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The First Lesson of An-Gho


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H E  F I R S T  L E S S O N  O F  A N - G H O







The lesson is found, carved upon a carved tablet of slate, blessed, and wicked - all at once. The very letters upon it hummed with a life of their own. 


There were the days when the World was young, when the men lived ages, when the canopied halls of Elves were yet ripe with children, when the vaults of Dwarves were yet to be shut, days when the Orcs were yet not possessed of fire in their blood. These were the days when the World was young, and the Moon hung as large as the Sun, and the Shadow as mighty as the Light. There were the days when the World was young, when the word of Ruin had yet to be named - yet to be spoken - and yet to be known. There were days when the World was young, and the Golden Order yet breathed and died at once. The throat of the young World has been slit - its paleblood yet leaks - trickling in a sickly white with the face of a torturous justice, with the promise of a summer that will never end. And from it’s lips, slips a tongue of painted silver. I ask of you, burning children and blessed mortals, what does it mean to see ?


To see the World is to dream a false dream. You will tell me that you can touch the World as you can touch my face, that you can feel your lover, that you can see as I stand before you. But what is it that stands before you ? Are you aware of what I am ? Can you name every fibre of my body - every rock, every particle of sand that stands in Creation ? Can you see the edge of the World ? You do not see, you dream a partial dream. To see is to see with eyes unclouded, to see as all is, to see as all is meant to be, without lie, without mystery, as if you could see the World from every angle in a single moment - and as if it were glass. So tell me - tell me, what do you see ? Do you see truth, or do you see a dream. You will name it a partial truth - a piece of Creation, however infinitely small, and you will cherish it, claiming that you can truly see. Yet if you stare at a tree, you cannot see within, you cannot name every leaf, and every root. So you see only a piece of the World at one time, clouded, misguided - unable to see the Equation of all things - the greater Culmination of all that is and will be. Can you see what was before ? Can you see what will be ? If you cannot see the Culmination, what do you see ? A partial equation is not a truth, you cannot make pieces of objectivity, and so you fail to truly see. You dream a false dream. Now wonder, and ask of your body if it was given eyes, or if it was given lies. 


I have dreamed, as all men do, 


And I have dreamed of Pits, 


And I have dreamed of Heavens,


And I had given the first of my eyes to the dead, and asked to see,


And the dead gave me the name of my shadow’s shadow, 


And I feared, for I saw now what I sowed, 


And I knew now the darkness that came before, 


And to see the dusk is to see the dawn,


And to see shadow is to see the light,


And to see hate is to see love, 


And to see winter is to see summer. 


I am the An-Gho


I am Arbiter

I am Witness,


I am Prince among Lords,


And I shall see again.


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"For we live in a partial dream, we make do with our own interpretation of the lies within. For righteousness is only subject to perception of one, as is the sin of another, and this is the conception of duality. It glows as the etheral sun, pervading all thought and being, with its own myriad of fractals inward of duality. None except God and His instruments sees all." A priest comments within the shells of a temple within a great tower, repeating the imparted knowledge of the Arbiter's Third Eye.


"For this contradiction established by duality: of struggle and discovery is what defines us, what defines ASIOTH."

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