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[✗] [Housemagery addition] Imagini Casting


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Imagini Casting

A Housemagery addition



A painter who hasn’t discovered the power of Imagini Casting, circa 37 SA (Image credit: Wizards of the Coast)




Save Imagini - T4




A Housemage may imprint an image they are currently viewing in their mana, allowing them to save this image for casting an Imagini.


Red lines

  • Takes two emotes after connection to the mana pool to properly save the image, if you only use one emote it will be an incomplete image.

  • This will only save what the Housemage sees. Nothing more, nothing less. If it’s really dark, it will show the dark. If you are blind, it will show your blindness.

  • A housemage cannot blink for the duration of taking an Imagini, this means you can’t use the spell with your eyes closed.

  • A Housemage may only save three Imagini per ooc day.

  • You cannot hold more than one Imagini saved in your mana at a time.

  • You cannot save an Imagini during an FTB’d scene, for obvious reasons.


Example Emote


connects to their mana*


focuses their mana towards their eyes, unblinking*


‘s eyes briefly turn the colour of their mana as the Imagini is saved*



Print Imagini - T4



A Housemage may take the Imagini saved in their mana and flow it onto a suitable blank surface, preserving the Imagini as a quite-lifelike image. The image will have a very faint tint to the colour(s) of the painter’s mana, but it is nearly noticeable.


Red lines

  • Takes four emotes to fully print the Imagini on an item and six to fully print it on a wall as a mural, if you use less than four emotes it will again result in an incomplete image.

  • The housemage can only print what they saved, nothing more.

  • An item of an imagini requires an ST signature, a mural or other un-item Imagini requires ST supervision while it is printed.

  • A Housemage can only print the currently saved Imagini.

  • If you are using Imagini Printing for vandalism, you have to follow the vandalism rules.

  • When printed any 3D perspectives will be nullified, to leave a 2D image.


Example Emote


connects to their mana*


focuses their mana towards the Imagini*


The Imagini slowly starts to appear on the surface**


continues to focus their mana, the Imagini still appearing*


(For mural: Two extra emotes of the image forming)


The Imagini fully appearing, showing what it is**


Abstractify Imagini - T5




A Housemage can force their mana into one of their already printed Imagini, allowing it to be twisted artistically using the colours of their mana. This allows the creation of abstract Imagini.


Red lines

  • A Housemage can abstractify an Imagini up to one ooc day after it is printed, after that the mana has been printed for too long and becomes unchangeable.

  • A Housemage may only abstractify their own Imagini.

  • It takes two emotes after connection to abstactify an Imagini.

  • An abstraction can only create abstract shapes, and only out of the Housemage’s mana colour(s).


Example Emote


connects to their mana*


focuses their mana towards the Imagini*


The Imagini slowly starts to warp in places to the colour of the Housemages mana**


The Imagini has changed and warped, now showing various mana coloured shapes throughout the Imagini.**



Remove Imagini - T3




A Housemage can remove someone else’s Imagini by focusing their mana to clean away the Imagini.


Red lines

  • Removing an Imagini requires ST supervision, and if you don't have RG perms, it requires a Mod too.

  • Removing an Imagini takes the same amount of time as casting it, thus four emotes after connection and six for a mural.


Example Emote


connects to their mana*


focuses their mana towards the Imagini*


The Imagini slowly starts to vanish**


continues to focus their mana, the Imagini still disappearing*


The Imagini fully vanishes**



Some Examples of Incomplete Images






OOC Purpose

The purpose of this addition is to give some magic flavour to painting and visual art, and to allow a way of taking a “photo” that doesn’t break the techlock and still fits the aesthetic of Lord of the Craft.



CephalonAir - For his help along the way

MagicMonke - For their assistance in writing this addition

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you don't really explain what imagini's are beyond the vague description in the purpose. however, i don't think this should be added to housemagery at all. very similar effects can be accomplished with transfiguration's "alter color" spell, as well as figments in sensory illusion. yeah, its harmless, but i'm really not a fan of housemagery encroaching on the aesthetics and cantrips locked behind fully fleshed out voidal magics.




edit: and tbf i can also see this devaluing the minority of artist roleplay to an extent. imagine spending years perfecting oil painting only to be trumped by some redditor housemage using his camera printing spell.

Edited by IsaaKc
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This Lore has been Denied.

Thank you for submitting this, though the team does not believe that a magic to justify screenshots and pictures is necessary for LotC. We believe people can do the painting magic without magic or having to learn it at all.

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