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"Oh.. The wine is nae strong enough it seems." Keeper Ellenore spoke with a tone of disdain, lifting up her meagerly filled chalice to find that it was nearly empty. She was now distraught and wineless. 

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Alfred frowns from the Seven Skies, "Tried fighting these heretics, it seems I failed.. God, help the good people defeat this plague of.. whatever this is.. Amen."

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"WHAT DOES THIS MEAN WHAT DOES THIS MEAN WHAT DOES THIS MEAN ! ? !"  a monk tore at his hair in utter confusion before the foreign insinuations. 




A fetid thing, dripping bile from between terrible jaws stared at the missive with eyes that reflected the very malice of the stars. Perhaps such peoples would accept such a thing as he, no matter his form, no matter his desires. Perhaps persecution would come to an end, in the embrace of those peoples. 




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An elven woman spoke quietly within her small, dinky brewery. "There they go again, they realize... half the cities don't care, right?"  And with that, she crumpled the missive and went back to her work.

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"I shall take pride in severing their heads from their bodies. The homosecks have only one place and that, my friend, is called a noose." Some van Aert comments as he rests his arms over his Zweihander. 

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Aika Ambrose Murata's fist would clench the missive with a fierce look, passionately resonating with the message against hatred and intolerance inscribed in it. Her eyes were filled with rage that could not be held back any longer as she read through the letter once more. The paper was then smoothed out on her desk before Aika took up an ink brush to write down what had been written there. With her bold strokes, which seemed almost like they'd break if touched by someone else─the young girl wrote down each word of the letter one after another—translating the message in Oyashiman as well.


She quietly folded the parchment into thirds and placed it inside of its envelope. Then she sealed both with red wax, leaving only the address untouched so that no other hand but her recipient might touch them. When finished, she stood up from her seat, walked over to the window facing east, and opened it wide, a charming little bird fluttering about outside. One could hear the sound of wind blowing past this way and that throughout the room. This day, however, was windless, though it was still springtime at present. The bird perched upon the windowsill as she tied the message delicately with a red ribbon—the color of blood, of passion, of love lost─together with a single flower visible behind her. After returning to her chair, she sat down and waited for the bird to complete its delivery.


≿————- ❈ ————-≾




We are all people.


For example, we cannot deny the fact that people who do not fit the standard definition of 'people' have existed since time immemorial─and will continue to exist even further into the future. Therefore, to ignore those individuals because their bodies differ from ours does a great disservice to sentient beings themselves. We should understand our own lives without bias toward race, sex, class, creed, etc., just as we accept everyone around us as equals regardless of these things... As long as beings live, there is always something new to learn, and we must never stop learning.


...That is why I believe there can be nothing greater than tolerance. To tolerate others means accepting them as equal and worthy of respect. Furthermore, tolerance goes beyond mere acceptance. It requires understanding. If you truly wish to forgive anyone, then you must know everything about them first. That is why I say that tolerance begins with knowledge...


It may seem obvious that the same applies to oneself. But consider how often people confuse themselves with God or some kind of universal essence. In reality, we're merely products of the world, and thus simply animals in search of survival─we possess neither divinity nor omnipotence, yet we persist in treating ourselves differently from every living thing, including plants, insects, fish, birds, etc. People treat life forms that lack consciousness as objects rather than fellow creatures. Because of this, we've forgotten a fundamental truth─that we are all part of nature, sharing many commonalities with flora and fauna alike. And most importantly, we forget that, unlike them, we too share the burden of death─just like flowers wilt when the sun sets, we die someday. By denying this, we become monsters among beasts, monstrously cruel towards each other. Thus, I believe that it is necessary to remember that we're also subject to death. Only then shall we realize that we needn't fear anything, whether it's the dark night sky or the darkness that lies deep inside of ourselves.


And finally, my last point.


I am aware that this has already gone far beyond the scope of your lessons," she continued, "but let me explain in full detail anyway. There exists nothing more terrifying than ignorance, and no form of society is immune to it. However, despite being ignorant, I'm sure you see now where this leads─for instance, in the case of racism and sexism. People use terms such as 'race', 'sex', and 'gender' as tools to divide and rule. They don't really think about what they mean, but instead act according to their ingrained prejudices. These words aren't used carelessly, but deliberately. First, they define the group of the 'others'. Next, they categorize them based on superficial physical characteristics, stereotypes, preconceptions, etc. Lastly─they label them as inferior or superior to the majority. All three steps require an element of self-deception. Once you reach the final step, it becomes impossible to return to the beginning and start anew. Each individual carries a mountain of accumulated prejudice with them─everyone is born carrying it, just like the weight of one's lungs. Even if someone wants to change their mind, they won't be able to unless they understand the 'other' completely. In other words, to overcome racial, sexist, and homophobic attitudes, one needs to understand one's own heart first─to understand the meaning of the very words one uses to discriminate. For that reason, I believe that education alone isn't enough. You must experience real-world examples to help you comprehend. Not just study books, but to go out into the world and observe firsthand the countless ways in which these ideas manifest themselves. Otherwise, you'll remain blind─even if you try to open your eyes, it will feel like only half of them are working. Which brings me to the conclusion of my letter.


First, I will absolutely applaud how brave you are to write this notice. Secondly, I hope that in the near future you will find yourself standing alongside me. Finally, allow me to express my gratitude for having had the opportunity to read your words here today.




Aika Ambrose Murata.


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On 10/1/2021 at 6:15 PM, EmiliainWonderland said:

Bro wtf are you on? Just be gay, you're gonna get yourself lynched my guy. The church will literally hunt you down. Don't make rp posts using your character's name bro ;( 



why not let ppl with q word (i think it censors ***** still) characters do what they want. who cares, it creates good conflict rp among ppl lol. as long as ppl aren't harassing them (the author) for it oocly it should be fine


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"Being homosexual as an Elf is threatening your own kin. Don't be homosexual. Since when was there more then two genders..."  Ponders the Archvigilant of War. He chuckled some, throwing the announcement into the fire  

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April Viradiraar wonders what rainbows has to do with sexual orientation. Decidedly , she comments , to nobody in particular, “ I hope this is a valah thing . I sure hope mali aren’t dumb enough to fall for .. whatever this pyramid scheme is.” 

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      "Pride comes before the fall." The squire laughed upon remembering his canonist teachings, surely these people would not survive in Haense. "The only place these people could live in would be the Druids or Elvenesse, because they would not be able to hide out in any of the main human kingdoms nor half the other kingdoms.."

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Eirik scratches his chin, "Huh."

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