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A Lion's Trial


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[Formatting courtesy of Rylothh’s style.]







Addressed to: Eugeo de Astrea





Eugeo de Astrea, student to the Seeker Jack; You will find that it is the duty of the Embered to uphold His doctrine, and His codices, in all quarters. A storied testament to the stalwart radiance that we, as His Chosen, are to uphold regardless of our personal affiliations - a precedent upheld time and time again throughout the ages, as we all walk this Sunlit Path, in pursuit of Order, and the world that our Lord of Sunlight envisioned upon the inception of Creation. We are bound eternal by the Creeds that He has laid down as His law for us upon this earthly plane, to champion His cause and His virtue among the Descendants of the Four - despite whatever misgivings we may possess, or what loyalties we may have been bound by prior to our kindling within the sacred halls we have so sworn to protect. Thus, it has drawn the gaze of your peers that you have proclaimed yourself a lord - a ‘Duke’ - over the Gray for long years, and indeed have decorated your office with the mantle of ‘King,’ and have thus granted yourself a throne above men. That you refuse to enlighten your ilk of the nature of the Path, or even teach them of our shared Lord. The mishaps and affronts made by those under your demesne, those who you ordain to act in your stead, have likewise raised the concerns of the sister Orders, with the purported violation of our customs and our creeds being seen as commonplace amongst you and yours. That those of the Dark are supposedly commonplace within your domain, that you recruit bandits and miscreants to bolster your ranks, or that your soldiers march into foreign nations bringing tidings of ‘war’ - though that last one seems to have been dealt with swiftly enough, given the pact of non aggression signed after the fact. However, this does not abate the perceived misdeeds, nor the charges levied unto your person. 


For the violation of the following Creeds of Xan, The Lord of Sunlight: 


I.  You are the child of the Maker, the Creator, the Divine, for it is HE who made all the First, the Aenguls and Daemons, and the Second, the Descendants. The Four Races, the Second Children, the Descendants, given life divine by the Creator’s breath, have Xan’s shield and his sword. For that reason, a Paladin may not put himself above descendants, for they are equal. It is also not the concerns of mortal wars which draws the Lion’s gaze. For always there is war amongst the Descendants for struggle is eternal, a curse of the Betrayer which cannot be given relief, a result of the first sins. So it is that the wars of mortals are not touched upon by the Lion’s Pride, for they are meant to be absolved by the descendants by whom they are waged.


II. As Xan demands service from his champions, he expects them not to equate him with the same reverence as God, chiefly expecting it over worship. In the same vein, he allows them to serve other organizations and militias, as long as they continue following their order’s credo and do nothing that would count as breaking it.


IV. While it is said that the Order protects all Descendants from foulness, using the magic given to them by their patron, it should not be confused with offering said magic to just everyone. There is a difference between selling divine artifacts for personal gain and teaching those willing of Paladinism. Offering divine artifacts in such a manner, whether it is trading in coin, power or favours, is strictly frowned upon and shall not be tolerated by either the Order or its patron.


V. The light is the fire in our hearts, the light is the wrath of Xan, the light is the Creator’s glory manifest, and with it we burn away the shadow, cleanse the darkness and all the taint within. The power of Xan is not used lightly, nor ever against the Descendants save for those corrupted and turned against their brothers. We wield the Light only in defense of them, only in service of Xan, or against those once-children of the Creator whose hearts have been made blackened ash, and turned to darkness. Never shall the light of Xan be used against a descendant, except in the most extreme of cases of those poor souls misled by the evil present in all hearts. And yet so all attempts shall be made to cause no permanent harm, all instances of such reported to the rest of the Order.


You, Eugeo de Astrea of Elysium, are thus called to trial at the Keep of Sunbreak, to answer before our Lord and your peers. Let this be an opportunity to clear your name, or the undertaking of a path of Redemption.






Tarathiel Asul’onn, Chaptermaster of the Lions of Lorraine


Alicjo Verrana, Chaptermaster of the Brothers of Virtue


Aer’dir Mallos, Chaptermaster of the Golden Flower


Lucian & Gaelundûyn, Chaptermasters of the Sunlit Covenant


Tilruir’tir of Joma, Curator of Luxem





@SquakHawk @Goon @Evonpire @Johann @Bhased @Suicidium


This post is not intended as, nor should be taken as, an OOC attack of any sort.

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Diomedes remains within a chamber, his lone hand grasping a whip. The Bronze Elf's fingers tightened on the coarse rope, before lifting it up -- the lash soon meeting his back, inflicting a wound and mark upon his back. A cold breath soon left his parted lips, emerald eyes hard upon the stone. His body was covered in scars, littering it like grass covers a hill. Hardened in flames, tempered in solitude and brazen in duty, he soon spoke; his next few words more akin to a mantra than a statement.


"In his glory, we find death."


Yet again, the whip cut through the air, meeting his back with the sharp sting of a knife. The impact opened a wound, ichor dribbling down his back.


"In his light, we find duty."


Once more, it struck him as a snarl of pain left his maw. He'd grit his teeth, drool dribbling down the corners of his mouth. His mouth parted again, seeking to complete the mantra.


"In his eyes, we find meaning."

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Tilruir'tir regards his copy with a satisfied grunt, before returning to making Crumena his nightly bowl of oatmeal.

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