) into the waters, soaking into a murky verdant, turquoise or blue hue. 


The drowned must then be forcefully plunged into the waters filled with brine; the thickness of the brine causes the drowned to - ironically - drown once again, filling their body and veins with even more brine than they had before. 


Upon doing so, the drowned will be no more and begin transformation into a user of thallassos.



‒ This takes (15) units of brine, and can be split between the 3 users of thallassos.

‒ This takes (5) emotes to cast but the ritual aesthetic is free-form as long as the brine tells are utilised in some capacity.

‒ The drowned in question must then apply on the forums for the Thallassos CA. 

‒ The drowned must follow the normal lore above for progression, losing their old drowned boons.

‒ This cannot be reversed after it is completed. The drowned must provide OOC consent to ascend (i.e. they can’t be forced to become a full thallassos tidesage). 


Rite of Forging [Creation Ritual]

Requirement - any users of thallassos (stage-3).

Region - An open body of water. 

Emotes - any emotes

Brine - 10 minimum units.


A tidesage shoal may come together in order to create an artefact related to brine: weapons, sea-creature, or a specific new type of philios. However, it must stay within the specifics of brine and cannot intermingle with other sorceries.



‒ This allows users of thallassos to create MArt(s). 

‒ All MArt(s) must follow the theme of Thallassos. It is not compatible with other magics.

‒ This follows the same cooldown time as normal MArt(s). 



Co-Writer - Werew0lf

Co-Writer - VictoriaMinaj

Co-Writer - Qizu


Consultation - xx_Bloodstalk_xx

Consultation - Gamma_Byte

Consultation - Panashea


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This man about to end the Wiki teams whole career

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Never walk away from home

ahead of your axe and sword.




Always rise to an early meal

but eat your fill before a feast.



Heill þik,


Bróðir, health and completeness to you in these ill-begotten years. I have been out on a small expedition within the purview of nature. There are many beasts laying affront in this continent, scouring at the darkest corners of the world. 


However, as much as I would like to speak on my adventure through hearty mead surrounded by our kinsmen, there is something more grave at heart. On my journey, I came across the footprints of a large, tyrannical beast. So large were its print upon the dirt, that it seemed culpable enough to hold a large viking! To this, I would say, it seems to be much larger than a mammoth.


I hope that you would be ready to accompany me in tracking whatever foul beast lay ahead, in honourable hunt, so that we may bring its skull back to our halls. I am of the understanding that you may not know how to write, or even read, so hopefully you can show this to your respected teacher to translate. 


Outside of this news, I have no shortage of news. The strenuous journey to becoming a druid has taken a toll on my mind; to be truthful, the other druii have been lacklustre in gaining any significance of growth. They stand around circles, making merry, gossiping, whilst the world is asunder and wretched by evil forces. Hopefully, they can grow out from their mossy walls. 


To end this rightly, I have heard that you have succeeded in your attunement. Vælkomin, broedr, let us bathe in the wisdom of the All-Father.


Við sjáumst seinna.


Written by Thor,

[This post is written to @ and others in Sólgaard].


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