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i have covid atm so im not gonna write much


Haskir didn't have much hope anymore, these days. Too many had come and gone, and the more frequent it occurred, the less he smiled. The less he frowned, too, a stalwart and expressionless thin-lipped indifference beset upon a countenance no longer caring. But as the days went by after hearing she had ventured afar in search of empowerment, he waited patiently to congratulate her in return of her three-hundredth birthday.


Yet she would not return for these congratulations.


Time went on, and finally it was to be assumed a similar fate to the rest had consumed her, 'lest she be lost to wandering. Helinathe, none other than Vivyne Ravexi would not be returning from her ventures. 


All he could do was grow angry. Seething, violent, terrible anger.



bro?.. the birthday surprise party is waiting... dude?



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A gentle breeze rolled over the warm northern beaches of Haelun'or. There, accompanied only by quietly lapping waves and the occasional call of seagulls, a blonde high elf waited patiently for a friend destined never to arrive.



this aint funny bro un-pk right now.


also i am very, very glad i could have played a part in your rp revival - but you found that spark yourself man.


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Harken then to she of fallen ash,


A Queen of Coal, to walk the Titan's path.


A struggle of ascension, her loss of confusion...


A fine life has thusly reached its conclusion. 


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Arthonath's eyes opened under that pillar of Asioth, his meditation interrupted by a feeling of great loss. His sister was gone. He stood then, marching down those steps and off into the wilderness to find Antonius and Serinath, the air smoldering around him all the while. 


((OOC: Hey bro, it isn't April fools, this joke isn't funny bro.

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A kingly statue of stone sat lifelessly, unable to move, nor able to speak. However, from the eyes of the statue, a gentle crack pierced through momentarily, as if it mourned -- how odd.



Happy we could have good RP in our time. We both statues now, huh? I'll still be in touch with you as always, just means we have the opportunity to start fresh elsewhere! :D


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how the tables have turned



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I hate you so much Julius 😔😔


Somewhere a withering Rhenyari bows his head. 

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The voice once more called out. Helianthe had called it false, a mockery and a lie, yet it was not heard by the frowning man. The creased lips hid his true countenance to the blade. Marchosias' gaze lingered on the adamant blade, wisps of vehemence leaking outward in wisps of smoke. His grasp on the hilt tightened, blood-tinged eyes heavy. No response was granted to Geinmiin, merely an apathetic dam that hid remorse.




To the blade, a lingering gaze was all that was granted as he'd turn to peer his eyes before the waves that rocked the seas. He grasping the long-sword, silencing its sardonic tone, replacing it for something else. The Nephilim's eyes closed, and soon did he ponder.




An answer was finally granted as he opened his eyes. He'd exhale through his nostrils as crimson eyes turned to the blade once more. Afterwards, did he speak in a coarse and empathic voice -- granting a statement to the vehement Geinmiin, walking back to the deck that called.



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Nadal Ravexi, none the wiser of his wife, friend, and beloved's passing, continued his wayward search for Vivyne in unbeknown vain. Their life had been errant; he was accustomed to their parting of ways; oblivious to her true nature. Yet, for all the times that the two had walked separate roads, this was beginning to be the longest. For the first time in his long life- his long marriage- he was truly afraid. 


Had a wave embraced her while out at sea? A brigand taxed her of her life? Did a mage ignite her, a headsman behead her, or a vengeful spirit drag her away? Not even the most farcical of Nadal's frit thoughts could compare to the truth. Perhaps, a truth he would never know.


So, he carried on his wandering, a changed man. If he had once had a blithe to him, it had long become stoical and pensive, a strange change for those who knew him; all who did had long passed. Perhaps this was the true curse of an elf? To outlive, in such a cruel place as this.

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Vival having been lost in a endless cycle of being lost in thought among his darkened valley. Moments of contemplation and meditation. For a moment as Vival craved answers and wisdom he looked to a Northern star thinking of his Aunt his last known tie too his Mothers clan of Ravexi as the Silver eyed Ker felt a suspicious chill down his spine as if losing something else in his time. From the Stygian Hollow, Vival returned to his study returning to whichever task he left for himself. 

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